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Bloom is back in the room checking up on Musa.

"Musa?" Bloom calls in hopes she won't have to search the whole school to find her friend.

"Musa?" Bloom walks into Musa and Tecna's room.

Kiko hops over to Bloom. He starts playing charades and trying to communicate with Bloom.

"What do you mean she left?"

Pepe flies over to Bloom.

"She left Pepe here?"

Pepe whines in a sad tone.

"Maybe she is in the Music Hall, I know she is teaching first years music."

Bloom travels through the hallways of Alfea, she passes Roxy and Mirta holding their instruments.

"Hey Bloom have you seen Musa? She's not in the Music Hall and we have class today," Roxy asks.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. I'm afraid that the group and I might have messed up," Bloom has a sad look on her face.

"What do you mean?" Roxy asks.

"Riven is back."

"Then why are you looking for Musa, wouldn't she be with Riven?" Mirta asks.

"No, Riven is Musa's ex-boyfriend," Roxy tells Mirta.

"I better keep looking, if you see her before I do let her know I am looking for her."

"Will do, see you later."

Roxy and Mirta head the opposite direction.

"Maybe she is in Faragonda's office," Bloom says to herself walking to the Head Mistress' office.

Bloom knocks on the door.

"Come in," Faragonda says.

Bloom walks in.

"Bloom, what can I do for you?"

"I can't find Musa, have you seen her?"

"No, I haven't. But I would suggest asking a pixie for help."

"Good idea, thanks Head Mistress."

"Of course Bloom."

Bloom leaves and heads to Concorda's office. She looks at the mirrors for the hidden door.

"Here it is," Bloom says as she pushes an illusioned part of wall that is really a door.

Bloom walks into Concorda's office, there is no sign of her.

"Ms. Concorda?" Bloom's voice echoes through the office.

Concorda flies down from the tallest floating platform.

"Bloom, so nice to see you! Is there something you need?"

"Musa is gone, can you tell me where she went?"

"Bloom I am the Psychic Pixie, I can tell the future not a person's location. But I do believe that there is a pixie who can help you. Someone who is close to you and your friends."

"Someone who is close to me and my friends?" Bloom says confused.

"I'm sorry Bloom, that is all I can tell you. But you are a smart girl, I know you will figure it out."

"Okay, thanks for the help."

"You're welcome Princess of Domino. I wish you luck and know that you will find your friend."

Bloom leaves and heads back to the quad to meet up with her closest friends.

"Bloom, that took a long time," Sky walks up to her.

"Musa is gone," Bloom starts crying as she leans into her love's body.

"What do you mean 'Musa is gone'?" Riven walks up next to them.

"She's no where to be found. Faragonda said a pixie could help us so I went to Concorda's office, but she said that only a pixie who is really close to us can help find her."

"What does that mean?" Brandon asks.

"Well, who do we know who can track where things are?" Aisha says.

"Lockette," Tecna answers the question.

"Lockette, of course!" Everyone else says in sync.

"Lockette," Bloom calls her bonded pixie.

All the pixies pop up and fly next to their bonded fairies.

"Yes Bloom, how can I help?"

"We need to track down Musa, can you do it?"

"I have never tried finding a person, I don't know if I can do it," Lockette says hesitant.

"Lockette, the Winx are counting on you, try it," Amore says.

"But, I don't want to let anybody down."

"Lockette, you won't let us down unless you don't try," Bloom hugs her pixie.

"The Winx aren't the Winx without Musa," Cherie says.

"Cherie is right, we want Musa back," Tune agrees with her bonded pixie sister.

"Come on Lockette," Chatta pulls her scared friend off the tree she is glued to.

"Please Lockette, for me?" Bloom pulls out a card that no pixie can deny when requested by her bonded fairy.

"Okay," Lockette takes her barrette out of her hair and throws it in the air transforming it into a wand that acts like the needle of a compass.

The wand spins around and around for a little over two minutes.

"Is it supposed to take this long?" Bloom asks.

"No, I don't think I will be able to find her. I'm sorry," Lockette is about to cry.

"It's okay Lockette, we aren't mad," Sky reassures her.

"Speak for yourself," Riven says in an angered tone.

"Riven, it's not Lockette's fault, relax we will find her," Helia says.

"Musa can take care of herself, you just have to trust her," Sky says.

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