Part 20

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Enjoy this chapter cause I love my reader so much. Thank you guys so much for the vote and comment.

Alec was sitting on the rock next to Magnus. He still hasn't look up and gaze an eye contact with Magnus. He doesn't know why it is so hard to do so since Magnus' eyes was not the only thing he loves about them. Magnus sighed next to Alec and pulled him to face him. Now they were sitting in front of each other. Magnus cupped Alec's cheek to make him look into his eyes.

"I need you to tell me what is going on with you and Sebastian. I can't keep ignoring this matter anymore Alec." Alec finally looked up and his eyes were red waiting for tears to drop. He tried to open his mouth and he wanted to tell Magnus everything that happen but he got scared. What if Magnus think differently about him. What if Magnus felt disgusting towards him. He couldn't lose Magnus. So he decided to keep quiet and shake his head. His gaze turned back down on the ground to his feet. Magnus sighed and released his hand from Alec.

"I can't do this if you keeping secret from me Alexander. I protected you and the least you could do is to tell me the truth. I- I just, ughhh.. forget it." He stood up and want to leave but his hand was caught by Alec. He turned to see Alec looking up with eyes already filled with tears. Magnus felt his heart shattered seeing Alec so broken but he didn't want Alec to see him weak. "If I tell you, promise me you won't look at me differently." Magnus sat back on the rock in front of Alec. Their fingers still interlocking with each other. He nodded letting Alec to start.

"I know Sebastian since we were 14. His dad and my dad were friends. I knew I was gay since I was 12. Sebastian always the golden kid. My parents used to compared me to him. One night when I was 16, he throw a party at his house. Some celebration for his higher achievement. You were there with Camille. But you haven't notice me that time. Sebastian took me to show something in his room. He gave me a drink to loosen up. I drank and the next thing I know he was all over me. He kissed me. I was unable to control myself. I feel like my body was numb. I couldn't move. I kept telling him to stop but he kept going and his grip getting stronger, pinning me down on the bed. He was trying to get in my pants when someone barged in the room. I remembered being saved by someone but the next thing I know I was at the hospital. The doctor told me I was drunk and almost overdose. They had to pumped my stomach to save me. My father was so angry and he kept blaming me what happened. I tried to tell them Sebastian drugged me but I was wrong to play fire with fire. He ended up telling rumors all over the school and town on me being gay. He bullied me, tortured me, physically and mentally cause he want to show people he was innocence and I was the one who obsessed with him. I got so depressed I tried to kill myself. But I wasn't strong enough to leave Isabelle behind. My father got so ashamed of me and he warned me to sent me to New York with my uncle. I pleaded, begging him not too. To my luck, Sebastian was sent to Europe by his father to cool things between us. He doesn't want his son to have any bad record dealing with me so either I go or he go."

Magnus kept his silence the whole time Alec told his story. He heart was mixing with a lot of emotions. He felt angry, betrayed by his own friend. He also felt guilt cause Alec had to go through all those things by himself. Alec still hasn't look up and he's dying to see his eyes. So he got closer and straddled himself on Alec's lap and cupped his cheek with both of his hand. He leaned and kiss Alec on his lips. The kiss deepen as Alec wrapped his hand around Magnus neck and the other on his waist. Magnus pulled back from his kiss trying to catch his breath. He leaned his forehead against Alec and their eyes closed savoring the moment.

"I'm so sorry Alexander that you have to go through that all by yourself. I'm here now. I will never hurt you." Alec nodded before he wrapped his arm around Magnus waist and hugged his body. They held each other for a while before Magnus felt Alec shudder in coldness. "You're cold, we should get back inside." Alec nodded, obliged to his words. He stood up and took Alec's hand with his. They both get back to the ranch house together hand in hand. Alec wasn't afraid to show himself as gay anymore. He got Magnus by his side and that is the only thing matter.

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