A Christmas Ending

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The group teleports back to Earth where Stella, Aisha, Flora, and the other specialists are fighting Ed so he can't get to Macy.

"The Ice Dragon took out your girlfriend, now it's time to take you out!" Musa calls out in anger.

"Really?" Ed tries to use his magic against the Winx and Specialists but fails, "What happened to my powers?"

"When the Ice Dragon trapped Morrigan in ice it took her powers and any powers she transferred to others," Bloom says.

"That means you have no powers," Riven says in a smug tone.

Everyone laughs at the fact that Riven is making fun of Ed's personality and at the fact that their once friend is now powerless.

"I still have the skills I learned from Red Fountain," Ed says charging towards Riven.

"Riven!" Everybody calls as they don't see Riven move an inch.

"Trust me, I got this," Riven tells them.

Just as Ed is about to slide and attack Riven's feet he jumps up and lands at Ed's feet, he takes Ed's feet and crosses his legs so he can't turn around and flip Riven.

"Wow Riven, how did you do that?" Brandon asks as he takes handcuffs out to cuff Ed.

"I learned from the wizard that taught Nabu," Riven says getting off of his knees and standing on his feet.

"How did you find the wizard?" Aisha asks.

"Fairy Godmother knows everything," Riven says.

"Come on guys, let's take this traitor to Saladin for punishment," Sky says.

"I will take him, you stay here and watch the girls practice. The concert is tonight," Nex says taking Ed from Brandon.

"The Concert!" The Winx shout.

"We haven't advertised it," Bloom says.

"Easy fix, make a video like you did my last day at the Music Bar," Roxy says.

"That is great problem-solving Roxy," Morgana says walking out from the back.

"How's Macy?" Musa asks.

"She is doing much better, Krystal is finishing the healing now."

"Well girls, let's get to it," Tecna creates a big screen for all of Gardenia to see then takes out her camera.

Musa creates big speakers so the announcement can be heard across the city.

"Recording," Tecna tells the girls.

The Winx change back to their civilian forms, wearing the outfits Stella chose to create for her Christmas on Earth collection.

"For one night only, The Winx are throwing a concert, come on down to the Frutti Music Bar and hear all your favorite Christmas Carols, a few new songs, and even meet us," Bloom's voice enters the microphone and travels from the speakers across the city.

A crowd of people from all over Gardenia come to the Music Bar to see the Winx sing Christmas Carols and hear the original songs.

"Now before we start, you guys need to get into the spirit," Stella says and snapping her fingers she gives a Santa hat to the adults and an Elf hat to the children.

Musa sees Macy and Krystal come out of the back room, Macy looking much better than when they left. She whispers to Bloom.

The crowd cheers as they see Bloom walk up to the mic, "Before we start singing Musa would like to say something."

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