Point of enlightenment

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Flame was now about ten years old, and he tried his best to get by without Yona. It was hard, especially since they'd use him as a training dummy whilst training young drow and trolls. At least Kaosandra forbid them from using blades and guns, blunt weapons, kicks, and punches only. It didn't change how painful it was, but he managed. He began bottling up his emotions. If he was forced to suffer again, he wasn't going to let Kaos or Kaosandra be satisfied with his screams anymore.

However, one day was a little different than most. The training session hadn't even started yet, but since the adults decided to go off to get drunk, the kids relaxed to read a book one snagged.

Flame could see the golden letters that made up the title, and despite being surrounded, decided to try and read it. Though Yona had taught him some, it was still a little difficult to read larger words. The kids took notice to him struggling to read the title, and rather than laugh at him, decided to teach him the word. Soon they just let him read along with him, every week they seemed to have a new kind of book for him to read. They allowed him to sharpen his skills, unlike the adults who wanted him to remain stupid. He not only developed better reading, but also learned about history and nature, and of course the ten elements.

How he longed to see them in person one day. But for now, he was just fine with his new friends. However this friendship didn't last long, because one day, they were caught, and Flame got his first whipping, leaving a few scars down his back. Though he cried from the pain, he didn't scream, much to the dissatisfaction of Kaosandra and her son.

It was too late however, Flame knew too much. There was a whole world out there for him to explore. An infinite sea of islands to see. If not to travel, then at least to taste freedom, Flame silently vowed that one day he'd escape.

To get more reading material, he became good at stealing, and hiding things. He also met this one troll kid who, despite the risk, gave Flame books in exchange for mice and rats Flameslinger would catch in his cell. Though he was caught himself twice, the troll kid wasn't, as and Flameslinger eventually became a master hider.

He kept this up until he was eleven years old, until he was finally ready to leave.

(Flameslinger POV)

As I read a book on the bedside table, that memory just happened to play through my mind. My whole time in Kaosandra's fortress was all there, but what happened before then? And how exactly did they figure out where I was, and what I was? I had plenty of questions, believe me. For now, however, I needed rest. Until I could start running again, I'd have to stay put at Yona's house.

I did feel slightly betrayed that Eon had decided to secretly send my friends behind me, but I got over that quickly. It was probably about time they knew anyway. I closed the book before burying myself in the covers for the night.

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