The Reluctant Heroes

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  I woke up to Lola and Lucy watching over me," Goodmorning." I said. Their eyes widened but relaxed when I got up and hugged them. They hugged back losing formality.

They brought me over to my dresser," [name], what would you like to wear today?" They asked in unison. The same unison I was so used to hearing every morning. I shrugged and they quickly scrambled to find something I would like.

  Once they found something they quickly put it on me, it was a lilly pink dress that went to my thighs. There went any straps but the front piece went up and around my neck. My shoulders were bare and my hands had white gloves that stopped at my knuckles. It was really pretty, I wore lilly pink flats and pearl earrings.

I gave them a hug and walked down to the living room to see my piano. The piano Levi bought for me. I walked up to it and swiped a finger over the lid, not very surprised to see no dust. I lifted the lid and used the lid prop to keep it open. I sat down and raised the fall board to see the keys.

I slowly placed my fingers on the keys and thought of a song, one Levi might know. Just then did one hit me, it was the song Mary played on the piano and my brother sang to. Reluctant Heroes, the song that described the Survey Corps. I smiled at my wits and began playing.

  My fingers swiftly hitting each key correctly and humming the song in my head as I played. I heard several footsteps running in my direction, it was Lola and Lucy. They were stunned at the song, and all of a sudden a door was slammed. I looked over and saw Levi running down the stairs along with Erwin. He stopped as soon as he saw me smiling at him.

 Erwin was smiling at me and Levi stood there surprised. I swung my head back to the piano, took in a deep breath and began to sing.

~ It was like a nightmare, that could make you scream...'Cause nobody wants to die too fast.

~ That wretched day of grief is so strange to me...I could see your face, I could hear your voice.

~ Remembering the day we met rips my heart in half...'Cause no one should have t die that fast, And now the day we dreamed is just pain for me...I could see your face, I could hear your voice.

~ Day by day, we're losing our edge...Don't you know, forgotten is the life we led. Now its seems you don't know what's at risk, the peaceful times have made you blind.

~ Don't look back 'cause their not coming back, dont show fear each time after time. But once again, I'm hiding in my room...The peaceful times have made me blind.

~ So you cant fly if you never try, you told me so long ago...But you left the wall, outside the gate...So more than ever its real.

~ It was like a nightmare, that could make you scream...'Cause nobody wants to die too fast.

~ That wretched day of grief is so strange to me...I could see your face, I could hear your voice.

~ Remembering the day we met rips my heart in half...'Cause no one should have t die that fast, And now the day we dreamed is just pain for me...I could see your face, I could hear your voice.

~ I sing for the Reluctant Heroes who give me their strength, though life is so short...Sing out for the Reluctant Heroes, I wanna be brave like you.

~ So you cant fly if you never try, you told me so long ago...But you left the wall, outside the gate...So more than ever its real.

~ They came in like a nightmare that could make you scream, 'cause nobody wants to die too fast.

~ That wretched day of grief is so strange to me...I could see your face, I could hear your voice.

~ Remembering the day we met rips my heart in half...'Cause no one should have t die that fast, And now the day we dreamed is just pain for me...I could see your face, I could hear your voice.

~ I sing for the Reluctant Heroes...........I wanna be brave like you.

I finished playing and something wet fell onto one of the keys. It startled me at first but then I raised I hand to my cheek and found out I was crying. I was going to wipe it away when my hand was stopped by Levi's, he sat down next to me and smiled," That was beautiful.".

  He lifted his thumb up to my face and wiped the tears away softly," Who taught you that song, only people in the Survey Corps know it." He asked.

I looked down at the keys, filled with tears and said," My brother used to sing it to me, and Mary would play the piano as he sang. I was only 13 back then so it took me a while to remember all the lyrics but when I started playing they all flooded in.".

 Levi smiled down at me and I leaned into his chest," [name], are you alright?" He asked. I nodded," I'm fine. Just remembering life before the titans.". Levi nodded and I looked up into his steal gray eyes," Levi." I said softly.

  He rubbed a strand of my [h/c] hair out of my [e/c] eyes and asked," Yeah?". I clung to his shirt and said," Don't leave me, if you go out to fight those titans again please remember my song and remember you have someone waiting for you in the walls worried about your life.".

His breathing hitched and his grip on my waist tightened," [name], I promise I wont leave you. I love you to much to do that." He said hoarsely.

  I knew his promise couldn't be kept, he would leave me one day. But I didn't want to think about that day, right now I want to cuddle with Levi and cherish the moments together.

The rest of the day we spent in each others arms talking about my past and how Max would always sing that song to me when he came back. I love Levi and I hope that those titans don't become the end for him.



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