Dark path, dark memories

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The memories of Yona just flooded my mind as I traveled deeper into the forest. The trees came closer and closer together, blocking out the sun completely as a memory I knew I was going to hate came to me. As hard as I tried to forget them, I knew it was true.

(Flash back)

Young Flame sat in front of Kaosandra in chains, Yona beside him with her hands tied behind her back. Kaosandra definitely wasn't happy, and her son only smiled wickedly as he awaited for the punishment to be given. The new Butler, a rather tall and skinny troll, was surprisingly the opposite emotion. Everyone else stood emotionless. Kaos, Kaosandra's son, was the one who ratted them out.

"I think you are aware why you are here, aren't you, Yona?" She said. "Yes," Yona replied, "I'm in trouble for doing the right thing." Kaosandra scoffed. "You were raised to be one of the most merciless blade witches in your region, the most obedient. Yet you betrayed me! You deliberately hid the fire elf from me!" "Because he is a child!" Yona snapped, "what makes him so different from one of our drow children, what makes an elf different from the drow!?" Kaosandra just laughed, "they weren't kidding when they said you were feisty."

The portal mistress walked up to Yona and held her chin so that the blade witch would look her in the face. "A drow embraces all that is corrupt and sinister, thus making them the ultimate killing machines," she kindly explained. However there are those who seem to embrace the way of balance, and right..."

With that, she struck Yona to the ground, "A TRUE DROW NEVER SHOW'S MERCY!" "Y-Y-YoNA!" Flame shouted. He wanted to run to her side, but the troll holding his chain yanked him to the ground. Kaosandra's enraged eyes darted towards the elf. "AND YOU!!" She shouted, "TAKE THAT THING BACK TO THE DUNGEON!!! AND TAKE THIS TRAITOR TO THE CHAMBER OF AGONY!" Yona's eyes held fear as she was dragged out of the room, Flame being dragged the opposite direction. Kaos followed Yona, for he was eager to see what they'd do to her.

Flame sat on the cold stone floor, soaked from a cold bucket of water that had been tossed on to him. He had only been with Yona for two years, yet he felt as if he had just lost his only family member. He could hear her screams of pain as a whip cracked off in the distance, and her screaming out in fear as they did horrible things to her.

It wasn't until three hours later that he heard what became of her. She had been left somewhere out in the forest for dead. The two drow guards laughing at what they had done as they walked past his cell. It was almost as if they wanted him to know.

However, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, and turned to see that Butler. He was crying. "I'm sorry, I... I can't change anything that's happened, but you have to be strong without her..." The troll slipped a small elven doll through the bars. "It's what she would have wanted..."

(Present day)

I had stopped, looking down at the doll Yona had made for me long ago. I wiped more tears away. I didn't know if she was really gone, but I knew the kind troll was right. I had to be strong.

I safely packed the small doll back into my bag, before running deeper into the woods.

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