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I woke up in bed to the same two smiles I was always used to. Lola and Lucy got me out of bed and dressed. Today I'm wearing a blue dress with white ribbon lace. I'm wearing a garter belt and small high-heels.

  I went to the window and saw a white and golden carriage in the driveway. Right then I heard loud yells and a familiar voice," [name]! [name]! I know she's here, where is she!?" The person called.

I ran out of the room, Lola and Lucy saying," [name], its not safe. Wait.". I moved past them and ran down the stairs. When I came upon the last flight, I looked at a man I havent seen in years, my brother.

 He pushed past Erwin and ran to me scooping me up in his arms, crying. He was crying about me," [name]! I thought I had lost you, your alive! I missed you so much! Oh my god, your safe!". He looked at me with sorrow and happiness," Well arent you going to say something! I've missed you! I'm so sorry I left!" He cried.

  I felt something wet fall down my cheek and I slowly raised a hand to touch it but it was stopped by him," No, let them fall. Admit it, you've missed me too. Please say it, your all I have left." He said squeezing my hand.

More and more tears fell," Oh Max!" I yelled buring my face into his chest. He smiled and stroked my [h/c] hair and hushed me," Its ok, its ok now. We have each other again. I thought you had died [name], but its ok now. Shh, its ok.".

  I saw Erwin approach Max and help us up. They shook hands and sat down in the living room. Its then when I realized that Levi was no where to be seen. I got up and said," I'll be right back.". Erwin nodded and Max smiled.

I left the room and went up the stairs to Levi's room. I got to his door and knocked," Levi? Are you in there?" I called. There was no answer so I opened the door and saw something I wouldn't be able to forget.

  In his room were serveral green tathered capes, long swords, and uniforms. The same uniforms Max would wear for the survey corps. The same uniforms the soilders wear when they go out of the walls and fight, those, those beasts. The same uniforms those soilders wear to their death.

I couldn't leave this alone, I ran back down stairs to Erwin and yelled," Where is Levi!? Where is he!?". Erwin looked down at the floor and said," He left, on special buisness. He will be back in a week tops but I cant tell you anything else.".

  I walked up to him, my highheels clacking on the hard wood floor and asked," He's not fighting those things is he?". His eyes shot up to mine and asked," How did you know?".

I looked at him and said," You cant keep things from people you love. Why didnt he tell me?''.

 Erwin looked away and said,'' He didnt want you to worry. H-he just wanted you to think he was gone to talk to someone and would be back in a couple of days and he didnt want you to fall in love with him becuase of this. He's been in the survey corps since he was 18. He wont stop, our father has already asked him to so he could be king someday. But he wouldnt let it go, he wanted to fight and become stronger.".

  I walked away to his room and sat down on his bed," Why would he not want me to fall in love with him becuase of this. Why did he leave without telling me? And why would he keep this from me for so long?" I asked falling back onto the bed.

My face was red and my eyes were puffy, I just wanted to go to sleep but for some reason I had to stay up. I stayed in that position for hours just staring at this one cape in perticular. It had a red stain that went down the side and to the bottom. I couldnt help but think that maybe it was Levi's blood.

I rolled over and looked out the window as the was setting. I fell asleep soon after and was awoken by Erwin. I sat up and said," Sorry, I'm probably not supposed to be in here.".

 He looked me in the eyes and said," [name], your brother said your leaving with him. He said you have no choice, that you are to leave with him tonight and stay with him and Elizabeth. Your things are packed and ready down in the carriage.".

 My [e/c] eyes went wide and I asked," Why didnt you tell him no? Why do I have to go? Why cant I stay and wait for Levi? Why cant he just leave me here?".

  He put a finger over my mouth and said," Shh, [name]. Its best that you just go. Its just going to be hard on you. Please leave, Lola and Lucy gave you all the dresses you liked, seeing as we have no use for them. Its a parting gift from us.".

All day I've been hit with good and bad news, why cant anything go right? I got up off the bed and Erwin lead my down the stairs, Lola and Lucy were crying together," By [name]. We'll miss you." They said. I looked over at them and before I could say a word they came up and hugged me. Shock was all over Erwins face, but he let them hug me anyway.

  I hugged them back and said," I'm sorry. Goodbye.".  I looked back at Erwin and pulled him down to my level so I could whisper something in his ear. His face went from sad to shock then back to sad when I was done telling him what I was telling him.

They nodded and Max took my hand and lead me to the carriage. I took one last look at the mansion and sighed. Max gave me a pat on the shoulder and said," Its gunna be fine.".

I looked back at him and asked," How do you know? How can you be so sure that everything is going to be fine? How can you know that Levi is going to be fine?". He sighed and said," Because I used to work alongside him. He's humanities strongest soilder so please calm down.".

  I looked back out the window as everything was left behind and wished that he would keep his promise.

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