Chapter 19

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Farah was being attacked, by books.

From the moment she had entered the library she had known something was wrong, seeing as all of the books were about magic and such. She should've guessed that the books were enchanted, and had minds of their own, especially since they were owned by a sorcerer; but thought nothing of it.

She had ventured through books, trying to find some heroic fantasy tale, but had sadly found nothing of the sort. The only somewhat interesting novel she had found was one that bore the title, Island of the Swans. It appeared to be the only book in the whole library that had nothing to do with magic and sorcery. Farah reached out to grab the book, and that was when she made her mistake.

Once the maid's fingertip grazed over the books spine, it instantly flew out of the shelve making Farah duck so that she wouldn't get hit. When she stood up straight again, she saw the book flying right towards her once more, and ducked again, this time touching the ground. She felt the book zoom right past her, and looked up, hoping it was gone; but sadly, all wishes couldn't come true. For there was the book, hovering in all of it's glory, but this time it wasn't alone.

Behind it were around twenty more books, all somehow staring at Farah with beady and furious eyes. She heard a high pitched scream, and suddenly realized that it was herself who had emitted such a sound. Farah covered her mouth, hoping that the books wouldn't feel attacked by her sudden screech; but they did. And so, they attacked.

Something seemed to click in Farah's mind as she realized that both Strizor and Caspian were in the other room, so she opened her mouth to yell to them, but another scream rang out as a book titled Magic of the Vikings just missed hitting into her face.

She heard footsteps down the hallway and became slightly relieved, as she knew that the two men would be coming for her soon enough; but soon enough wasn't enough time. If she didn't find some way to defend herself now, she may be killed by the time Caspian and Strizor got there. Farah suddenly felt her mother's necklace get hot, she glared at it, muttering a not you too, through gritted teeth; but it seemed to be doing something else.

Perā, say Perā

The same voice that had helped Farah before spoke, knowledge and power booming in her mind. Her eyes widened as another book flew right at her, she barely dodged, falling to the ground.

"Perā...?" Farah spoke out loud. Sounding unsure of herself she shook her head. I must look like an idiot, she frowned thinking to herself.

Say it with more passion and power!  The voice erupted in her mind once more, almost ordering her to listen to it's advice. Farah sighed, unsure if she should listen to the advice of whatever was speaking to her telepathically. Do it! She heard the voice hiss, she growled.

"Oh shut up, will you? It's no use!" She stood, dropping her hands to her sides in defeat and agitation. "And now I'm talking to myself, great." Farah muttered.

Are you going to listen to me or not?  Truthfully, dear child, would you like to be assaulted and attacked by books?

"No....." Farah furrowed her brow as the person in her mind spoke up again.

Then get up there and perform the spell that I just taught you! 

Farah blinked, her eyes wide.

"S-spell? I can't do spells I-"

Oh, yes you can, and you will.  The voice said plainly, making Farah somehow frown even more. She heard a whoosh noise, and ducked before another book attacked her. It was impossible to see through the flurry of flying books.

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