An explanation

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(Stealth elf POV)

Spyro's right front claw had been bleeding for a while, but Thoro managed to clean it up and bandage it tightly. We were lucky he found us when he did, otherwise Spyro's injury could have been much worse. Spyro had hurt himself while we had been searching for Flameslinger. However as we were looking he had accidentally stepped on a bear trap, which Thoro explained had been set for catching greebles.

After Spyro had been carefully bandaged, Thoro turned to us. "My wife found your friend earlier, he's recovering from an injury as well, so be mindful." He nodded, Spyro carefully walking on three legs as we made our way down the hall.

Flameslinger was in bed, his eyes shut tight until he tried to reach for his blindfold, only for Thoro's wife to stop him. "No, Flame," she said, "you need to let them see."  Flameslinger shook his head, only for the elven woman to give him a glare. "I'm surprised they haven't seen them yet," said the wife, "you aren't in Kaosandra's anym..." She was cut off by Flameslinger jumping up and covering her mouth. His eyes were wide open. I wasn't completely sure about Spyro or Cynder's reactions, but I knew how I felt. The two glowing flames danced as I looked, I was mesmerized by the beautiful flames. He tensed as I walked closer, shutting his eyes until I touched his cheek and held his face in the palm of my hand. I ignored everyone else for a moment and focused on him. "Why would you want to hide these?" I asked, "they're... Beautiful..." From that statement alone, he turned a little red and looked at me.

"Excuse me!" Cynder spoke up, "I'm still greatly confused here! I think all of us have confessions and explanations and whatnot!" "Oh yes!" Said Yona. "I'll explain how I know Flame, he'll explain how he escaped, and you three will explain how you got here," she said, pulling up a chair.

"I met Flame when he was seven years old. He was a prisoner of Kaosandra, and I was a blade witch. Despite being ordered to take him back to his cell, I hid him away instead, and it worked for two years until we were ratted out and separated. I was left for dead by the drow, but taken in by this kind village and nursed back to health, vowing never to raise a blade again," Yona explained.

"And what about the three of you?" She asked. "Well..." Said Spyro, "after Eon sent Flameslinger to go rediscover his origins, he sent the girls and I to silently follow him, but look how it turned out..." He said nervously. Flameslinger suddenly had a look of disbelief on his face, and I could tell he most likely wanted to say something like, "what!? He didn't trust me to go on my own!?" He was absolutely dumbfounded, not sure how to process it. I remember clearly that Eon made it sound like he could do it on his own, yet I'm sure he felt betrayed.

Yona turned her head to Flameslinger. "You became a Skylander?" She asked. The archer nodded, earning a big hug and kiss from Yona. "I'm so proud of you! I'm really happy that you like helping others!"

Next it was Flameslinger's turn to explain, and though his voice was a little slurred. He explained everything he remembered. The cold cell, the lack of food, young bratty Kaos, Kaosandra, his escape, everything. Our journey so far started making sense, but I was shocked. A boy as sweet as Flameslinger, and that happened to him?

I couldn't sleep that night, clearly upset as I imagined a small elven boy with flaming eyes in a dark cramped cell, cold and starving.

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