Shelter on Earth

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Musa retreats to her room and locks the door so nobody can come in. She doesn't want to talk to anyone right now.

She grabs a pen and some paper and does what a Fairy of Music does best, writes a song. Her mind is all over the place, the emotion is there but the words don't make sense.

"I can't think, I have to get away from Alfea," Musa says to herself as she takes her red suitcase out of her closet and packs some clothes, then shrinks the suitcase so it will be easier to carry.

Musa doesn't even say goodbye before taking a portal to Earth, she arrives at a bus stop so she doesn't draw attention.

"I'm sure Bloom's parents won't mind if I crash with them," she says as she gets off the bus two blocks away from Bloom's childhood home and struggles walking in the snow.

Musa knocks on the door where Bloom's adopted parents live. Bloom's Earth mom, Vanessa, opens the door.

"Musa, are all the girls here?"

"No, it's just me."

"Are you okay? You must be freezing," Vanessa says looking at a shivering Musa in her one strapped shirt that reveals her stomach, the only piece of clothing that is keeping her warm is her jeans.

"It never snows on Magix, can I come in?"

"Sure, make yourself comfortable and I will make you some hot chocolate," Vanessa says walking into the kitchen.

Musa plops on the couch and is alone with her thoughts for a few minutes, contemplating whether or not it was a good idea to leave Alfea.

"Musa, is Bloom here too?" Bloom's adopted dad, Mike, asks handing Musa one of the two mugs he has in his hands.

"No, just me," Musa responds taking the mug Mike is handing her, "Something happened at Alfea and I needed to get away from there, get away from Magix."

"Well, do you wanna talk about it?" Vanessa asks sitting next to Musa.

"Yes," Musa needs some advice outside of the Winx.

"What's going on?" Mike asks taking a sip of his drink.

"My ex came back."

"Riven?" Vanessa asks.

"Yea, I am so confused. I have a boyfriend but I have been thinking about Riven a lot recently," Musa doesn't lie to Mike and Vanessa, she sees them as a second set of parents since they were always there for the Winx when they were searching for Roxy, the last Earth Fairy.

"I couldn't write my songs. Which was weird since I am the Fairy of Music," Musa responds, "You guys are like a second family to me. I would have gone back home to Melody, but that is still part of Magix, and since my mom passed my dad hasn't been the same. It's been 5 years since he let music back into his life, but he still doesn't like to talk about my mom much and I need some motherly and fatherly advice."

"So, you came here for help with life," Vanessa says.

"Yea, that and Jason Queen said if I needed anything to let him know, and I need to make a CD."

"Well Musa, you know that you can stay as long as you need. You can sleep in Bloom's room," Vanessa offers.

"Thanks," Musa says finishing her hot chocolate.

"No worries, any friend of Bloom's is always welcome," Mike smiles taking the mug from Musa.

"Why don't you go settle into your room and I will be up in a few minutes so we can have a girl to girl talk," Vanessa says.

Musa takes her suitcase and goes into Bloom's room.

"I need to redecorate."

Musa raises her hands and everything in the room looks like her part of her and Tecna's room at Alfea. Next, Musa brings her suitcase back to normal size so she can put her clothes away.

A knock comes from the door.

"Come in," Musa responds to the knock.

"Hey, I just came to see how you are settling in," Vanessa looks at the room, "I know we said that you could stay here but we didn't mean you can change Bloom's room."

"It's only a simple illusion spell, Bloom's stuff is still here," Musa explains.

"Right, we are still trying to get use to how magic works."

"Do you want me to change it back?" Musa asks.

"No, as long as you turn it back before you leave," Vanessa responds.

"Okay," Musa responds.

"So, tell me what happened at Alfea," Vanessa pulls up the rolling chair from the desk.

"Well, Red Fountain, the school where the boys train to be heroes, has this tradition where they have a race every semester. I usually go to cheer my boyfriend, Ed, on. But Riven has been on my mind and I knew that I wouldn't be paying attention to the race, so I stayed at Alfea."

"That seems okay, what happened to make you run?"

"Well, when Bloom came and asked if I was going she said that the boys had a surprise for us. I still decided not to go. When they came back Bloom dragged me out to the quad and the boys showed me the surprise, it was Riven," Musa finishes.

"Wow," Vanessa says.

"I didn't know what else to do, I thought maybe getting away from Alfea and away from Magix would help so I came here."

"Well, you can stay here as long as you need but sooner or later you'll have to face the music," Vanessa uses a metaphor that Musa doesn't understand.

"What do you mean?"

"Sooner or later what you are running from will catch up with you and you will have to deal with it."

"I know, I just don't want to be in Alfea for the drama. I know why Riven came back, he came back for me. Riven gets jealous very easily, when his jealousy takes over he tends to get angry. I also know that Ed has improved since Riven left three years ago. I don't want to be in the middle."

Vanessa gets up and walks to the door, "Well, people change after three years. So you have to choose whether you want to take the risk of seeing or just assuming," Vanessa opens the door and leaves Musa to her thoughts.

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