An Act of Valor, a Confession, and the Truth

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In their Bloomix transformation Tecna, Flora, and Musa come together like many times before.

"Bloomix, really? You guys aren't Bloom or even have Bloom, you can't use the full potential of the Dragon Flame."

Riven, Timmy, and Helia chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Ed asks.

"You don't know anything about Bloomix," Timmy responds through his laughter.

"I order you to tell me," Ed has an angry tone in his voice.

"I have a better idea," Musa comments.

Riven smiles when he sees Musa grin, "Grab a seat you guys, this is gonna be good," he says to Timmy and Helia.

"Ready guys?" Musa asks Flora and Tecna.

Both nod.

"Bloomix convergence," all three speak together.

"No!" Ed exclaims as he is hit to the ground, "How could I get defeated by three girls who aren't the keepers of the Dragon Flame."

"The power of Bloomix doesn't ultimately come from the Dragon Flame, it comes from courage and goodness," Riven says standing at Ed's feet.

"This isn't over," Ed stands and starts to charge at Musa.

"That's it, no mercy," Riven takes his sword, runs in front of Musa, and slashes Ed with it in order to protect her.

"Oh, so you want to fight? I can take you," Ed says overconfident.

Riven doesn't say anything he just lets Ed charge at him, waiting for the moment he is most vulnerable.

When Ed is three feet in front of Riven and is almost about to hit him Riven extends his arm and grabs Ed's fist so he can't punch him in the face.

Riven uses Ed's own power against him and flips him onto his back. Ed stands up and starts to charge at Riven.

"Let me show you a trick I learned from an old friend," Riven says using the defense training he learned when the girls were in the Crystal Labyrinth.

Ed trips and lands on his face, "Where did you learn that?" he asks as he turns onto his back.

"I trained with a wizard," Riven says referring to Nabu, "Now get out of here and never return to Earth or Magix."

Ed disappears knowing that he will never defeat the Winx and Specialists.

"So you have defeated my minion, now let's try this again," Morrigan laughs, "where's the girl?"

"You'll never find her," Musa says angered that she can't get rid of the new enemy.

"Believe me, I always find ways," Morrigan responds aiming for Musa.

"No!" Riven jumps in front of Musa and takes the hit, just like he did when fighting Darkar their second year.

"Riven," Musa reaches out her hand to the boy who repeated one of the best things he ever did, "Why?"

"Because, even though you are still figuring things out I know that you and the Winx can defend Earth better than I can," with little strength Riven passes his hand across Musa's cheek and wipes away her tears the best he can before passing out.

Morrigan smiles as she watches Musa ball her eyes out.

"Don't go," Musa puts her head on top of his, " I love you," she whispers enough that only Riven can hear.

With those words, the wind starts to blow and miraculously healing powers flow through her veins and heals Riven.

"Musa?" Riven asks.

Musa doesn't say anything, she just kisses him as hard as she can.

"I don't understand, what just happened? Musa doesn't have healing powers," Tecna says.

"Musa's love for Riven, Krystal says that those who heal but aren't born with the power can only heal people close to them because they get the power from love," Helia says.

"So, love conquers all," Tecna responds.

"Told you," Flora tells the group as she walks to Helia's side and laces her fingers through his.

"Love can't do all that? Nothing can defeat evil," Morrigan responds.

"Then your cousins never told you about Lord Darkar," Riven says pushing himself off the ground.

"Whatever, this isn't over, I will get what I want," Morrigan says before disappearing.

"So, you still love me?" Riven turns to Musa.

"I guess. Well, yes. I was so afraid that you wouldn't come back that I convinced myself to move on. When Ed came along I just went for it without a thought," Musa admits, "The truth is that I can't live without you."

"Now that I have learned so much and stopped acting like a bad boy you won't have to," Riven says.

Musa kisses Riven, "You don't have to completely stop acting like a bad boy, I told you that I still like it, you just have to figure out when to show it."

"I need to apologize to all of you, I should have listened, understood that you guys were only trying to help, but most of all I shouldn't have lost my temper so easily when you did nothing wrong," Riven says to the rest of the group.

"Apology accepted, we missed you buddy," Sky says from behind.

"I thought I told you to take Brandon someplace where Mitzi couldn't find him," Riven said.

"Amore gave Mitzi a love rose, the love rose gives the reciever the knowledge of who their true love is," Brandon says pointing behind them.

"Come on guys, Bloom wants us at the Music Bar," Tecna looks at her phone.

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