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Musa is alone with her thoughts, scared of her emotions she runs back to Gardenia.

Musa knows that she has to get out of Alfea again. She can't go to Melody because if she even mentions Riven's name around her dad he will oppose, like he did when she told him about Riven her second year at Alfea.

"I need to go back to Gardenia," Musa says as she travels through a portal and once again uses a bus to travel to her secondary home.

She rings the door bell. This time Mike opens the door, "Musa, I thought you were upstairs."

"The Winx needed me back at Alfea," Musa walks in.


"New threat."

"What happened?" Vanessa asks as she walks out of the kitchen with a plate.

"Well, I guess this new threat is seeking revenge for the Trix, the three witches we fought our first year at Alfea."

"Did you win?" Mike asks.

"We almost always win," Musa says grabbing a cookie from the plate Vanessa just placed on the coffee table.

"Sorry, I finished the cookies without you," Vanessa says.

"It's okay, we can make more and give them to the kids in Gardenia," Musa says taking another cookie.

"That is a great idea," Vanessa agrees.

"I don't know what to do," Musa directs the conversation back to the situation that she came to Earth for in the first place.

"What happened in Alfea?" Mike asks.

"We defeated the new threat and saved the people who were in cages. After we made sure everyone was safe and the girl was gone Riven and I caught up. We were talking about the missions and adventures we went on. He told me that he wanted to try again, that he figured out what a relationship needs. That a relationship needs trust, communication, and love."

"Well, he has a point," Vanessa says.

"But Mom, this is a really big decision. Being caught between two boys isn't exactly where I want to be."

"I understand Musa, but sometimes we have to take risks," Vanessa says wisely.

"I just can't go back. Not right now," Musa says.

"Well, whatever you choose just know we will always be there. I gotta get to work," Mike says.

"Come on, let's go make some more cookies," Vanessa says taking the plate covered in crumbs that fell off the cookies.

"Okay," Musa follows Vanessa into the kitchen.

"Can you get the ingredients for me?"

"Sure," Musa responds.

This time Musa walks to get the ingredients instead of using magic.

"So, what else do you want to know about Christmas?" Vanessa asks.

"The first year we celebrated Christmas Bloom was explaining it to us, she said that we need to have Christmas cheer. When we did a cheer she was a little confused, what did she mean by cheer?"

"Christmas Cheer is another way to say happiness. Happiness isn't always verbal, Christmas Cheer is singing and decorating."

"Like when Bloom gave Stella those red and green hair clips?"

"Exactly, red and green are the most commonly used colors at Christmas time."

"What about Christmas Magic? The witches thought that it was a type of magic, but Faragonda said that Christmas Magic comes from the heart. I mean I know a fairy has to have a really big heart but usually there is a source or something else to help make attacks stronger, mine is music."

Vanessa smiles, "You kids are so silly sometimes, Christmas Magic isn't used to attack people. Christmas Magic is when you learn the true meaning of Christmas. You know, the magic of Christmas is always there but it shows itself the most around Christmas."

"So, what is it?" Musa takes the bowl and starts mixing.

"Kindness and generosity," Vanessa gives a big grin and puts her hand on Musa's shoulder, "by the way, you forgot to put flour in the mix."

"Oops," Musa stops stirring and places the bowl on the counter so she can get the flour.

She starts to use her magic but stops because right now she doesn't need magic, she needs to talk.

Musa starts to reach for a tub of white powder in the cupboard.

"Musa, that is the pancake mix," Vanessa stops her, "Here, this one is the flour," Vanessa takes a measuring cup and drops the exact amount of flour the recipe asks for.

"So, the true magic really comes from the heart," Musa resumes mixing the dough now that everything is in there.

"Yes, but kindness isn't the only source of Christmas Magic."

"There is another source?" Musa asks curious.

"Yes, it's probably the biggest source of Christmas Magic."

"What is it?"

"Love," Vanessa beams a smile as she preheats the oven.


"Yes, love. One of the best things about Christmas is spending it with those who you love and care about and who love and care about you."

"Like the Winx and the Specialists?"

"Exactly," Vanessa says taking the bowl of perfectly mixed dough and putting round balls of cookie dough on cookie sheets.

"This is really relaxing," Musa says as she places the sheets in the oven after she hears the beep informing them that it is at the temperature needed. 

"I love making cookies," Vanessa responds.

"When we were going down the list to surprise Bloom, Tecna talked about a guy in red."

"Santa," Vanessa smiles.

"What does he do?"

"He brings presents to the boys and girls all around the world, he rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer, he also knows if you've been bad or good."

"What about the tree?"

"The Christmas tree is one of the best things, most people use trees as decorations and put presents under it until we open them Christmas Morning."

"I need to write some songs, I'm thinking about doing a Christmas album," Musa says.

"Okay Sweetheart, good luck."

"Thanks Mom," Musa hugs her secondary mom and runs upstairs.

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