A Mother Taken Too Early

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  Hei An smiled but turned away quickly as Guang turned to him.
   "Uhm, I need help with the question. Number sixteen," Guang said, her eyes switching between Hei An's since their faces were so close.
    "Oh, okay. Let me see." Hei An moved so that     when he reached for the pencil he trapped her between his arms. Guang looked at him for a second before he saw her blush as she ducked out of the trap. He coughed embarrassedly and  began looking at the problem.
     "Wow Guang. This question isn't even the hardest one here." Hei An said.
   Guang laughed uneasily and dipped her head in shame.
   "It's hard though, and I want snacks." Guang admitted. Hei An sighed through his nose and smirked. He leaned in towards Guang.
   Guang could hear her heart beating loudly and feel Hei An's breath hit her nose. She stared at him blankly and then leaned forward. Hei An's eyes widened and his blood rushed to his face. Then, Guang's cheek skimmed his as she reached for the food. Hei An froze in place and when Guang pulled back he Cauthen into his hand. Heat rushed to his face and he took a drink from his water bottle. Sighing deeply, he turned to the problem and shifted so Guang was sitting next to him.
"It's not complicated Guang. All you have to do is put the like terms together, and then whatever you do on one side do the opposite on the other." Hei An explained. Guang nodded and sat closer to her books. Hei An watched her as she wrote inside her notebook and sat up from his leaning back position.
Whenever I'm thinking of her, my heart beats faster and harder than usual, and when I'm with her and close to her, I get a weird feeling by my heart. Hei An 'tched' and decided to test his theory again. Guang sat in front of him, so he uncrossed his legs and made it so that she was pressed against his chest when he put his arms on both sides of her on the table.
His heart calmed and it was true that he had a slightly painful feeling spread in the upper part of his chest, one that made him want to get even closer to Guang. He winced at how urgent it was and placed a hand on the spot it hurt.
Guang didn't notice at first the presence of something warm close to her back because she had something in her mouth and was too busy trying to figure out what three divided by two was. However, after these problems were brushed away, she could smell something roughly like books within a fruit market. She turned and her eyes met with Hei An's watching ones. Her body was pressed against his chest and she looked up at him from his shoulder. Guang's cheeks became tinted red and she looked away from him quickly.
   "I finished the problem.....I'll go to the bathroom really quickly!" Guang shouted hurriedly  and got up. Hei An rolled his eyes and his hand pulled her back into his lap this time.
    "Just do the rest of it before you go and lose focus. I'll go and take a break." Hei An said and stood up, he went to the door and with one backwards glance at the studying Guang, smiled and left the room.
   "He's crazy! I just....I've caught feelings for him again....crap. Alright...." Guang squinted at her math problems and groaned. She shut the book closed and took a fleeting glance at the door.
   "I know what's going to help me deal with life, the usual daily dose of piano." Guang grinned and she skipped into the Heaven room and sat down.
  She lifted the piano keys' cover and stretched, her hands caressing each glossy key with individual care. A piano creates music, and music is an outlet and a medicine. It was one of the things she'd learned from a young age from her mother. She loved to play it since her father was a talented musician. Guang's pink lips curled bitterly as she thought of her mother.
  Her hands lifted above the keys and she closed her eyes. It was quiet, and the sound of the wind pushing the curtains of the room around created a good sound to accompany the piano's music.

Hands hovering, Guang rested her hands on the two first keys. One long note served as something to ease her conscious into her usual reverie. She took her usual posture and her fingers set once again into action. Immediately, her hands set out like the men of the crusades, with alert and diligence. They showed how inside, thoughts ran like marathon runners around Guang's mind. Her brows drew together in a sort of distressed way and she threw her body into the song. Her arms shook with each long movement she took. It was like she was writing her thoughts onto a paper through the music and it was a frantic scribble. The sounds echoed around the room and gave a sense of a mind ready to burst. With one press on a key, the song changed.
Thoughts flew as doves let loose in a wedding as Guang continued to play, and landed as the tempo slowed. Her body swayed gently, and the thoughts in her mind voiced themselves gently. Appearing as if it were a mother telling a story meant for questions to her child. She transported herself to a beautiful park, covered in red and orange leaves and a solitary black bench that she and her mother sat on.
"Ma? Why does he keep getting so close to me?" A young Guang pouted,sitting in her mother's lap.
Shi-ya chuckled and and wrapped her arms around her child.
"Ah Guang. He likes you," Shi-ya smiled and snuggled into her daughter's neck, earning a laughing squeal from Guang.
"Maaaaa!" She whined still giggling. Shi-ya hmmed in response.
"But he didn't like me before!" Guang exclaimed. Shi-ya looked like she was thinking before answering her waiting child.
"I think that he did like you my light. He just didn't want to show it back then. Boys are complicated in ways like that. Your ba wasn't thankfully." Shi-ya explained.
The young Guang nodded slowly in understanding and once again tugged on her mother's arm to get her attention.
"Ma? What should I do then? What about Lee?"
   Shi-ya gathered her small daughter in her arms comfortingly. "Only you can figure out that my light"
The song became fast paced and the scenario began fading away from mind. As if an attempt to get her mother back, the keys began to be played erratically and Guang's breaths became panicked. Her hands slammed angrily against the piano  and played faster and faster, her body shaking with power, and as if possessed played even harsher until the song ended and a feeling of pain overcame her. Her right hand began shaking again and she gritted her teeth angrily. Guang let out one big sigh and slumped unto the piano with the thud of keys being abused.  Only a few thoughts remained in her mind, and she needed air and time to herself to get a better grip. Guang rushed and grabbed the snack bag, placed it into a backpack and did the same with her work. She glanced into the hallway and heard Hei An coming back up the stairs. Her eyes widened and she took a deep breath before deciding to take the window out. Guang hurriedly dropped her backpack out unto the street and hung on the window sill. Angling herself so that she'd fall on the stuffed bag and her thick jacket and sweatshirt she dropped down. Her heart raced as she let herself go and as she landed her right hand got scrapped. Shrugging it off quickly when she heard someone coming, she ran off towards the graveyard by her old home.

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