Part 22

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Alec couldn't finished his plate as he felt dizzy from the pain. He barely ate his lunch and it causes Magnus to worry. "Hey, you okay?" He rubbed Alec's back softly. Alec turned his gaze to Magnus and nodded before he managed to smile. "Maybe we should take you to the room so you can rest." Everyone around the table agreeing to what Magnus said but Alec shook his head no. "No, I want to stay for the bon fire. I won't do anything, I would just sit around watching you guys." The bon fire usually end up these teenagers getting drunk and do ridiculous stuff but since they have their teacher and its hard to get strong alcohol into it they end up having smores and partying alcohol free. They would have karaoke, dancing and other party stuffs they could enjoy.

Magnus doesn't like the idea of Alec staying up all night since he should be resting but he doesn't want to argue with him and he go along with it, in his mind, Alec will never escape his eyes whole night. So he just nodded to Alec's idea and getting a glare from Izzy to keep an eye for her brother.

By seven in the evening, they have gathered everyone around and starts the party. Alec was sitting on the couch with Magnus and the rest of their friends just enjoyed each other company. Magnus kept trying to feed Alec smores but he rejected it countless times. He didn't have the stomach to swallow the sweet things although he is into the stuffs. His pain build up after few hours from the first pills he took so he took another. The only thing the pill was able to do is making him drowsy and nauseated but it doesn't take the pain away, not a little bit. Alec hated the feeling since he wants to cuddle with Magnus and spend time with each other.

"How's your chest Alec?" Camille stood before him and Alec shot an angry look. Since when did this bitch cares? Magnus was not there since Alec asked him to get some water. So he practically alone on the couch - vulnerable. "Why do you care? As if you have a heart to care about others well being?" Camille looked at him with a crooked eyebrow, was hurt by Alec's words but Alec didn't care cause she hurt him more.

"If you want something stronger to ease the pain, I have them in my room." Camille signed. Alec looked up at her with a surprised look. He was sitting on the couch hugging his knees to his chest. This position felt better cause he won't have to take a deep breath. "I'm fine. Leave me alone." He snapped back. He heard Camille sighed and sat next to him. "You don't have to pretend in front of me, Magnus yes but not me. I know what they gave you is weak. If you changed your mind I'm in my room. Come by if you want some."

Alec swore he was tempted by the offer as soon as Camille left the room and headed upstairs. As soon as she left Magnus came back with couple of mugs and a bottle of water clutched in his arm. "What that bitch wants from you? She didn't hurt you didn't she?" Magnus asked, cupping Alec's cheek. Alec smiled leaning to the touch and saw Magnus hold a cup of warm tea. "No, she was saying stupid stuffs. I wasn't paying any attention anyway. Is that tea for me?" Alec sat up trying to reach the cup but then he lay back wincing in pain.

Magnus helped bring the tea to Alec and he held it in his hand embracing the warmth. "Be careful. Its hot. Are you feeling any better?" Magnus asked him with a concern look plastered on his face. Alec felt bad ruining their vacation together. They would have enjoyed tonight dancing with each other but now Alec couldn't barely hold himself in one piece. He nodded before he took a sip from the tea and lay back on Magnus shoulder. Magnus had his arm wrapped around Alec's waist while Alec had his head on Magnus shoulder. They were observing this kids dancing and singing their lungs out, unable to carrying the tuned.

Alec felt the pain grown more and he wasn't uncomfortable in Magnus embrace. He shifted his body multiple time to adjust but failed. So he decided to take up on Camille's offer but he can't tell Magnus cause he knew he would get angry. But he couldn't bear it and he took half of the pills bottle already. "I think I'm gonna lie down in our room." He moved out from Magnus' embraced. "Okay, I'll take you." Magnus was helping him up Alec stopped him. "No, Magnus I'm alright, I'm capable of taking care of myself. Enjoy the night with them. I'll just be at our room. Don't worry about me." Magnus looked at Alec with a disappointing look, "But I will always be worried of you Alexander." He said. Alec smile leaned down and kiss Magnus on his forehead. "I know baby, I'll be fine." Magnus nodded weakly unable to win a fight. So he watched Alec ascended the stairs in the best way he could.

