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Khanh walked out of the classroom and sat down against the wall. After being taken out of class all she did was roam around, so there she was. On the ground. Waiting for something to happen. Khanh decided to just give up and visit the old master in the gym, so she grabbed her things and got up. The hallways were quiet, and she smiled as she passed the L classroom where she saw Lee almost falling asleep.

The gym was all the way across the campus, so by the time she got there, it was already lunch break. She sighed and sat down on the boxing mats as the old master came to sit next to her. Khanh leaned back until her head hit the mat and let out a long sigh that sent her bangs afloat.

"Now, now, what's wrong with you?" The old man asked laughing.

"I got kicked out of class." Khanh pouted, her brows drawing in as well.

The old man let out a tch and a noise of disappointment to which Khanh let out a whine.

"Stop throwing a fit and get up, if Lao Si saw you know what would he say?" The old master scolded.

At the mention of her mentor, Khanh bolted up and smiled greasily at the old master.

"Of course of course wise one, I'll be going on my way then," Khanh grinned at him with an uneasy laugh.

"Of course." Was the old man's reply, and Khanh was speed walking out the door.

Not like he really had to bring up her mentor, she knows that he'd be making her walk back into the darned classroom just to say sorry to that Ming girl. The thought sent shivers down Khanh's spine, and she let out a small 'ugh'.

As Khanh was walking and thinking about the little plants she passed up someone tapped on her shoulder. Quickly, she grabbed their hand and held it tightly so they couldn't run away.

"Heya," Lee greeted with a bright grin.

Khanh smiled back at Lee and let go of his hand.

"How'd you even manage to catch me while I was off guard Lee?" Khanh teased, her hand reaching out for his.

"Oh you know, you were staring at the ground with a frown on your face, so I kinda guessed you were busy thinking." Lee answered, swinging their hands.

Khanh smiled at Lee again before falling quiet as Lee lead her back to the main building of the school.

"I think you should tutor me." Lee spoke up.

Khanh raised an eyebrow at him in doubt.

"oh, you think I should help you study? Like that's going to happen, good luck with that." Khanh stuck her tongue out at him and Lee mocked her in return.

It made her happy, just walking and talking with Lee, and it was a plus how their hands were comfortable being together. One could maybe think they were supposed to be like that. Khanh laughed at Lee as he yelled at his classmates for tripping on a rock, and when he grinned back at her, she nudged him off the sidewalk with a laugh.

The pair went inside the main building for lunch laughing the whole way.

As for Guang, she was sitting with Hei An under the 'Special tree. Neither of them were talking, well, Guang wasn't talking because she was eating.

"Guang, are you prepared for your college entrance exams yet?" Hei An asked, his eyes not leaving his book as he ate at and studied and talked at the same time.

Guang looked up like a deer caught in headlights at the mention of the exams.

"" Guang grinned at Hei An when he looked at her.

Well, she could feel the disappointment from right across the table when he stared at her like that without saying anything.

"Fine, I'll study when I get home." Guang waved Hei An off and once she finished her food slid next to him on the bench.

Hei An didn't object but raised an eyebrow at her actions. She just placed her head on the table turned towards him and he couldn't help the small smile show up on his face. Guang, full from lunch, closed her eyes and was out like a light.

"Honestly, I doubt you'll get anywhere if you're like this," Hei An spoke quietly, and poked Guang with his pencil.

She simply wiped her cheek that was poked and scooted closer to Hei An.

Lee and Khanh sat across from each other at the lunch table by the window. Khanh watched outside with a spoon in her mouth. She wasn't thinking about anything per say, but letting the thoughts pass into her mind. One such thought that seemed to drift into her mind was that exams were coming up. Abruptly, Khanh slammed her fist on the table, making Lee flinch.

"What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack." Lee groaned, holding his chest.

"Shhhhh Lee the exams! The college exams are four weeks away from now!" Khanh exclaimed, her eyes wide and Lee reacted just the same with his own choking of lunch food.

"Are you kidding me?!" Lee shouted.

Khanh rolled her eyes and flapped her hand to make Lee lower his voice.

"No! Now stop yelling!" Khanh scolded in a hushed voice, and with a shy smile Lee sat back down.

"Do you even know what you want to do, or where you want to go?" Lee asked.

"I'm gunna go somewhere I can study medicine, and make a clinic that I can use plants for medicine at." Khanh mumbled into her hand.

Lee, ever so attentive, managed to actually hear what she said and nodded.

"I'll probably just go somewhere close to home and help my Ma run her shop." Lee answered honestly, his hands going back to his food where he moved around his soup. 

Thoughts filled his mind of where the others in his class would go, whether he would ever see his friends again, and if everyone would be okay once school was over. 

"Do you think we have to score high in specific class exams?" Khanh asked, waving a hand in front of Lee's face to get his attention.

Lee shrugged. "I think so, you'd probably have to have good marks in science and math to get into a medical college." 

Khanh nodded.

"You know, if you're gunna help out your Ma with her shop, why don't you look into business? It'd be better than just helping out since you could probably get a better job with it." Khanh suggested, beginning to clean her things up as the warning bell sounded for everyone to get back to class.

"That makes sense, I'll ask my teacher about it." Lee replied. 

Khanh nodded and they cleaned off their trays before heading out to their own classrooms. 

Guang was woken up by Hei An as he stood up. Nothing was said between the two, but Hei An walked in front of Guang as they headed back inside. Guang smiled, perfectly happy with just his presence and, they too, went to their own classes. 

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