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"Be brave, baby. Mama will be back in one month. I love you so much, baby." April assures her little girl, voice quivering and hazel eyes clouding. "You're a good girl. Your grandma and grandpa won't be mean, you'll be okay. You'll be much better off here than with me."

Delilahs lip quivers as she tries desperately not to cry, desperate to make a good first impression to her new guardians. She doesn't want them to look down on her. They can't think she's weak.

She looks up and breathes deeply to push the sobs back down her throat. "I love you, mama." She whimpers.

"I love you so much, my baby." A few tears slip past aprils eyelashes and she blinks them away. "Be a good girl. I'll call when I land." She kisses her daughters forehead before pushing her gently to the door. April knocks gingerly before wiping away the tears under her eyes, slightly nervous to see her parents after 15 years, but more worried and sad for her little girl and the fact that they had to be separated.

Delilah tries to push back, escape the confrontation she's about to face, but her moms behind her, keeping her in front of the door of doom, in Delilahs mind.

She glances around nervously, looking for escape, and meets eyes with a tall tan man with black hair returning to the house two down from her grandparents, with a stack of mail in his hand.

She's distracted for a moment by his sharp features, breathtaking, glaring to keep the sun away.

She's startled to her senses when the door opens to a 50 some year old woman, gray hair long and gorgeous and neat, wrinkles fascinating, showing more wiseness, rather than age, however, her glare on the older of the two at her door isn't inviting, Delilah finds herself shying away, ready to cry again.

Delilahs never been told about her mothers upbringing, about her mothers parents, other than that they wouldn't hurt her.

The woman's scarred and dull blue eyes finally drag down to Delilahs frame scrutinizingly.

"This is... Jezebel?" Her stern voice asks, harsh and judgmental, almost scornful.

April rolls her eyes. "Delilah, mother." She smiles down at the girl reassuringly. "Her name is Delilah."

April runs her fingers through the bubble gum pink hair, she'd let Delilah get it done for her last birthday after her begging for 12 years. she almost regretted it, missed the brown hair. She did think it looked nice, though, with the brown roots grown out and blended into the pink wavy hair nicely.

The eldest woman, however, did not seem to approve.

"Be nice please, mother." April almost hissed. "Lie, baby, heres your bags. Your gonna be in the room I grew up in, it's a little different than your old room, but your sheets and decor and what not are in this bag. I love you so much, Delilah. I've gotta go, I'm gonna miss my plane. Your grandmother will show you where your room is and introduce you to grandfather. Be good please, I know you will. I'll call tonight if I don't land too late. You know your rules, go to bed on time, please, do your school work." She reviews with the small girl, who nods along.

"I'll be okay, mama. I love you. Safe flight." Delilah, like the good, strong, self sacrificing, understanding little girl she is, reassures her mother.

"Okay, baby. Love you, talk to you later." April smiles tearily, kissing her daughters forehead before running back to the taxi.

Delilah nervously sticks out her hand after watching the taxi pull away, offering a friendly smile to the woman.
"Nice to meet you."

The older woman- Marcy-sighs and takes the girl's hand, pulling her inside.

"I expect you to be respectful and quiet. Don't bring people here and let me or David- your grandfather- know if you're going to be out unexpectedly. You're welcome to any food you find, I'll provide breakfast-usually- and dinner. I don't want any trouble out of you." Marcy's stern front drops as soon as they are in the house and she comes to look more tired and worn down.

"Yes ma'am." Delilah recites softly and quietly as she takes off her shoes.

"Your room is down that hall and the last door, the door to the left is the bathroom. David and I's rooms are upstairs. You're not to go up there without permission unless its very important, if so, my room is first on right, his is first on left."

Delilah keeps her mouth shut, although she is curious as to why they sleep separately. Her pale blue eyes dart about the house curiously.

"The kitchen is just past the living room, you may use the tellie from 9 am to 8 pm, unless told otherwise." Marcy slumps and sighs often as she speaks, speaking almost rehearsedly.

"Anything else you might need to know?"

"No ma'am, thank you so much for letting me stay here." The young girls voice wavers as she speaks, trying her best to use manners and be a good girl, make this scary woman approve of her.

The woman hums before retreating to the upper floor of the house. "You should go to bed soon, I'm assuming your mother fed you?"

"Yes maam. Thankyou, I will, soon." Delilah begins crying as soon as the lady is out of sight, rushing to the room she is assigned and falling to her knees to sob quietly.

She wants to be strong, but this woman is being so numb right when she needs someone to comfort her and it hurts in her chest to feel like she doesn't have anyone anymore.

She regains herself after a good half hour, pulling out the cotton candy sheets- that contrast harshly against the gray walls- and makes the bed, putting all her stuffed animals on it and deciding she'll do the rest tomorrow before changing into pajamas and going to sleep sorrowfully.

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