Part 1

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Magnus POV

This is it, this is the moment where everything has no meaning anymore. Today is the day I will kill myself. Ending everything so I wont be hurt anymore. Here I am standing by the edge of the bridge looking down. The bridge might be not that big but it was long way down and river flowing underneath it is streaming fast with wave and rocks. The bridge in our town has less cars after midnight. The only car passing by is only when they need to get across the town but barely you could see any. My eyes are drowning in tears and my shirt are soaked in it. I just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with my friend Raphael. The three of us is like the three musketeers ever since we were a kids. But I thought Camille love me with all of her heart and I guess I was wrong. We were at Ragnor's party when I accidentally walked in both of them fucking each other. I saw how surprised she was cause she didn't know I was coming. Nobody did. I couldn't face anyone, not even my parents. So that's explained why I'm here making the stupidest mistake in my life. I was at the edge, holding on the rails looking down. I was playing with the pebbles on my feet kicking it and watch it fall into the water. It must be freezing by now since its middle of November. I closed my eyes and tilt my head up about to released my grip when I heard someone shout at me. I turned around then I saw him. The kid people are talking about. The pastor's son. The pastor gay son.

Alec's POV

I couldn't sleep after my fights with my dad. I know he's the pastor but nothing in his bible could changed who I am. Nothing would help me anymore. So I decide to sneak out from the window and take a walk. I didn't even realized I was walking way too far and arrived at the bridge near our town border. I always find it peaceful here cause at this time no cars will pass through and I love to lay on the middle of the road looking up to the night sky that full with twinkling stars. I thought I was alone tonight until I saw someone on the bridge holding the rails too loose and I fear he want to let go and maybe kill himself. So I shouted. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" He turned around, I recognized him immediately. He's that boy. The one I heard people always called sparkles cause he loves to put glitter on his hair and the ways he dressed and claiming himself as a freewheeling bisexuals. My father used to warn me to stay away from him so his devil's behaviors would not contagious us all. Pathetic I know but there is something about him tonight that I haven't seen it before. His eyes are red and swollen like he has been crying and his body is trembling in cold. I just felt like hugging him and telling him everything will be okay but I control myself. "What are you doing? Get down from there!" I looked up since he is on the bridge 5 feet above me. He looked at me and went back gazing the water.

3rd person POV

Magnus looked back on the water below his feet, he sniffed due to the tears and cold. "Go away, I don't need you here. Pretend you didn't see me."

"I cant do that, what if you jumped. I would never forgive myself if you did."

"Why do you care, go back to your life and pretend this never happen. We never spoke before so why bother now?"

"Because you are being yourself now and not the person you pretended to be. I saw you around school and I saw how you react. When you around your girlfriend or your friends you acted like asshole, a jerk. But I saw you at the library helping out one of the teacher and I saw you at the club helping the drunk girl to get home safe instead taking advantages on her."

"What are you stalking me now? Go away Lightwood, I don't need your pity."

Magnus was about to let go and released his grip when Alec jumped and grabbed his shirt making him fall on the ground behind him. He winced in pain as his back hits the ground with Alec by his side stood and stared down at him before he kneeled and held out his hand to helped him up. Magnus looked up and saw Alec's eyes, its hazel brown with a little green in them. Its beautiful and his face is beautiful for anyone to notice. His skin is pale but making his dark raven hair just popped even more. It may be dark at the roads but the moonlight shine and the streetlight helped him to see better. "Are you okay?" He asked and Magnus shoved his hand away and gave him an angry look. "Why did you do that?" He stood up and now they both stared at each other face to face. Damn he is tall and intimidating. "We got off the wrong start, I'm Alec - Lightwood. You must be Magnus Bane." He held out his hand for a hand shake but Magnus ignored and instead he turned on his heel and walked off, leaving Alec all confused in the middle of the road. "Hey wait." He ran catching up on Magnus and they walked side by side heading back to the town. "Why are you on that bridge? Were you try to kill yourself? Whats wrong? Trouble in paradise?" He smirked and he saw Magnus looking back at him with a murdering gaze. "None of your fucking business and please, stay away from me. I don't need some preacher telling me I'm going to hell." He smiled at Magnus making him more irritated. "I'm not my father and believe me I had enough preaching at my own home ever since I was born. I was just being nice since you look like you need a friend right now." Magnus sighed at him and still refused to talk. He can't shake him off and he can't stop talking about what happen making him so frustrated and annoyed. "Okay!" He stopped since Alec couldn't stop rambling and they both stood in middle of the road. "my girlfriend and I broke up and she is sleeping with my best friend. I was stupid to think I could kill myself without thinking of the consequences now would you please just shut the fuck up and leave me alone?" Alec looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled. He always smiling and to Magnus he likes how Alec smile showing all of his teeth but he is not in the mood for that. Alec nodded before Magnus walked away again. "You shouldn't be hard on yourself. From what I saw and heard, you're a free man, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want and whoever you want. Your choice. As for Camille, she is a slut anyway. Everybody knew that except you. Thought you might be stupid enough to see it." Magnus had it, he was angry before but now he is infuriating from his words. He turned and walked straight to Alec, he connected his fist to Alec's jaw making him stumbled on the ground. "I said enough!" He saw Alec spit blood that came out from his mouth and he held his face. He looked at Magnus and his eyes starts to teared up. Then he saw Magnus turned around and leave him alone on the road before disappear.

