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After finishing up training, I decided I would go back to the room, get a shower, before going to get dinner, whether I get take out or each with the Avengers. Luckily, as I was walking back I could remember the way, so I ended up only spending two minutes tracking through the halls. I opened the door to my room, dropped my stuff down on the desk in the middle, before picking out the towel in my bag. However, just as I was about to walk into the bathroom, the door swing open, followed by a cloud of steam and a half naked Steve.

"Maddy!" He jumped back slightly as he noticed my presence in the room. He had his towel wrapped lowly around his waist, enough for me to get a good look at his ab muscles. Small droplets from his hair falling down his bare chest. Gradually a warm feeling ran through my entire body, stopping mostly in the pit of my stomach and my cheeks. It took a while for the situation to sink in, and as soon as I realised the closeness of his naked body to mine, I jumped back, pulling my arm to cover my eyes.

"Sorry, Steve!" I said, trying to manoeuvre round his body and make my way into the bathroom. Once in the clear, I quickly ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Without taking much thought, I started the shower again, stripping down and got under the warm water. It was relaxing and helped take away the tension from what just happened. While in the shower, I didn't let myself think about what could have happened too much, nor did I let my imagination roam his body... that was a lie. Every time I closed my eyes I pictured him but not only his body, also his blue eyes, his blonde hair, his smile. "Stop!" I said to myself, waking up from the short-lived day dream.

I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off, wrapping the blue towel around my body. The door creaked as I carefully opening it, checking it was okay for me to leave. However, as I left the warm bathroom, the door to the whole bedroom swung open, again revealing Steve.

"You need to stop doing that!" I screeched as I jumped back. He seemed startled and quickly covered his eyes.

"Sorry, Maddy." He said apologetically. I quickly ran over to my bag and grabbed some clean clothes. I looked back up to Steve, both our eyes as embarrassed as each other's. The tension in the room slowly started to build, along with the red blushes on our cheeks, but before the air could become any thicker, a smile started to form on the edge of Steve's lips, making a small yet audible giggle leave my lips. And within seconds there we were, one half naked and the other fully clothed, laughing in the middle of our room.

"Turn around!" I shouted to him smiling, to which he followed my orders. I quickly slipped on the one piece, along with the shoes and under and overgarments. I quickly ran through my long, wet hair with my fingers before coughing for Steve to turn around. He turned, stopping slightly as his eyes fell to mine, only to follow down the rest of my body. I blushed slightly before walking over to him, now feeling more confident. "Take away?" I asked, starting to feel slightly hungry.

"I know some good pizza?"

An hour later the pizza arrived. We had someone at the front desk bring it up to us and we were both too deep in conversation to get up. As the knock on the door sounded, Steve jumped up and ran to the door, collecting the Pizza. He brought it back over to the ground where we were sat.

"Good old Brooklyn pizza!" Said Steve as he placed the box down and walked briskly over to the mini fridge. He pulled out the wine and a bottle of water. He walked back over and placed the bottle of water in front of me, he then started to tear the paper top off the wine bottle before pulling the cork off in a strangely attractive way. He sat down before starting to drink the wine straight from the bottle, a manner you wouldn't normally see of the man. It took him a moment to register my 'really?' face before chocking on the wine comedically. He was laughing and would occasionally look up to me to see if I was joking.

"Steve, I'm allowed to drink alcohol." I say as I push away the bottle of water. He laughed again before shaking his head.

"The drinking age is 21." He explained, nodding his head in my direction.

"Actually, I'm from England, and in England you can legally drink at 18; 17 if your drinking with a meal, which we are." I concluded, gesturing for him to pass me the bottle of wine. The laughed again before nodding his head in a way that said, 'fair enough'. I giggle along, taking a large swig of the wine. Back in England I used to drink a lot at parties and family gatherings, but I had never been properly drunk before; I would like to say it was because I never had the chance, but I think it was more so that I was afraid... afraid that I would be, in a way, out of control. But now, here, I didn't mind. I smiled at Steve before taking another big jug.

"Wow, slow down there, little one." He exclaimed while grabbing the bottle from me.

"I'm not little, I'm going to be 18 in a few days." I say, matter-of-factly. I sat up straighter, trying to look taller than I actually was. He started to laugh again, the corners of his eyes crinkling and his smile spreading. His laugh was contagious and spread to me every time it would ignite. I stood to my feet and looked down to him. "I'm not little Mr Rogers, Mr America, which ever you like to be called." His smile continued to grow, along with my fascination with him. I grabbed the bottle from him again and took another long swig, and as soon as the bottle left my lips, I started to feel the alcohol hit... I really am a light-weight. He jumped to his feet, lacing his hand onto mine as he pulled the bottle away.

"If I stop calling you little, will you stop drinking like that?" He asked looking down to me, his face thirty centimetres from mine.

"Like what?" I asked with a little hint of a smile, but by now the whole playfulness of the moment had passed.

"Like you're trying to drown yourself." He said, the smile completely leaving him lips, and instead was replaced by a compassionate look. My eyebrows frowned as I realised what was happening.

"Who told you?" He paused looking down.

"Natasha. She saw your files." I stepped away from him feeling the anger slowly build up inside of me. I gripped tighter onto the wine bottle as I felt his figures slip off.

"She had no right to do that, to tell you that!" I said, referring to both reading and telling people about my files. "And don't you dare give me pity for what happened! And don't sit there judging me on how I pull myself together when shit happens!" I shouted at him. He didn't flinch, but instead moved closer towards me. "I don't need this." I said as I felt myself get angrier. I looked to the bottle then back to Steve, debating my next actions. Slowly, I turned around and placed the bottle of red wine on the desk, letting a shaky breath leave as I did. In slow breaths I breathed in and out, in and out, calming myself down.

I took a moment before turning around to face Steve, only to be greeted by soft lips meeting mine. I was shocked at first, but naturally, started the kiss back. Steve's hands snaked their way to my hips as mine found their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. It was slow and soft but still held a hint of urgency. As the kiss went on for a couple more seconds, I tugged slightly on Steve's hair before a small moan left my lips. Steve pulled away and looked shocked at his actions. His mouth would open every now and then as if he was going to say something, but nothing ever came out. We stood in each other's arms for a minute before both parting in a comfortable silence.

Steve walked over to his couch as I walked over to my bed. We both sat down, almost in unison. Neither of us knew what to say, so we just said nothing. Our eyes occasionally catching before quickly looking away, acting as though we never looked in the first place.

"The pizzas probably cold." I said, breaking the now thick, unbearable silence. I looked over to the couch where Steve was sat, to see a small smile playing on his lips.  

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