Part 12

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Magnus didn't realized how long he sat at the waiting room with his head in his hand before he felt someone patted his shoulder. He looked up with red eyes and he saw Isabelle stood in front of him. "Hey, why are you out here? Have you talk to Alec?" Magnus couldn't answer instead he just stare down at the floor. Izzy felt something was wrong and she kneeled in her jeans before him. She lifted his chin up locking eyes at each other. "What happened?" She asked. Magnus looked into her eyes, "Alec decided no visitors allowed. Family only." He bowed his head back down and he heard Izzy gasped in shock. She stood up grabbing Magnus' wrist and dragged him to Alec's room. As she opened the door and was about yelled at Alec ridiculous command she was met with unexpected surprised.

"Daddy?" She muttered under her breaths and released her grip from Magnus' wrist. Robert Lightwood stood by Alec bedside along with her wife and as Isabelle barged in he turned his head and saw his favorite child. With a smile on his face, he went to Izzy and pulled her in for a hug. She replies the hug willingly. "When did you came back?" Robert released their embrace and his smug smile dropped. "your mother called, said Alec is in hospital, I had to come." He turned his gaze to Alec on the bed. "Its nice of you to consider me but you don't have too." Alec commented and Robert turned on his heels walking towards the bed standing in front of Alec. Alec looks pale and his eyes are red with eye bags and dark circles around it as if he didn't sleep for days but all he did was sleeping. "Then how do you supposed to pay all the hospitals bills if I'm not around? Grow up Alexander, you should take more responsibilities on your action, you're not a kid anymore. But here you are making a mess and causing your mother to worry and putting more debt in the family." Alec rolled his eyes at him and snorted. "I'm not the one who wasted thousands of dollars hosting a dinner and went to Florida for a stupid fucking convention and leave my family behind not caring whether or not they dead or alive." Maryse stood by Robert and placed her hand on his shoulder but swatted it away, "Don't touch me woman! Stay out of this." She knew Alec and Robert always fight but this time its gonna get worst since Alec had some courage to confronted his father. " Don't treat her like that!" Alec raised his body sitting up trying to fight his father but that's the only thing he could do. "Listen here you lil punk! Dropped that attitude or you will accept the consequences." He pointed his finger at Alec and Alec stared at him with anger and embarrassment. "Or what father? you will sent me away again trying to fix me? You should be the one to get fix not me!" Alec's breathes quickens as he tried to control his anger towards Roberts.

"Okay lets everyone take a deep breath and relax, mum would you please take dad home and let him relax, me and Mags will take care of Alec for now." Robert and Alec turned their heads simultaneously to Izzy and only then Alec realized Magnus was in the room. "Who the hell is Mags?" Robert turned and then he saw the certain sparkling figure behind Izzy. His face dropped when he saw him and he knew him well. He might not know him by hard but he does know Magnus in town, the free wheeling bisexual with parents who are not the member of the church. "What are you doing here? You're not welcome here, families only, leave!" Robert raised his voice and stares deep in Magnus eyes which filled only with hatred and disgust. Only then they knew it was Robert who made the request for visitors not Alec which made Izzy and Magnus more infuriating than ever.

"You know what sir, I have a hard time to believe you are a man of god. You speak of god and your book like it was the greatest thing on earth but your behavior making me doubt your existence is only to make people hate your religion. As what reason of my presence's here is because Alexander and I are friends and I like if we became more than that." Alec and Izzy both had jaw dropping moment hearing Magnus' words but Robert on the other hand wishes he could strangled Magnus for being so bold in front of him. Maryse decided that its time to cut the argument short and she pushed Robert out of the room, closing the door behind her. Izzy and Magnus looked at each other and burst out in a laugh. They both held their stomach holding their laughter before Magnus' gaze falls upon Alec on the bed. He thought he would received a cold treatment but instead Alec was smiling at them. His smile that Magnus longed for days and to be truth he wanted to see those smile everyday for the rest of his life.

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