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(Flameslinger POV)

It was bright and early one morning, and everyone else was still asleep, so I quietly stepped out of camp to take a brisk morning walk. Despite being the dangerous side of the forest, it was still quite pretty, especially since it had multiple shades of green growing all around. I took in a deep breath of the morning air, and let out a relaxed sigh. Sure, chompies and greebles ran around out here, but even without my bow I can kick them pretty far.

As I stopped to smell a rose, the ground beneath my feet gave way, and I fell into a deep pit. Just moments after falling in, Krankcase and Chompy mage, came out of hiding.

"We... We actually caught him!" Said Krankcase, "that reward money is more than enough for me to buy that new toolset!" "What about us?" Said the mage, "You had OUR chompies dig the pit!" He said, before making a puppet on his hand talk. "Yeah man... We need to reward our chompies!" "Of course we'll split it, there's enough for all the Doom raiders to get something out of this!" The doctor said.

I yawned, glaring up as they talked about all they could do with their money, despite not having it yet. Most people would be distressed or upset if they were in my position at the moment, however I had a good reason why I wasn't freaking out.

I simply ran up the wall of the pit, making sure to jump on their heads, pushing them into the pit before I ran off.

I kept running until I felt like I lost them, only to get caught in another trap just as I slowed my pace. A classic rope snare trap. Three more Doom raiders came out, only it was Nightshade, Mesmerelda, and Gulper. "Great, Gulper was getting really hungry!" The blue blob said in a third person tone. He opened his mouth to try and eat me, but Nightshade slapped his face. "No! If you eat him, we don't get paid!" The mabu scolded. "But Gulper is hungry Noooow...!!!!" The blob whined, causing the two others to argue with him.

I simply swung up into the tree, pulled out a pocket knife and cut the rope holding my ankle. They didn't even notice me circling the tree with the rope before I tied them to the tree, running off again as they cussed and yelled at me.

This time, I figured it would be quite safer to just keep running. I was circling around on my way back to camp, when all of a sudden I ran right into a net that was set up like a spider web. As I struggled to get free, I could hear three people laughing as they approached.

"See guys, use their greatest strength against them," said Luminous, taunting me as Wolfgang slung the net over his shoulder. I was no longer calm as I still struggled to escape. Chef pepper jack laughed at me, the three beginning to walk towards the hideout. I thought I was a goner this time, before I suddenly got an idea.

While Pepper jack wasn't paying attention, I managed to slip my hand out of the net and into his backpack. I pulled out one of his spicy exploding peppers, and pulled off the stem like a grenade pin and slipped it down Wolfgang's pants. Not that dignified of an approach, but I was desperate.

Suddenly, I heard a loud pop, and Wolfgang screaming as he threw the net high up into the air. It finally came undone to where I could jump out and I ran to freedom. The three were too busy fighting as they tried figuring out who did what to notice me running off.

Unfortunately, I got back to camp to find my friends all standing with their arms crossed, Stealth elf looking slightly worried, though she attempted to look annoyed by tapping her foot. "Where were you?" She asked calmly.

"OUt fOr A wAlk..." I said, ignoring the slight slur, "bUt I dO hAvE A funny stOry nOw..."

Though they were still annoyed I slipped off without telling anyone, they couldn't help but get curious as I began telling them what happened.

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