Have I Caught Your Eye?

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"Alright students! What's the plan for tonight's study session? Are we gunna meet up at Jiang's house? Or are we going to the Oriental Palace to eat and study?" Guang-Zhou Chang leaned towards the arch of classmates in front of her. The beginning test for the year was only two days away, and she knew absolutely no-one had studied for it.

"Aish, Guang Guang, if we go to the Oriental Palace, we won't be able to study!" A classmate piped up from the back.

Guang leaned back and smiled. "Why do you think that Shiang?"

A couple of laughs from the congress of students replied to Guang's question answer.

"It's because all we'll do is eat boss!" Lee laughed from the front row, his crooked teeth causing more people to join in laughing. Guang waved them down and motioned them to lean in with her.

"Okay! We meet up at Jiang's house then! Be sure to bring anything you want, cause we'll probably end up sleeping over." Guang looked each of her gleeful classmates in the eyes and as they nodded clapped as a conversation ender. Just as it happened, the teacher walked in.

"Okay my lovely delinquents! I have the study guides for you to do! I had to pull some strings for you all to get this small booklet so be thankful for it. Chang pass these out while everyone gets their textbooks out." Teacher Katelynn said. Guang nodded and started passing out the books. Katelynn smiled at her students as she mentally checked them in. Each one was smiling like they usually do. The only thing that bothered the red haired teacher from America, was that their class leader, so strong and capable, was alone for another again. This year would be her last with the class full of happiness and joy, and theirs the last with the teacher who had shaped them to be so tightly bonded. Katelynn smiled, and moving to her rightful place at the chalkboard, began to start the day's lesson.

Hei An-Woo Lee sat at his desk stiffly, reading a book with ease like many other of his classmates. The room was quiet, all but for the murmurs of math or science accompanied by the flipping of pages. On the chalkboard in front, a single equation sat solved, efficiently and cleanly in white. Silence kept the room apart from others. softly and gently, the cheers and chatter of Class L eased their way into the room through the windows on the inside walls of the classroom. Without words or a glance, as if by moving as one mind like a well oiled machine, the closest students shut the windows closed with a harsh thud.

The teacher, Sir Evan Eisenwald walked into the room, his footsteps proudly making themselves heard. The sounds of books closing and students standing greeted the man. His students, worked as one like a machine, without a speck of one being out of line, and not a speck of any sort of change, stood and bowed.

"Take your seats, and let's begin. Turn to page 100 and 7 in your math and science books. Once done with your student books for this class you may head to your extracurricular area." Eisenwald smirked and sat at his desk, propping his feet up and starting to read.

This was the school of Mayfair. With classes ranging from A to L in intellect. It wasn't strange for students to be insulted by other students from higher classes and vice versa. Thus, this event in the hallway in the small time span before extracurricular classes begun, was not in any way a new one. The only part that was always interesting was the person who would defend the lower ranked class member. Miss Guang-Zhou Chang.

"Watch where you're going pig. Someone like you should wait until the hallways are clear before going to your next class, just because you fill up the hallway." A thin boy with the pin of A class scolded. His prey, a small regular girl shivered in fear. Guang was joking and laughing with her classmates when one pointed out the situation.

"Oi, AhGuang, are you going again?" A concerned hand settled on Guang's shoulder. The owner of the hand was her second in command, Lee-Shu Wei. His brown eyes met hers and she nodded at him gently.

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