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"Good morning." Delilah mumbles politely with a scratchy voice from crying the night before as she sits down at the breakfast table.

David and Marcy both him in acknowledgement as Marcy gives Delilah a plate.

"Don't play with your food." David scolds as Delilah solemnly pushes the eggs around her plate with her fork.

The young girl sighs and mutters an apology before beginning to eat.

"You're falling behind on your school work. You've barely done any all week. Your mother called and told me she just got an email from whatever it is you do that stuff on." Marcy gives Delilah a pointed look with raised eyebrows and Delilah nods.

"I know, my laptops not working right... that's why I asked if someone could take me to the store yesterday." She mutters, remembering how she'd been completely ignored.

"Don't try to blame this on us, Delilah. You need to be taking care of things like this. We can't just drop everything and do whatever you need." David says harshly.

"I'm trying to take care of it but I can't fix my own laptop." Delilah mumbles, blue eyes casting down to her lap as tears begin to fill them. "M sorry."

Marcy sighs. "Stop your mumbling and whimpering." She scolds. "One of the young men in the house next door works in some sort of computer shop, why don't you bring your laptop over there and see if they can help."

"You- you want me to j-just go over and-"

"Quit stuttering! Geez, it's almost as annoying as that obnoxious hair of yours." David interrupts.

Delilah wipes away the tears beading under her eyes and nods, apologizing.

"They're nice, just take the damn thing over there and ask if they can help." Marcy speaks harshly with narrowed eyes.

"Th-they're strangers- and men..." Delilah mutters, voice whimpering and weak.

"Don't be so childish. You're computer needs fixed. If they can't I'll take you to the shop tomorrow."

"Cant we just go to the shop?"

"That costs money, Delilah! Why would you do that if one of the neighbors can help?" Marcy spits. Delilah starts crying, hiding her face under her long pink hair as she desperately tries to wipe away the tears, knowing the two will only be even more mad if they see her crying.

"C-can you at-at least come w-with?" She whimpers.

"You are not a child! You can walk to the neighbors house and ask for help on your own!" Marcys harsh, high pitched voice ridicules.

Delilah stands from the table and runs to her room, closing the door and sitting on the bed to sob some more. Only two weeks here and she's already miserable.

"I mean it Delilah! Quit your over sensitive blubbering and take that lap top to the neighbors!" David yells from the kitchen.

"I-I will!" Delilah calls back, gathering herself before anxiously grabbing the laptop.

What's gonna happen? Are they nice? How many of them are there? Is it all men?

Was that man she saw the other day one of them?

Delilah checks the mirror to see how obvious it is she has been crying.

After deciding she looks okay, she shakily exits her room.

"They're the black and white house." Marcy reminds as Delilah heads for the door.

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