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(Flameslinger's POV)

The trip took a few extra weeks, but we finally made it. However when we arrived, the village was completely deserted, not a sign of life anywhere. However, one house caught my attention. While all of houses where damaged and aged... One was almost calling to me. I could somehow tell it apart from the others.

I could tell it would have been a small house, yet big enough for a family to live in. A few pieces of furniture could be made out from the destruction. A small bed, a few chairs, and a table. On the floor, I found an old fox toy, worn a bit with age, and slight burns. I looked through the rubble some more, only to be met by a skeleton near where the front door would have been.

The old memories flooded my mind again. The drow attacking. Sparx's father... MY father getting stabbed by a lance. And that scream... It had to have been my mother's scream. The dream really was a memory.

This was it.

This was my home.

The home they stole from me.

My friends watched with concerned expressions as I carefully pulled what remained of my father out of the rubble, before digging in the other side of the house to look for my mother's remains. I wasn't going to leave until they had a proper burial.

Spyro and Cynder must have caught on, and as I searched for mom, they dug two holes, and finished just as I lifted another skeleton from the wreckage.

The rest of the afternoon was silent. We all paid our respects to them. I told them everything, how it got to be like this. My parents were taken by surprise, just like I was. They never saw it coming. They never had the chance to protect me. Only one question remained... How did the rest of the village end up like this? They only attacked my home they day I was stolen.

I gently laid the toy fox down between their graves. "I cAmE bAck..." I whispered, "I prOmIsE I'll nEvEr fOrgEt yOU AgAIn..." I laid down on my knees and cried. Spyro sitting next to me with his wing over my shoulder to console me.

It was hard, but I needed to rest. It had taken so long to get here, and I needed all the rest I could get if I wanted to solve any mysteries tomorrow. I slowly closed my mind's eye, reluctantly, but slowly letting sleep take me over.

Suddenly, I woke up in a field of tall wild grass. I shot up, my blindfold gone as I wore nothing but a brown shirt and shorts. I was still me, but it felt so different. The view was immensely beautiful though, and I breathed in the fresh air as I walked barefoot through the field.

I soon came upon a small village at the field's end, a village of elves. Many of them artists, crafters, farmers, and florists. Oddly, they seemed to pay me no mind as I walked through the streets. Children playing as they ran by chasing each other. However when I couldn't jump out of the way in time as a boy teased a girl by stealing her doll, they just ran through me like I was a ghost. My eyes widened as I tried to process what had just happened.

I jumped and yelled, trying to get the attention of the other elves. However they didn't seem to know I was there, they couldn't hear me, and they phased right through me. It was... Strange. However before I could question it more, dark clouds engulfed the sky above the small village, a group of odd zeppelins circling. While the townsfolk stood there trying to make out what they were, I instantly recognized them as drow airships.

Within minutes, the city was overwhelmed. The drow showed no mercy, killing anyone who got in their way. They stole crops, livestock, valuables, art, weapons, but more importantly.... Children. They were stealing young children in cages and nets, killing off any teenagers or adults who tried stopping them.

And I couldn't do anything about it.

Drow and elves ran through me like I was nothing as I witnessed the carnage around me. I noticed an elven woman running off away from the crowd, something being held tightly in her arms as she ran off into a field. As I ran to follow her, I could hear a group of drow who spotted her call out to their friends.

I managed to catch up with her, noticing she had been carrying a small child in her arms. A little girl with familiar minty green skin. She looked to be three years old and was fast asleep, despite the chaos around her.

My eyes widened, because I realized it was Stealth.

The woman gently and firmly tied her daughter to the back of a sheep, hiding her in it's soft wool, using a strand of grass to hold her to the warm animal. She whispered something to her baby, before giving her one last kiss and slapping the sheep so hard, it ran far off into the forest. When the drow arrived, they showed the poor mother no mercy.

Suddenly, I was somewhere else... A forest high up in the mountains. There was no more drow, no more elves. However, I saw a blue figure, and cautiously approached.

Two dragons looked down at a nest lovingly. They were about the same size, if not a little bit larger than dragons I knew personally. The male was a deep blue color with deep purple horns and bright red eyes. The female was red, with short orange horns and soft pink eyes. Their egg was the size of a small melon, it was purple with orange specks, and the two dragons protected it with their lives, whilst keeping a loving gaze on it.

However, a group of trolls and greebles working together caught them off guard, the male breathing purple flames at them while his wife shielded their egg with her own body. However a blast of black and red smoke struck them violently, slowly sucking the life from them as a tall figure wearing a hoodie black robe laughed. She was about to snatch the defenseless egg from the nest as the dragons tried to use their last breath to save it, only for a blinding white beam of light to strike the black robed woman. The light blinding me in the process.

When my vision cleared, I was yet again somewhere else. However, I saw Kaosandra and two of her henchmen walking down a path in the underworld. A gigantic black dragon with soulless eyes landing to meet them.

One of Kaosandra's henchmen held out another egg. This one violet with black specks. The soulless dragon smiled, promising to turn the hatchling into a minion, since the egg seemed to bother Kaosandra so much. As their evil heartless laughter filled my ears, everything went dark, and I stood in a dark void of nothing.

I stood there, trying to make sense of all I saw.

Then, I saw a small light off in the distance. Could it lead to the answers? I ran towards it without a second thought. The light blinding me once more as I traveled somewhere else.

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