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Delilah bounces on her toes as she waits by the door of her grandparents house, staring out the window and grinning as she watches for the taxi carrying her mother to pull up. The gift she got for her mom is clutched tightly in her hands and her grandparents watch from the dining room, in a good mood for once.

The two seniors were amused and warmed by the love the little girl obviously had for her mother, despite the fact that they had wished their daughter would abort the baby.

Although it was immature, they found it cute when Delilah had run up to them the day before to show them what she'd gotten for her mum at the mall, telling them she'd taken the bus and used money she had saved up from when she lived with her mum.

Delilah didn't like lying to the two, but she liked them being mad at her even less, so it'd have to do.

It didn't bother her now, anyway, she was too distracted thinking about all the fun things she's gonna do with her mummy when she finally gets here, but it seems to be taking much too long- although, her mother said the plane would land at nine and the taxi would probably arrive at the house after eleven thirty, and it was currently eleven twenty.

Delilah has been bouncing about the house all morning, suppressing her squeals as best she could.

Even her favorite boys haven't really crossed her mind until now, when she remembered how excited she was to introduce her mother to them. They'd like mum, and she can see no reason why her mum wouldn't like them. They're sweet and kind and loving and they keep Delilah in line when she needs it, and theyre her only friends, right now, despite how she wishes she could gain more. But that's so hard to do when you rarely leave the neighborhood.

"Mummy!" She shrieks when a taxi pulls up. She yanks the door open as her mom opens the door to the taxi with a large grin.

"Baby!" April exclaims. She puts her bag down and laughs as Delilah runs into her arms and hugs her tightly. "I missed you so much, sweetheart! I love you baby."

The words get to delilah more than they should, and she begins sobbing unexpectedly. April gasps, sitting down on the nearby bus stop bench and sitting Delilah in her lap, kissing her head and letting her sob into her shoulder.

"What's wrong, my baby? Why are you crying?" She says, trying to comfort the little girl. "What can mommy do, my little one?"

"I mi-mi-missed you!" She sobs, and the taxi driver sighs in annoyance because he can't leave as long as April's bags are in the trunk.

"I'll get them." David smiles, opening the trunk and pulling out April's suitcase. The taxi driver pulls away and April struggles to pick Delilah up and carry her inside.

Ashton, who 'just so happens' to be passing the window, frowns when he sees the woman carrying the sobbing girl in. He almost wants to intrude, make sure everything is okay, but he refrains.

Delilah said she'd bring her mum over to meet them later, she's probably just happy her mum is back. She's probably okay, but he can't help but worry, as do the other boys when he tells them what he saw.

Once inside, April takes Delilah to her room as David cringe the bags in and sets them inside the door before leaving the two to talk.

"Stop crying, baby, mommy's here." She comforts, and slowly Delilah calms to sniffles.

"Msorry, mummy. I d-didn't meanta cry, b-but I missed you s-so much. I love you." Delilah says as she cuddles up to her mom, still sitting in her lap.

April smiles and kisses away her tears. "You know you never have to apologize for crying, baby. Mommy missed you so much too, and I love you more." She reassures.

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