Part 30

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A sudden voice startled him from his action and he quickened his body towards Magnus who had a confused look plastered on his face. "Magnus please listen to me its not what it looks like!" He tried to defend himself and walked closer with both of his hand towards Magnus.

"Did you kiss all of your patient like that or just Alec?" He stepped back when Dr Barnes came forward and he shot him with a rage look instead. "No, its not what you think. Let me please explain so you would understand me." He signed a chair beside Alec and Magnus stared at it with a furrowed eyebrow. He sat reluctantly, crossing his leg on top of another and crossed his arm towards his chest. "Explain!" He heard Dr Barnes sighed before he took his seat across from Magnus and they both sat looking at each other. The room is silenced and only Alec's heart monitor is heard echoing through the air.

"My full name is Dr Daniel Barnes and I started working here for about four months now. I just moved in from San Francisco. Alec is actually my first surgical patient since a year ago. I stopped practicing after what happened to my brother." He stopped himself and Magnus was rather intrigued hearing what comes out next.

"I had a brother, Michael. He was about your age only a few years younger. He's gay too. Its always been us, just the two of us. Our parents died when he was very young and I am practically raised him since then. He was just like Alec. Tall, handsome, innocent and above all he brings light into the room and happiness to people around him. " Magnus smirked remembered how Debbie always called Alec sunshine cause every time he walked in the diner, her day shine like the sun in the sky.

"It was one night when I was working on call when someone told me my brother was at the emergency department. I remember I ran as if life was chasing me and I swore I never felt like dying that night. Someone chased Michael after he came back from his dance lesson. He was beaten, mugged and raped. I never saw my brother so lifeless and I felt clueless. The handsome face he had was covered with only bruises and blood, his tall body wasn't moving as it used to. I don't know what to do. All I could think of was to save my brother. He was already dead when they brought him to the hospital but I couldn't stop. I can't pronounce him dead and I couldn't accept his death. The police manage to find the bastard who did this to him and during the court hearing, I get to see the bastard in his eyes. They were never remorse. They were proud. When the judge asked him for any last word before the sentenced were done, he just look straight into my eyes and said-"

He couldn't continued his words and he held his face in his hand. Magnus leaned forward and rubbed Dr Barnes shoulder soothingly. He lifted his face that filled with tears and wiped it away, clearing his throat before he continued himself.

"He fucking said, my brother deserves to be in hell along with all the faggots. I remembered I got so mad I ran towards him and punched him in his face repeatedly. The judge had to held me in prison for what I did but he didn't take my license away since he understood why I did it. I tried to go back to work but the only thing I see was my brother. So I took a break, travel and I moved here for a fresh start. The night Alexander came to my ER, the memory came back towards me, I knew I have to save him no matter what it takes. He need to live and I can't let him suffer the same way my brother did. I'm sorry if you thought I had feelings towards him, I'm not. Its just he reminds me so much of my brother and I miss him so damn much."

Magnus rose from his seat and start pacing around the room before he stood before Dr Barnes. He also had stood before him and suddenly, Magnus hugged him. "Thank you. For saving his lives." He felt relieved and nothing felt better than that. True he wasn't able to help his brother but he might help with Alec's case. He wrapped his arm around Magnus while rubbing his back softly. They were lucky no one came to barge in the room and ruined their moments. They released from each other when they were interrupted by Dr Barnes pager. "I should go, I'll see you around kiddo." He said pointing at both Alec and Magnus as if Alec could hear him. He smiled waving him goodbye before took his place besides Alec.

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