As Alec reached to the first floor, he walked through the hallway and stopped at Camille's room. He stood there few minutes before he managed to have courage to knock on the door. He could hear giggling coming from her room and the door was opened after. "Alec, I see you managed to made up your mind and take up my offer." Alec looked up to the girl stood before him. She wears nothing but a tank top and a short pants. He bet she wear nothing underneath it as he could see her nipples was protruding through. For the first time in his life he is glad he's gay. The sight is too revealing and making him nauseous. "I thought maybe if I could have a few to hold it for tonight." Alec felt his body was feeling weak and his legs are weaken too. He placed his hand on the door frame trying to hold himself.

Camille invited him in and he sat on the couch in her room. It must not be her room cause it is too luxurious and he bet Sebastian rented it for her. Camille came towards him and handed him a glass of cocktail. Alec looked towards her and shake his head. "Thanks but I don't drink." Camille shoved the drink into Alec's hand spilling it a little. "Come on Alec, live a little. When is the last time you had a drink." Alec gulped as he saw the oranges colored drink in his hand as he sip a few. He cringed his nose when the taste of sweet and sour invaded his throat, it burns as it goes down. He adjusted to the taste before he swallowed few more. "here. Take this. It helps." Camille handed him a few tablet in his hand and he looked at it. The two tablets placed on his palm looked harmless. So he took a big gulped and swallowed the table with the drinks he had.

A moments later he saw Sebastian came from behind Camille hugging her waist in a most disgusting way to Alec. "I told you he would come." Camille said as Sebastian kissing down her neck. Alec felt his vision getting more blurry and his throat felt dry. He could feel his forehead is sweating and his legs couldn't hold it much longer. The last thing he saw was Sebastian grin before he falls into darkness.

"Hey dad what's up?" Magnus answered the phone call from his father. Its still early but he never miss a call from his parent or he would never hear the very end of it. "How's everything? are you guys having fun?" Jack asked. Magnus couldn't figured out the right word to explain to his father and he just sighed, grasping his hair in his hand tugged it a little. "Mags, is everything okay? Are you guys in trouble?" Jack sounds concern cause usually his son is a man of words but when Magnus was speechless for a while he knew something is up. "Yeah everything is okay dad, is just Alec had a bad fall from a horse earlier this morning." Magnus could hear Jack's gasped on the other line. "That's it I'm coming for you two." Magnus could hear rumbles behind the call and he heard his mum asking what's wrong. "Dad! Calm down would you. Its freaking 9pm and I don't want you to drive middle of night for us. Alec is fine, he's resting in our room right now. plus we're going home tomorrow and you can see him for yourself." Magnus heard Jack sighed on the other end and they both kept their silence for a while. "Are you sure Alec is okay?" Magnus nodded but before he realized his father couldn't see it, he spoke. "He's fine, the nurses checked on him and said he's okay. Just couple of bruises here and there. I'll see you guys tomorrow okay." before Jack could answer he ended the call. Magnus couldn't help but feeling sometimes Jack is pain his ass. he felt guilty ended the call but he promised to apologized tomorrow. 

"Hey, where's Alec?" Jace came towards Magnus and asked as his eyes lingered around looking for his best friend. "He went back to the room to rest. I think I want to go joined him as well." As Magnus stood up, he turned to take his leave before some girls grabbed his arm and pulled him to crowd. "Magnus showed us your dance moves from last year homecoming party." One of the girls said and Magnus chuckled reluctant. He doesn't feel like dancing and for some reason he forgot which moves they we're talking about. As he kept on rejecting the offer, people started to cheer and chanting his name so he sighed defeatedly and began to dance. 

 Guys please don't hate me on this. My plot is twisted but I want Sebastian to suffer later. Don't be mad at me.

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