What we knew

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(Flameslinger POV)
At first, we thought Stealth elf was just starting to get worried about the upcoming journey. However we remembered it takes a lot to get her worried at all. Not to mention the fact Dream catcher, the newest Doom raider, was mentioned. Now I understand why Eon didn't want me alone for too long. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, but being out numbered by Doom raiders was definitely not on my bucket list. We all agreed to stick together, and as soon as Spyro's injury was finally healed, we prepared to start traveling again.

I had only run into three of the Doom raiders before, however my friends also had a run-in with some of them. We all gathered around the table the night before our journey and pooled together our knowledge. With powerful enemies in our way, and even Kaosandra involved, we'd have to be extra careful.

I had only fought three of them, not at the same time, but I have fought two of them. I had stopped Doctor Krankcase, the tech Doom raider, from chopping down an enchanted forest to make an unstoppable army of wooden robots. He walked on five wooden spider-like legs that could rapidly spin, and had a gun that shot this nasty acidic green slime. The slime was also used to power his machines, considering he makes it using primordial green goo and other nasty chemicals. He even has some slight electrical charged gloves for stunning foes. He's a hater of nature and a lover of mayhem, and despite having wooden minions, he isn't afraid to fight foes head on. He is a genius, but often refuses to build with any material other than wood.

I also ran into Wolfgang, the undead Doom raider, who was using his music to brainwash a large stadium full of mabu. The large werewolf would often talk about how he was once a handsome musician who accidentally discovered the musical note for pain, making his princess girlfriend dump him and driving him insane. The rage that changed him into a werewolf was so powerful, his twin brother changed with him. While his brother turned to a life of honest fame and fortune, using his music to spread happiness in Skylands, Wolfgang used his music for the exact opposite reason. His musical discovery became his weapon, and he became drunk with power. He soon developed other dangerous musical techniques, each with different effects. He uses his bone harp, which oddly sounds like a guitar, and his brute strength to fight. Wolfgang took an immediate disliking to me, and our first battle was pretty epic.

I had also met the fire Doom raider, Chef pepper jack. He's a walking hot pepper, able to create a dish so spicy, it can become explosive. I had caught him in the act of trying to destroy a food related gameshow by making a supreme spicy chicken pot pie bomb (I am not kidding). However he also didn't like me, or Eruptor for that matter, as the lava golem swallowed the explosive pie whole and ran away from the crowd so he could safely erupt without hurting anyone. Meanwhile I held of Pepper jack until Eruptor returned.

Stealth elf can recall chasing down one of the most elusive thieves in all of Skylands. Nightshade, the dark Doom raider. Despite being born to a rather rich and lavish family. Nightshade decided he wanted to become a thief simply for the thrill of it. He can escape any jail, steal anything at anytime, and get away from any adversary. While Stealth elf was at least able to recover the large moon diamond he stole, the dark mabu still managed to get away. It's probably also no surprise that Nightshade is the one who breaks out the other Doom raiders, should they get caught.

She also went toe to toe with Mesmerelda, the Magic Doom raider. She's also a skilled brainwasher, though she prefers to control others like puppets. The spider-like woman was trying to take over the audience attending an opera. Luckily, she was able to stop her, without disturbing the music in the process.

Spyro and Cynder had actually fought many of the other Doom raiders at once. Golden queen, their goldling leader of the earth element, was stealing all of the golden statues in the Scholarville museum. If anyone tried to stop her and Luminous, the light Doom raider, from getting away, the size changing gluttonous Gulper would crush the beloved library. Gulper, the water Doom raider, could change size because of carbonated drinks, and loved eating, however a spicy daybringer flame brought him back down to size, and it wasn't long before Spyro and Cynder had stopped all three of them.

However... Dream catcher, the air Doom raider, was a wild card. Since she was the newest one, no one knew what to expect from her. However the fact she could read minds and mess with dreams was unsettling. I was almost afraid to fall asleep. However I needed to continue my search, and no one was going to stop us from doing so.

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