Twenty one

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Things go back to being awkward but Delilah is certainly less snappy. She's quiet usually, speaks when spoken to, smiles softly if someone tries to make her laugh, and stays in her room when possible.

The boys aren't sure what to do, figuring she'll warm up soon. They're shocked when she comes down the stairs and takes a deep breath before speaking to them.

"I wanna go to public school." She states and they all give looks of surprise. Ashton gestures for her to come sit and she nervously does.

"Why?" Luke asks and she bites her lip.

"I have a hard time keeping up online and also I want to make friends. I'm bored and lonely." She says quickly and quietly, like it's rehearsed. The boys nod in thought.

"How have you proved you're responsible enough to behave if we put you in public school?" Michael asks and she opens her mouth like she's going to answer and then shuts it, thinking.

"I-I've not been-been rude or anything lately..." she mumbles and they nod.

"You're right, you've been good, but we don't know if some kids try to talk you in to doing drugs or something that you'll be responsible enough to resist that kind of peer pressure." Delilah frowns, staring at her lap.

"H-how do I prove I can be?" She asks timidly and they shrug.

"Try to keep up on your school, listen and behave yourself... give it some time, sweetheart. Just be the good girl we know you can be." Calum says, ruffling her hair. She blushes and nods. She's kind of gotten over the whole 'maybe they're perverts' thing, because they certainly act like dads, not like they're trying to get into her pants. She's just uncomfortable.

"Are you- you're not gonna- s-spank me again are you?" She asks very shyly and quietly and Ashton chuckles.

"If we feel the need to." He answers and her blush darkens.

"L-Like when?" She questions.

"If you do something like you did, sneak off or out, or stuff like alcohol and drugs and such. Or if you're being extremely bratty or disrespectful and nothing else is working." He explains. Delilah nods, feeling a little bit better at knowing it's not going to be the first response to any misbehavior and what her limitations are.

The more she's around them the more she misses how she used to feel with them, how she used to act and how comfortable and fun the environment was. She wishes it could go back but she doesn't know if it can. Can she just start acting how she used to again? It's how she feels comfortable acting. Trying to act like an adult when she feels like she's a kid is hard. Will they act like that again if she does? She's pretty sure they will.

However, she would not want to act like that if she went to public school. She was teased relentlessly until the tough kids took her under their wing and showed her how to act.

"Did you even want to do all the stuff you did, baby?" Michael asks curiously. "Smoking and weed and whatnot?" The question is a bit personal and she's not sure how to answer. "Doesn't seem like you."

"I mean, I wouldn't have if my friends weren't. But... they said it was fun and I wanted to fit in." She feels silly saying so out loud and she's not sure why she hasn't just silently retreated to her room yet. She kind of likes getting the chance to justify her actions, she doesn't really want them thinking she just decided to be horrible all the sudden.

"Was it?" Luke asks. She shrugs.

"Cigarettes were gross and hurt, weed was gross and hurt at first too but then it felt kind of relaxing and fun. Alcohol was weird and tasted bad and I didn't really like how it made me feel but it was kind of funny and fun, how we all acted when we had a lot." She doesn't mention sex, or boys, she didn't have it and overall, teenage boys made her feel the bad kind of nervous and insecure and uncomfortable and she so desperately wanted them to like her that she let them treat her poorly. She doesn't feel like sharing personal details or feelings about that one and she doesn't necessarily think they want to hear it based on how they acted when she was younger if she even wore a short skirt.

"You wouldn't do that stuff again?" Calum asks and she shrugs. She should say no because it'll earn her brownie points but honestly if she was in the same kind of situation again she probably would do it again.

"Were your friends making you?" Ashton asks worriedly. She shakes her head.

"No, they weren't like that, they were nice." She answers. "Maybe not the kinda kids adults like, but they were- are- good friends, they were just doing it and said it was fun and asked if I wanted to try. If I didn't try something they didn't care." She defends.

"Still, hun, you shouldn't be friends with people who want you to do things that are bad for you or aren't safe or that you just shouldn't do." Luke says gently. She shrugs in response.

"Thankyou for being honest with us, sweetheart." Ashton smiles, wrapping an arm around her and squeezing lightly and she smiles at the praise and nods.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Michael asks and she shrugs and nods. "What sounds good?"

"Um, moana?" She says timidly, embarasses about liking kids movies. They smile and nod, finding it and putting it on.

"Are you hungry sweetheart? Want lunch?" Calum asks as he stands from the couch to head to the kitchen.

"Yeah." She answers.

"How does Mac n cheese sound?" She smiles and nods and he grins and goes to the kitchen to make them all some.

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