Part 6

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Alec woke up the next day feeling exhausted due to crying all night. His eyes are puffy and red while his hair is all messy. He woke up grabbed his phone by the night stand hoping Magnus would reply his text but only to find disappointment. 'No notifications' appeared on his phone and he went back to his conversation with Magnus last night. The messaged sent and read. To his heart he hoped it was his mistake by not pressing sent or anything. He felt pain throbbing his heart through his stomach. This feelings are the worst feeling he ever felt. Feeling of rejection and disappointment. He shake his head and instead of crying out more he texted Magnus.

Alec L. : Hey, good morning. Hope you are okay.

He locked his phone and headed to shower. After a while he was in the shower he went out with wet hair. He put on his shirt and went to check on his phone, still no notification. He sighed and locked it back. He sat on his bed thinking what he could have done wrong to Magnus. He thought back what could made him changed his mind. He wished how he could turned back the time and change the event but all he could do now is hugged his knees and stared at blank wall. Not until he heard his bedroom door opened and Izzy popped in. "Alec." She called out only to find Alec sitting by the edge of the bed with phone in his hand. "Don't you knock?" Alec spoke weakly not turning his head. "I thought you still asleep, is everything okay?" She approached him slowly and placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to the other side so Izzy wont see his face. Izzy kneeled on the floor next to him then placed his fingers on his chin turning his face towards her. She can see her brother is actually crying and tears starts to flood his pale face. Alec still didn't make eye contact towards Izzy. He felt how Izzy cupped his cheek with her warm hand. "Wanna talk about it? Is the date that bad? What happened?" Izzy hate to see Alec this hurt and she hated more if anyone hurt her brother. Alec looked up and stares in his sister's eyes. Izzy looked at him and noticed he was at the verge of crying again. She didn't hesitate for once and straight to hug his brother. Alec released his feelings towards her small body. He cried out and sobbed on her shoulder. Izzy rubbed his back softly and hushed a few words to soothe. "I'm so stupid Izzy." Izzy pulled back from their hug and Alec wiped his tears with his finger. "Alec you are everything but that. Why are you saying that? What happened exactly?" Alec took a deep breathe and released it, sighing. "I don't even know exactly. The date went fine, we had a great time, we laughed we teased and we went star gazing. But after that he became all weird and he insisted we should not see each other. It hurts Izzy. How many years I waited to make him noticed me? How many years I have kept my feeling towards him before I got the chance to go out with him." Izzy stares at her brother and holds his knees, "I know you are strong Alec, you'll get through this. Anyone will be lucky enough to be with you. Don't lose hope." Alec nodded to his sister's words. She was right, he suffered worst than this. He hugged Izzy one last time before they heard their mum called out from downstairs. "Come on, I'm starving." Alec smiled and he swore he could hear his own stomach grumbled. They both stood up and went downstairs for breakfast.

As they reached the kitchen Maryse was sipping her coffee while placing the plate on the table for her kids. They were eggs and bacon for Alec and Izzy. They both placed themselves on the chair. Maryse was surprised to see Alec's face pale and swollen eyes. "Alec, what happened? Are you sick honey?" She went to Alec and cupped his face turning it side to side while he chew on his breakfast. She placed the back of her palm on his forehead to check his temperature but his face is cold not warm like she expect it to be. "Mum, stopped! I'm fine, I'm trying to eat." He pull his face back earning a stare from Izzy. Maryse couldn't help but worry. Alec had a rough childhood going in and out from hospitals due to his bad lungs. He was born premature due to her fights with Robert (another story for another day) and he spent his 3 months in NICU surviving. He spend all his childhood with medications and respiratory therapist. True that Alec's health improved over the years and the last time he got sick was when he was 12 but to his fault cause he spend all evening playing at the ice rink with Jace. Maryse looked at Isabelle and hoping she could tell something but she just shrugged her shoulder and went back to her breakfast."Fine, if you say so. I'm going to the store to run some errand you guys need anything? Alec you need refill for your inhaler?" Maryse grabbed her pursed and looked at her kids still eating their breakfast. Alec looked at her and crooked his eyebrow. He can't even remember the last time he was using the inhaler and even remember when was last time he saw it. But he was scared to tell his mum he lost the inhaler so he just shake his head and smiled. Maryse kiss Alec on his cheek and then Isabelle on her head before leaving the house. "So what is your plan today?" Izzy asked her brother and Alec looked up to her smiling. "Jace gonna come over and we're gonna play games. What are you gonna do?" Izzy rolled her eyes and in her thought how boys will always be boys. "Is Clary coming? I could hang out with her." Alec shrugged his shoulder cause he didn't like Clary very much and if Jace brings her then its all ruined. "I don't know but if he did please get her out of my sight." Izzy sighed, she knows Alec still have feelings for Jace but he shake his feelings away by treating Jace like a brother instead. They spend the rest of the day playing video games and to Alec's luck Jace didn't bring Clary and Alec felt happier spending time with him without cooping in his room crying over Magnus. Izzy went out with her boyfriend Meliorn after she got a call from him. Alec kept on staring at his phone time after time gaining Jace a questioning look. "Who are you texting?" Jace began his question since he knew Alec is not that much of a texting guy. He quickly turned it off and put the phone in his pocket and went back to their game. "No one, just checking the insta." He answered coldly but to Jace he knew Alec very well to know that was a lie but he just ignored it not to ruining their moment. They hang out till the evening and Jace left after he got a called from Clary asking him to help her with something. Alec rolled his eyes and sighed but he can't stopped him. Jace is not his boyfriend to be control and even though he is, Alec is not that kind of guy who controls other people. After Jace left, he went to his room throwing himself to the bed. He take his phone out and saw still no text from Magnus. He sighed and he kept on sending Magnus greetings but still no answer. So he decide to sent another message.

Alec L.: I hope you are okay. Maybe you're busy to reply but its okay. I will see you at school on Monday, I hope. I'm sorry for anything I did to upset you. I hope everything is okay. Goodnight Magnus.

He locked his phone and place it by the night stand. This is crucial, what Magnus did to him is beyond human. He hates this feeling in his guts not knowing if Magnus was okay or is he mad at him. He tried to sleep it off but it won't help. He kept on thinking whole night and he wish he could sleep but he failed. So he decide to walk off so he could clear his head. He climbed out from his window and jumped from the pergola by the side of the house. He only has his black hoodie and his sweatpants with his sneakers on. The night is cold, colder than before. He can see his breath every time he breathe out. He walk out and found himself by the playground. He sat on the swing and play with the ground beneath his feet. He swing the seat slowly and he look up. The sky is pitch black and the coldness is getting stronger. He sighed taking a deep breath and he stood. He walked around and he felt the coldness making him harder to breathe. So he decide to turn back and head home. 

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