Alec woke up that morning with a splitting headache. He tried to get up but he felt his head is under water. He couldn't get enough sleep last night after what happen between him and Magnus. All he knows is he want to see him and apologized. So he forced himself up from the bed and went to shower. He came out from his room bumping with his sister Izzy. She was shocked to see his brother bruised jaw and cut on his lips. "Alec what the hell happened? Did you fought with someone in your dream?" She didn't know Alec sneaked out after they went to sleep and he shoved her hands when she tried to touch his face. "Stop, nothing, I bumped to my bed pole yesterday okay." Izzy rolled her eyeballs not believing her brother cause no matter what she knew him better than anyone else. She gave him a look that cause him to gave up. He couldn't kept any secret from her and she can read him like an open book. "fine! I sneaked out okay. But don't tell anyone." Izzy looked at him with another eye rolled. "Alec have I ever? But honestly who did this to you?" She is concerned on her brother well being. "Magnus. Knows how to punched tho." He rubbed his jaw still memorizing the event. "Wait? Magnus? Magnus Bane? Camille's boyfriend? What are you doing with him?" Alec looked in her eyes, "Ex - girlfriend. They broke up yesterday. Apparently she cheated on him with his best friend. Seriously what did he guys sees in her?" Alec shake his head and saw Izzy had her hands on her waist. "Boob, face, body and apparently a vagina. You're gay you wouldn't understand." Alec cringed his face at her but before he could continue they heard their mum yelling. "Guys, hurry up you're gonna be late for school!" Maryse shouted from the kitchen and Izzy and Alec went downstairs kissing her goodbye before taking their leave to school. Maryse was about to open her mouth and asked Alec what happened to his face but he just sprinted out from the house. Alec drove and Izzy sat on the passenger seat texting her boyfriend Merlion that she is on her way. Alec hated Izzy dated that guy since he is quite peculiar. He is like a hippy in a love band. His dress up, his hair and he loves smoking weed making him uncomfortable around his sister but Izzy told him that she would never smoke weed - like ever cause the smells makes her sick and he trust her more than anything. He know how Izzy is always confident about her body and Alec is always protecting her.

At Magnus' house

"Magnus sweetie you have to get up or you will be late for school." Magnus' mom, Mary knocked on his bedroom door before entering. She saw Magnus is still snuggled under the blanket and didn't move a muscle when she enters. She sat by his side and stroked his arm. He groaned at her gesture. "I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to see anybody but you." Mary smiled and her only son and even he is a grown man he is still clingy around her. "Mags, what's wrong? You want to talk about it?" She stroke his back and it was soothing. Magnus loves how his mother is always a person who he can talk too in time like this. "Camille cheated on me with Raphael and I tried to kill myself yesterday but someone save me and I punched him." Mary looked at him with wide eyes not knowing how to response. But then she slapped Magnus' upper arm making him winced in pain grabbing the side. "Why the hell you do that!? Why the fuck you have that kind of idea in your brain Magnus! Don't fucking do that again you hear me? Or I swear I will bring you back to life just so I can kill you myself!" Mary was angry and Magnus sat up hugging her. He felt guilty making her worried. "I raised you not to be a quitter Magnus, I raised you to be a man. It broke my heart if you would ever think that again." Magnus felt how she cried on his shoulder. "I'm sorry mama, I am really really sorry for making you worried. I promise I wont do it ever again." They pulled each other from a hug and Mary wiped her face from the tears. "Now, as for Camille, she is a slut for doing that to you and Raphael? He is so much of a best friend to stabbed you from the back. They are not worth of anything in this world and you deserves so much better my boy. Someone that could give you passion, adventure and love you from the bottom of his or her heart. When you found them you will understand but as for now, embraced the new chapter. Don't look back once you keep moving forward or it will string you along and you would never have your happiness." Magnus looked down on his blanket that cover the lower part of his body. He looked up to Mary's face and stared at her eyes. He nodded and kissed her on her cheek. "Thank you mama, I'm gonna shower now, I'm late already." He stood up and rushed to the bathroom leaving Mary on the bed. she made the bed after Magnus left and soon after Magnus finished his shower, he put on his clothes and he drove to school yelling goodbye to his mum. 

Hope you guys are still reading my fanfic, I have been drifted off by most of ff writers in IG and stop reading most of it but I still enjoy reading in Wattpad. I know I'm suck at writing but I wrote for me to read and I wrote for what I want to read. Leave a comment if you want to ask me anything. 

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