A coming threat

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(Flameslinger POV)

Despite being told I'd have to wait a week for my back to heal all the way, it turned from an injury to a cramp in two days. I could run and walk just fine, but it still ached if I pushed myself too hard. The village medic couldn't explain it, and neither could a human doctor traveling from another town couldn't understand what was going on. Spyro felt a little jealous, though he'd deny it. It's probably because I was better in half the time it was supposed to take him. At least he was still healing fine.

I explained to Yona why I preferred to wear a blindfold, and though she was slightly disappointed, she understood, so I was allowed to wear it outside. However whenever I was inside, she insisted I take it off. It was fine by me, but while Spyro was healing, I was planning the next step on our travels.

(Stealth elf POV)

Flameslinger healed surprisingly fast, no one could explain it, but no one questioned it for too long. Yona considered it a blessing, because most of the time no one can recover from an injury like that, it was a miracle he was even healing to begin with. However I couldn't help but find something a little off about it.

Nonetheless a week had almost past and Spyro was just about healed. Flameslinger had a plan, and was willing to let us come along since he did admit he was getting lonely. He already had a strong idea where to go, and we all agreed to follow him the next day. For now however, we all needed to get some rest. Spyro and Flameslinger had been sleeping in the living room since they got better, so Cynder and I had gotten the guest room.

I kicked off my shoes and took off my scarf for the night, ready to let myself fall asleep as I curled up into the covers.

Suddenly, I woke up to the sound of strange laughter, but when I opened my eyes, I was falling! I screamed, before I landed on a grey cloud, the laughter growing louder. The source of this laughter was some kind of floating blue head with long indigo hair and an ugly pink bow with yellow polka dots on it. She gave me a wicked braced grin before doubling over in laughter again.

"What's so funny!?" I demanded. "The look on your face as you fell was priceless!" She exclaimed, "I just wish I could actually post things here." "Where are we?" I asked, clearly annoyed. "Look, right now we're in your dreams!" She said, "in case you haven't somehow heard of me, I'm Dream catcher, and I honestly don't care about you..." "Of course you are! You're the newest Doom raider!" I shouted. "O. M. G! Could you like, NOT interrupt me!? Suddenly a zipper appeared and zipped my mouth closed, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't unzip it.

"As I was saying..." She said, "I honestly don't care about you, I'm actually here for the cutie with the fire eyes, Kaosandra offered some huge money for his capture, so I'm just here to say you're screwed. We know it's the elf were looking for, and there's no way anyone is going to stop us!

"You won't lay a finger on him!!!" I screeched, but Dream catcher only grinned at me. "Yeah, I'd like, totally enjoy watching you try to stop us and all, but I'm gonna have to let you go," she said, "besides, brown is TOTALLY not in any season."

The cloud soon vanished and I was falling again.

I just kept falling...

Before I landed on the floor in the guest room. No more Dream catcher, no more falling, but the danger was still there.

I had to tell the others.

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