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Zhu parted the curtains like Moses parted the Red Sea and immediately slid down next to her son.
"What is it? What's wrong with her hand?" She asked, her forehead creased with worry. Min-gi and Mr. Lee followed not long after.
"Her hand has been hurt for four years. She never got any help, and from what I can tell it's an injury that's been caused from muscle strain." Hei An said, and looked at Guang for the next move. Wether or not they should go to the hospital.
"Do we need to take her to the hospital Anie? Is it that bad?" Zhu asked, placing a hand on his arm.
Hei An kept his gaze and Guang broke it to shake her head.
"No. I'll take care of it Ma." Hei An sighed and nodded towards his family. They glanced between the two and nodded. Hei An helped Guang up and kept his grip on her hand as he took her to his room. He let her go once they were inside and stood in front of her when she sat on his bed.
"The pain must be harsh. We have to take you to the hospital Guang." Hei An said, crossing his arms.
Guang watched him and shook her head again.
"I don't want to go anywhere close to that place. It terrifies me Hei An. I'll just deal with the pain like I have for years before." Guang mumbled softly.
Hei An's face twisted in a scowl.
"How can you be so stubborn like this?! If you continue with it your hand will get even worse." Hei An scolded. Guang shrugged and moved to stand up, but was blocked by Hei An.
"If it terrifies you so much, I'll be the one you'll be scared of instead. Go to the hospital Guang," Hei An growled. To which Guang rolled her eyes and pressed a kiss easily to his neck where she could reach without standing on her tip toes. Hei An took a step back in shock and Guang walked out almost smugly.
"She's going to be how I die someday." Hei An breathed in shock and sat down on his bed.
Guang laid down on the ledge and held her arm up in the darkness of her room to examine. Now, it wouldn't stop shaking. Guang sighed and touched her lips gently, remembering the kiss that happened earlier. She knew Hei An wasn't one to be emotional, and it fueled to the fire that all he wanted to do was yell at her. Her heart raced thinking about what happened and she tried to push it away with thoughts of other things. She remembered the previous face off they had and hid her face in the pillows. She'd said she wasn't like how she used to be and didn't like Hei An. Guang remembered how Lee had kissed her hand, and taken away some pain. Guang sighed again and she looked up at the stars.
   "Ma, you remember Hei An. You know Lee. What should I do? Why are my feelings acting up now? Why do I want to kiss Hei An? Knowing him Ma, he'll probably be even more cold towards me and we'll end up arguing." Guang groaned and became quiet as a soft knock sounded from her door.
  She got up and opened it to reveal Hei An. Startled she took a step back.
  "I heard you, and if that's what you think then yes; that's what's going to happen. Go to sleep now because I can hear you talking to yourself and it's annoying. Don't blame me for awakening those feelings of yours since they must have been there before. Oh, and Lee's just as useless as you so go to him." Hei An scowled at Guang and turned away back to his room. Stunned, Guang closed the door and fell on her bed. She'd have to end up cutting off her liking towards Hei An. She'd deal with that in the morning by mentally saying he wasn't anything major and that Lee was better.
   Hei An sat at his computer again and rubbed his face. The ER program wasn't working still and he was getting tired from everything that happened that day. It was midnight, and if Guang was still up they were the only ones awake. His heart clenched at even the mention of her name and his face formed a scowl. Ruffling his once neat hair he spiked it up messily.
   "If she's going to give me this much distraction and worry, I'll avoid her. Just like the first year." Hei An decided, and with one lost look at his computer went to bed himself.
   The next morning Guang woke herself up from a dreamless sleep and  hanger clothes to shorts and a loose fitting shirt from her mother. Then, taking her things, she placed them carefully on the small table and sat down. She opened her books up and started working.
   "Uhm, combine like terms....and then ah! The answer! But what's the slash for? And what's the little sin for? Wait hold on," Guang flipped through the book urgently.
    "Why are there so many shapes? Did I actually learn this on Friday?" Guang poured and scratched her head cluelessly. Her eyes turned towards. Hei An's room direction and bit her lip. Her head thumbed on the table with a loud thud and she winced. She picked herself up slowly and stood in front of Hei An's room.
  Her fist traveled towards the door slowly and deciding to just bite the bullet she knocked the door. There was a pause before a half asleep Hei An opened the door.
   "What do you want?"  Hei An yawned and ruffled his hair.
   "I need your help with homework.....I'll owe you if you do this for me!" Guang pleaded and held her hands together and squeezed her eyes shut.
   Hei An sighed and rolled his eyes at her. He was leaning against the doorframe and watched Guang for a second. He sighed and leaned in close to her so their noses were close to touching.
   "If I do, what will you do for me? I'll help you. So don't forget you'll owe me." Hei An whispered into Guang's ear. He stayed there for a second, his heart stopping its erratic beating, but he felt a warm feeling in his chest and an urge to touch her.
     "Okay! Let's go!" Guang cheered and grabbed Hei An's hand. She dragged him to her room and sat down expectantly next to him.
    "Go get some food from Ma and I'll set out some problems for you to look at." Guang nodded at Hei An and went to get food, when she got back she placed it in front him and started looking over the questions. 

  "Hey! I know some of these!" Guang brightened up and picked up her unique green pencil. It had a little scroll inside for handwritten messages to be shown in the middle and the message written inside was one saying, 'Study hard my light! You can shine anywhere!- Momma'

 Hei An began rummaging through the snacks and picked up the small mango pieces with toothpicks in them. He rested his head on his arm so that his face was level to Guang's and watched her. From anyone's view, you could tell he was in love. His dark eyes were defrosting, if but only a little, and they were attentive to every detail on Guang's face. He noticed how her eyebrows drew together ever so slightly as she focused, and that her lips were a shiny color; her eyes read and reread everything like music and he noticed how every so often her hair would begin to fall strand by strand into her face. He sat straight and placed his arm behind Guang, and then leaned towards her. She didn't notice and kept focusing on her work. Hei An's lips pulled up slightly in a smile and he pushed the hair behind her ear.

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