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I followed the cries for help intently, making sure never to lose it as I ran between the trees. I jumped over a small hill to see the waterfall and lake I usually swam in, a strange orange figure struggling to stay afloat. It was obvious she wasn't a good swimmer.

I dropped my weapons and dove in without hesitation. I quickly swam over to her and pulled her back to shore before her head could sink beneath the water. It didn't take long for me to realize I rescued an elemental, but only because she quickly burst into flames the way she was supposed to be.

I ran behind a tree to hide, but that really didn't work. "Don't be afraid, young hero," she said, "you saved my life. Please come talk to me." I was still hesitant, but I slowly stepped out into her view, my ragged clothing catching her attention. "I know just how to repay you," she said. She waved her hand towards me, and my clothes and feet burst into flames. I quickly rolled around on the ground, and even jumped back into the lake again, but the fire didn't go out, yet I soon realized it wasn't burning me. My clothes changed, I was now wearing neat brown pants, an orange shirt made of a leather chain mail mix of material, a glove over my left hand, and a new pair of boots on my once bare feet. My bow and arrows had had also changed, turning to a golden color with a string of fire. The arrow heads now resembled kunai blades. I tried to look up at her questioningly, only for nothing to be there. What just happened? Who was she?

As I sat there bewildered by what just happened, I heard more footsteps behind me, so I ran back into hiding. I saw the camping group run towards the shore.

"Explain to me again why we abandoned camp?" Said the blue creature, out of breath. He and the lava guy were exhausted. "Because you and I both know we saw something extremely fast head this way," said the eagle, "I know it wasn't a hallucination, and so does everyone else." "I don't know what it was," said the purple dragon guy, "but maybe we could make him or her a Skylander." "There you go again with recruiting people," said the girl dragon, "I just wanted to see what could run that fast." "Everyone split up," Stealth suggested, "who or what it was couldn't have made it too far."

I panicked, turning to run deeper into the woods, only to be surprised. "Hey there!" The furry orange one shouted from behind me. I ran up the tree out of instinct and began jumping from tree to tree. If I was lucky that guy didn't tell the others.

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