Part 14

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The day come when Alec was ready to leave the hospital and his father, the devoted pastor driving them home. Alec told Magnus not to come and they will see each other at school tomorrow. The whole car ride was silent only his father was speaking bragging about how much they spend for his hospital bills. Alec felt his heart building up with anger but at the same time he felt guilt and blamed himself for getting his family in trouble. But to most matter is getting his mother blamed as well.

To Alec's heart, his father can hurt him as much as he wanted too but no one can hurt his mother or making her sad. But her marriage to his father has nothing but problems. Sometimes Alec felt like taking his mother and his sister away from him but he's only a teenage kid who doesn't have anything to survive for and he is still depending on his parents for it.

As soon as they arrived home, Alec ran inside ignoring his father but as soon as he reached the staircase his father yelled out his name, "Alexander! You come back down here, I'm not finished talking some senses into you!" He yelled and Alec groaned in frustration. He turned his heel and went to the kitchen to get some water for his dry throat. Maryse grabbed her husband's shoulder trying to calm him down, "Robert please, he just got back, let him rest. He's still our son for god sake." Robert shrugged his shoulder away from her touched making her flinched in fear. "Shut up woman! If you speak in God's name you should have be siding with me not your queer son! This is all your fault!" Maryse turned her eyes to the ground in tears and Alec slammed the bottle on the counter making a loud noise. "Don't fucking talk to her like that! She's your wife not your slave!"

Robert turned his gaze on to Alec and his eyes filled with anger. "You listen to me you little shit! As long you are still living under my roof, you will obey my orders! You will stop this nonsense and stop seeing that boy, you hear me!" Alec smirked as he heard his father's words which causing him to be more infuriated. "Nothing will stop me from seeing Magnus and you can't do anything about it. As soon as school is over, I'm leaving this place for good, you won't have to see me again father." He left the kitchen bumping his shoulder against Robert's signaling his anger towards him but as he reached his mum, she looked up at her tall son with tears flooded her eyes. She rubbed his cheek softly and he sighed in calm. Nothing is more soothing than a mother's touch. Her eyes tells him everything, he knew his mother doesn't want him to leave but he had no choice. He promised her, he will get her out from this marriage.

Alec slammed the bedroom door and groaned with his face in the pillow silencing the noise he made. He wish he could shout and expressed his feelings. After a while he fell asleep.

Alec groaned when he woke up feeling someone sitting beside his bed. As he opened his eyes he saw his room was dark and the only light came was from the night stand. He saw his sister sitting by the bed side looking at him. He sat up rubbing his eyes and yawned. "What time is it?" He asked. Izzy looked at her phone before answered. "Its almost 8PM, you haven't eat anything, here, mum asked me to send you this." She held out a tray with spaghetti and water on it. He grabbed it and said thank you to her.

As he ate her sister watched him, they engaged in conversation about school and stuffs before it turned to Magnus. "He misses you, a lot." Izzy said. Alec couldn't help but to grin like an idiot. "I miss him too, a lot." He can't speak to Magnus as his father still has his phone and he doesn't want to text him through Izzy's cause she needed it. He only hoped tomorrow come sooner so he could meet his boyfriend.

As promised, the school starts at 8 but Alec already awaken since 6am. He shouted for Izzy to be hurried and she groaned in frustration seeing her brother eager to go to school. He drove with a smile on his face and as they reached the parking lot, he went and look for Magnus.

He look for a certain glittery person in the parking lot but failed so he went to look inside the school area. He was greeted with lots of people wishing him good health but mostly surprised that he was alive but to Alec is confusing cause he remember leaving the school area breathing. As he was looking around he saw Magnus with Ragnor by the locker but that's not it. He saw someone he wished never to see again. He saw Camille oogling his boyfriend by the locker. She was laughing at whatever Magnus said and she touches her hair but Magnus slapped her hand away. She really does trying to get his attention which making Alec furious and wished he could just stabbed her right there right now.

The moment was getting more heated when he saw her running her hand towards Magnus' chest going south but grasped by Magnus before she could. Alec had it, he was patient enough and now he had to do something before that bitch make a move on his boyfriend.

He stormed through the crowd and Magnus wasn't aware of it since he had his back at him. Alec pulled him to face each other and grabbed his neck. Next thing Magnus knew, their lips crashed against each other in one deep long kiss. He was stunned Alec did that and he returned the favor giving the crowd a loud cheer. He grabbed Alec by the hem of his shirt pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.

They both released and catch a breath. Alec leaned his forehead against Magnus' and panted. "I miss you." He said softly. Magnus couldn't help but to smiled and he kissed him again. "I miss you too. I thought you won't be back today." They were kissing for a while before interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They both turned their head and saw Ragnor and Camille by the side. Ragnor was smiling but Camille on the other hand looking like a kid who got their candy stolen from them. She had both of her hands crossed to her chest.

"Lightwood. I thought you were dead. Nice to see you're still around like a cockroaches. Every time you flushed them down the toilet, always finds its way back up." She smirked rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Its nice to see you still whoring around my man. How desperate of you to get some dick?" Magnus burst out in laughed and he felt proud Alec called him his man. "Whatever virgin!" She scoffed before take her leave. Magnus couldn't stop smiling and he kissed his boyfriend again ignoring Ragnor by the side. "Okay you two, knocked it off. Someone's gotta eat." Magnus rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag pack on the ground which dropped when Alec pulls him for the kiss.

They walked together to the classroom and headed for their first class as a couple. Which to their luck is science and Alec and Magnus both love the subject. 

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