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"Delilah! Get up!" Delilah whines quietly enough her grandmother standing above her bed can't hear her, rolling over away from the woman. She had a dream about her mother last night and barely slept after that, and it feels too early to get up.

"I said get up, child, lazy girl." The woman groans, and Delilah sighs and sits up, rubbing at her eyes.

"Yes?" She hums irritatedly, trying not to let it show.

"Do schoolwork and clean your room and the bathroom. I also want you to take the bus to go grocery shopping again. David and I are volunteering today so we'll be gone until four." The woman informs.

"Please don't make me grocery shop, ma'am, I hate-" Delilah's cut off by her grandmothers shrill voice.

"Don't argue with me, brat! You live here, you can contribute!"

"But-" this time, Delilah is cut off with a stinging pain in her cheek, and her own gasp. Marcy glares before leaving Delilah's room, and Delilah sobs into her hands and waits to get up until she hears the couple leave the house.

Delilah's dream flashes through her head and even though she knows it's not real, it makes her horribly sad, especially after whatever i is that's just happened. In her dream, her mother stopped calling, stopped visiting, and her grandparents were given full custody of the girl.

The worst part about the dream is that Delilah could honestly see that happening. She knows her mother loves her but what if she just doesn't have time for her anymore at some point?

Delilah finally calms herself eventually, standing and putting on a large white t shirt and some black leggings before cleaning up her slightly messy room and then the bathroom that's downstairs.

When she's done she sighs, looking out the window and seeing Ashton coming out of the house to get mail. The curly haired man glances over and smiles at Delilah, waving, and Delilah rushes to the door after slipping on slippers and comes out and to him as he chuckles.

While Ashton gets the mail, Delilah quickly hugs him and then hurries inside, bumping into Calum, who's shirtless.

"Well hello there babydoll." He greets with a laugh at the little girls big eyes. Delilah answers my wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest, and then not moving from that position, or letting Calum separate her from himself. The man gives up with a chuckle and picks the little one up, carrying her upstairs while she's wrapped around his waist.

Luke is who first notices something is wrong, when the little one says nothing as he takes her and only clings to him and hides in his chest.

"Did something happen, little love?" He worries, and the question triggers Delilah's sobs to start up again as she thinks about it. The other two boys soon join and all begin asking Delilah what's wrong, what happened, but she doesn't answer.

"How about some sweets, huh princess? Would that cheer you up?" Ashton tries, but Delilah doesn't answer, so he runs downstairs and gets a bunch of junk food in hopes it will calm the girls sobs. He also makes the girl warm milk with some sugar and vanilla in it and heats it up, and then brings everything upstairs and sets it in the bed the other four possess.

"Here, babydoll." He hands the girl the travel bottle and she gratefully takes it and drinks it, sobs reducing to sniffles.

"You gonna tell us why you're so upset, bunny?" Michael asks gently, running fingers through Delilah's hair.

Delilah doesn't answer, just sinks further into Luke's chest, sucking on the travel bottle.

"Well, do you wanna do something then?" Calum asks, "maybe watch a movie? Or we could go somewhere fun? You said you wanted to go ice skating, right baby?" Delilah sniffles and nods, and Calum chuckles and kisses her cheek while Luke rubs her back and thigh in calming motions. Michael picks up the box of Oreos and starts to hand them to the little girl when Luke chuckles.

"Shouldn't we feed her some real food first? Breakfast or something?" The blonde interjects, and looks down at the little girl, who looks at him and shakes her head, reaching for the Oreos.

No one stops her when she takes one out and eats it, the four boys only chuckle and they all begin eating the junk food.

"Wanna go ice skating." Delilah mumbles quietly after a few minutes. "But Marcy said I have to go grocery shopping."

"We can do that afterwards, princess. Don't worry. Do you know what time they'll be home?"

"I think she said around 4." Delilah says, picking up a chip and crunching on it.

"Well then, you better go get ready, huh?" Michael says, and Delilah grins and gets up from the bed, running downstairs and over to her grandparents house, putting a cute little black skater skirt over her t shirt and some maroon leg warmers, mittens, and little booties as well as a cute maroon cardigan before going back to the boys house, where they all come down dressed in warm clothes.

Delilah grins and hugs around Michael's waist, as he's closest, and looking up at him with her cute smile. Michael chuckles and wraps his arms around her, and she stands on top of his feet as he begins to rock them back and forth.

"Are you excited, babygirl?" Calum chuckles as he comes down the stairs last, tickling Delilah's sides which makes her giggle and pull away from Michael and spin around to push Calum away from her.

The Maori doesn't let her though, instead scooping her up bridal style and running her out to the car as the others follow and she giggles. Calum straps her into the seat as the other boys pile in, Ashton and Michael on either side of her as Calum and Luke sit in the front, Luke driving.

The five song along to the radio happily on the way and Delilah is quick to hop out of the car and hurry the boys along inside the ice skating rink.

They pay for their tickets and get their shoes, Delilah grinning excitedly and the boys chuckling and cooing at her the whole time, and as soon as their laced Delilah is hurrying onto the recently smoothed over ice and stepping onto it.

The little girl squeaks as she immediately falls forward, Ashton reaching a hand out and catching her, saving her from falling onto the cold flooring, and Delilah grins shyly and thanks him, continuing to work on her balance as she begins slowly making her way around the outside of the rink, boys following along and slightly more stable but still sometimes tricky skates, keeping her close to the wall just incase.

It's not long before they've all got the hang of the sport and are going faster, laughing and racing and even pushing eachother playfully on the ice to make eachother go faster.

Delilah grabs onto the back of Michael sweatshirt and shrieks when he begins going much faster, towing her along behind him. When she lets go and slows down suddenly her weight is thrown and she lands on her butt with a squeak, and four men race to her side to make sure she's ok.

"I'm fine!" She giggles, taking lukes hand to stand back up and continuing on. 

The five have a blast, learning to do tricks like circles- by going straight with some momentum and then putting all your weight leaned onto your outside foot- and even skate backwards with the help of a more experienced stranger at the rink- by evening your weight and balance and pushing your feet out and then back in- although none really quite mastered that skill- and also how to hold hands with another person and spin in a circle- with your skates both pointed outward and, well, that ones harder the explain.

After about two hours the group wear out and decide to go, getting groceries and lunch on the way home.

"Thankyou so much, guys, that was really fun. And also for taking me to get groceries, and lunch, and for paying, Ashton, but really you guys gotta stop paying for me that's not fair!" Delilah giggles when they get home.

"Of course it is, we want you to have a little spending money, I know your grandparents never give you any." Ashton assures, kissing Delilah's cheek.

"But I'm stealing all your money!" She whines, and all four chuckle.

"Hush. Now, you wanna go watch a movie before your grandparents are back?"

"Yep! I wanna watch the new spider man, I haven't seen it yet."

"Ah, well that's calums favorite movie, so we have it." Michael laughs, picking the little girl up and carrying her to the upstairs living room, plopping her onto the couch and setting up the movie whole the other boys get snacks.

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