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"Delilah, would you like to do something fun today?" Delilah rolls her eyes as the blonde peeks into her room.


"Too bad, you don't have a choice!" The blonde grins, pulling her off her bed.

"Get off! Get your hands off me! I don't want to go!" She shrieks as Luke drags her out of bed.

"If you successfully refuse then you're writing that essay today." He threatens. Delilah groans and agrees reluctantly.

"Fine, leave so I can change. What are we doing?"

"We have a few options, you can decide."
Luke says as he leaves, heading downstairs to finish breakfast.

Delilah sighs and gets dressed doing all her bathroom stuff, then doing quick makeup and heading downstairs to eat.

"So, we can go skating, mall and movie, or if you have any other ideas?" Calum asks. Delilah smiles sneakily.

"Mall." She answers quickly and they nod, smiling at her agreeableness today.

As soon as they're done eating she jumps up to put on her shoes. As they ate they had all decided on a movie to see.

They drive to the mall and Delilah hops out excitedly, glaring when her arms grabbed so she can't run off.

Her plan was to try and sneak off, she wasn't quite sure what she'd do once she'd done that, maybe try and get on a bus and meet up with Derrick, but she's having a hard time getting out of their sight. She refuses to hold their hand as they'd like her to but they keep a close watch of her and she's irritated and snappy by it, constantly getting scolded for her attitude. She ends up having to wait until after the movie, which is rather irritating. Then she has to beg to keep shopping longer, which they eventually allow, only because she acted sweet about it.

"Um, I'm trying these on." She mumbles, handing them the bags of stuff they bought her and taking some clothes to the dressing room. She watches them carefully, they don't watch her go in so she lays the clothes down and quickly flees the store they're in.

She grins at having succeeded as she rushes out of the mall, towards the nearest bus station. She pulls out her phone to text Derrick and ask if he'll meet her at his house in a few hours, and he replies with a winky face and a see you then, babe.

She waits anxiously for a bus, cringing when her phone buzzes, calums name popping up asking is she's almost done. She ignores it and it begins buzzing more, and the it's ringing and she's letting it without answering. She taps her foot, hoping a bus will come soon. She grins when one pulls up going in the right direction and hops on, handing the driver the right amount of change and sitting down.

Her phone rings nonstop, interrupting the music she's starting to listen to every few seconds, so she gives up on the, putting her headphones away and just letting it buzz on the seat next to her.

The boys are searching the mall frantically, fairly certain the mischievous teenage girl has snuck off on purpose but also worried she hasn't and something happened.

"Fucking brat." Michael grumbles to Luke as they search about, calling into female bathrooms for her and looking in every store.

"Bet ashtons gonna beat her ass." Luke mutters and Michael nods.

"If he doesn't I will."

"If nothing else happened." Luke states worriedly.

An hour into the bus drive, Delilah frowns when she glances at her frown and Derrick has told her never mind, he's busy. What is she supposed to do now? This drive isn't worth just seeing one of her girl friends.

She debates answering one of the boys, but she'll get in trouble, who knows what they'll do, they won't let her leave the house again.

She decides to get off at the next stop, devising a plan until then.

How can she not get in trouble?

She gets off and onto a bus going back to where she came from.

A half hour in she's made a plan. She'll go to their house, and when they arrive tell them she didnt see them in the store and her phone died, so she looked around for them and then decided to go the theirs and charge it and they came home before she got the chance to call them.

She eventually makes her way to their house, relieved they're not there yet as she comes in the back for since the front is locked. She changes her plan slightly, calling them.

"Where the hell are you little girl?" Lukes firm voice answers. She called him because he's usually most patient, and she figures she'll be able to get her story out best with him. He lets her speak and she quickly rushes out the excuse.

"I called you as soon as my phone came back on." She says in a soft sad voice, hoping for sympathy points. Luke rolls his eyes.

"We're on our way, don't you dare move little girl." He says sternly and she sighs, sitting on the couch and bouncing her knee.

The boys come in clearly fuming. "I-I swear i-"

"Shut up." She's cut off.

"That story is clearly shit. There was no missing us waiting for you in that store. You snuck off. I don't know why you decided to come back but you're not getting off the hook that easily." Ashton says, grabbing her arm and dragging her to her room.

"What are you doing? I swear I'm telling the truth! Lemme go! Stop!" She shrieks as she's dragged to her room.

"No, I've had enough of your attitude and you've had this coming for a long time." Ashton says. Delilahs scared by his words and tone and screams out nos as he sits on her bed.

"No im scared don't hurt me!" She shrieks and Ashton sighs.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just giving you a spanking." He sighs.

"That sounds like hurting me!" She cries. "You can't! I wanna call my mom! She won't let you!"

"Your mom already told me this is fine." Ashton assures cockily and Delilah sobs.

"No!" She cries, seeming to revert back to her childish self a bit and Ashton sighs, pulling her sobbing frame to his chest.

"You've had spanks before baby, it won't be that bad. Cmon now. What you did wasn't okay, we thought you could've gotten kidnapped or hurt. You deliberately snuck off. Come on." Ashton drags her over his lap, planning on making this quick.

Delilah sobs and kicks her legs as Ashton rains down smacks over her skirt. "Please! I'm sorry! Ashy no more! Stop it! Hurts! I'm sorry please!"

Ashton only does 30 spanks, making them not too hard, not being able to hear listening to the sobs. As soon as he's finished he lifts her into his lap and she sobs into his shoulder, feeling rather shocked and upset. Ashton stands and bounces her.

"You wanna go see Mikey and cali and lu?" He asks and she nods, feeling embarrassed but wanting comfort. She can feel herself slipping back into old feelings and her old personality, her real personality.

Ashton smiles and carries her downstairs where the other three are sitting on the couch, plopping her in calums lap as he's in the middle and she clings to him as the other two rub her back.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Michael asks gently and she nods, cries dying down.

"Are you feeling better now babygirl?" Luke asks, hoping she won't reject the pet name. She nods again and they all smile.

"Can I have Icecream?" She whimpers pathetically. Ashton immediately goes to get some, feeling bad, which Michael reminds her 'manners' and she adds 'please.'

Ashton comes back with a container of chocolate moose tracks icecream and hands it to the girl who's cries are dying down along with a spoon.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Luke asks. Delilah nods, so they open Disney plus and let her decide on something.

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