Fuck Your Sorry

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As many ass I beat in Baltimore and I mean I got a lot of notches under my belt and I never been locked up. I have done worst, than what I did with that bitch Keshia. In Baltimore you get your ass beat on Monday you better be prepared to fight again on Tuesday. Also we don't snitch, BITCHES get STITCHES is the model we all lived by in Baltimore.

Now I am sitting here in a fucking bull pin because a bitch called the police on me for giving her an ass whipping she deserved. All I could do is shake my head because all this is unbelievable.

I thought what me and Blaze had was tight. Shit I thought he was keeping it real with me but I guess I was wrong. This nigga has a son, been hiding it and plus still fucking his baby mother. Damn my heart, and mind is fucked up right now.

I keep asking myself like was this son made before me? Like damn this nigga got me out here looking like a fucking fool. Playing family man with his son and mother. So what i m the side chick? Fuck no I maybe young but I am not young, dumb, nor stupid. I been through this weak ass shit before like damn will I ever get a fucking break and be happy? All kind of shit is going through my mind questions with no answers.

"Ebony Jones" I heard my name being called.
"Right here"..
"Come with me you have to go see the court commissioner" the CO said.

We walked to this room and I saw Jeff talking to someone than he walked over to me. "Look Ebony the commissioner going let you out on your own recon. You will have a court date which will be 30 days from today. You have to stay away from Keshia because she put a restraining order against you. Meaning you can not be within 100ft of Keshia." "Cool" is all I could say.  The court commissioner said the same shit Jeff just told me and I agreed. I had to sign papers for the court date and I was release.

"Jeff let me hold your phone so I can call one of my girls to pick me up?"

"Blaze is outside waiting for us. He been texting and calling me since I walked in the jail."
"Nah go out there and tell him that everything is fine but it will be a minute until I get release because of paper work. I am call my girls so they can come and get me. I do not, I repeat I DO NOT want to be near Blaze right now."

"Ebony you have to give him a minute of your time to explain." "Explain what?" "How he has a son and been hiding it, how he fucking Keshia and me, or how he playing house with his family? I mean what does he have to explain? Shit because I don't want to hear it." I called my girls and no fucking body was answering. Mad as shit I went to use the bathroom and splash water on my face. I just felt like shit right now. Head hurts, stomach fucked up, hungry as hell, and heartbroken all at the same damn time. I used the bathroom and made my way back to Jeff.
"I couldn't get none of my girls can you just take me home please I feel like shit right now?" " Yeah I can but I am telling you Blaze is outside." "Okay like I said I don't want to talk to him. Just can you take me home?"

As I walked out that door there that lying ass nigga stood. He started walking over to me and before he could speak. I put my hand up and said "I feel like shit and I don't want to talk. I just want Jeff to take me home."
"What the fuck you mean you want Jeff to take you home? What the fuck for? Jeff not your fucking man."

" And you are not neither" I said.
"What the fuck you just say to me BB"?
"Blaze I am not speaking a foreign language, me and you I pointed my finger between us. We are done. You fucking sit in my fucking face and been lying? Huh have you? You know what okay you got 10 minutes to explain, so you better start talking."

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