New girl at School -2

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I woke up at 6. I fed Bella then let her outside in the back yard. Jess came into My room. Remember school starts at 8. Also Im riding with Ethan. She said. Alright. I said back. I don't know why that girl is so cheery in the morning. I Put on a pair of Dark blue jeans, a cage the elephant tee and some high top Vans. I put my hair into a high Pony tail. I put on gold eye shadow mascara and eyeliner. I grabbed my keys, Phone, wallet and Bag. I let Bella back inside. I Was eating a Pop Tart when Grayson Called.  Me- Hey Grayson. Grayson- Hey Bec I know this is unexpected and if your not home its fine but- I cut him off. Me- Grayson spit it out. I laughed. Grayson- Your cousin and My brother ditched me again. Would you be able to give me a ride to school? He asked. Me- Yeah Im eating right now i'll come get you in a sec. Grayson- Don't worry I walk over to your house don't rush. Me- Alright Bye. Grayson walked in. Want a pop tart?  I asked. Yeah sure. He said. I popped one in the toaster. Thanks for Taking me to school. He said. Why does your brother always leave you? I asked. He leaves me A lot for Jess. He said. I walk most mornings because my parents aren't home. He added. You can just start riding with me If you want. I said. Really? Thanks. He said. Its no Problem Gray. I said. You Ready? I asked. Yeah Lets go. He said. We piled into My jeep. I like your shirt By the way. Gray said. Thanks. I replied. I handed Gray the Aux cord and he played some music. We Pulled up at the school. We walked together. We got looks from people. Yo Gray is that Ya new girl. One guy yelled. Grayson Flipped him off. Whats your first period? He asked. English. I said. With who? He asked. Mr. Ricktor. I said. I'll show you where that is. He said. Thanks. I said Back. We walked in the hallways. This school is so much bigger than my old school. I said. Its easy to get around after a while. He said. He walked and stopped at a tall door. This is it. He said. Then a Middle age man walked out of the room up to us. Hello Grayson. Who is this? He asked. Mr. Ricktor this is Bec. Its her first day. Grayson said. Well come on in and Take a seat. He said. Thanks Gray I'll see you at lunch. I said. I walked in and Sat at a desk in the back. Mr. Ricktor came in and Stood in-front of the board. Good morning Class. It appears we have a new student. Please Stand up and say a few things about yourself. He said. I stood up. Um Im Bec Robbins, I moved from Arkansas I'm 16 and I play softball. I said. Than sat down. Arkansas thats a long way. He said. Yeah It is. I said back. What brings you to New Jersey? He asked. I Moved in with my Aunt and cousin. I said. Is your cousin Jessica Robbins? He asked. Jess and Yeah. I said. He handed out The Play Romeo and Juliet. This class periods Play is Romeo and Juliet study this then you will Audition for Parts Next week. He said. My first 3 periods went by quick. I went to Lunch. Someone tapped on my shoulder. Hows your day going? He asked. Pretty good. Lynn right? I asked. Yep. He said. Back. I walked in and Spotted Grayson. Hey Gray. I said. Hows it going? He asked. Better than I thought. I said. We talked for a little bit. Then We heard shouting between some girls. I automatically recognized the voice. Grayson looked at me. Its Jess. He said. Yep. I said back. I scanned the room for her. Then I found her. She was yelling at a girl taller than her. Jess shoved her then the girl started swinging. I jumped out of my chair. Grayson Yelled at me but I kept running to Jess. I ran at the girl and swung at her. My fist connected with her Jaw. The girl swung back at me we kept exchanging blows. Next thing I knew Grayson picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. Then the principals came over. He took Me, Jess and the girl to his office. Fighting on your first day Ms. Robbins? He said. Look she swung at My cousin and I did something about it. You both finish out your day then you are both suspended for the remainder of the year. I walked out of the office. What the Hell Jess? I asked. She was talking some mad smack. Jess said. You always do this you try and fight with people. Then who comes to save you. Me. I said. Look Bec I'm sorry but I had to. She said. I walked to my fourth period. Thankfully Grayson was in there. I walked in Late. You must be Bec Robbins. The lady said. Um yeah. Fighting on your first day isn't a good thing. Now take a seat. She said. I sat next to Grayson. What happened. He asked. After today I'm suspended for the rest of the school year. I said. Well we only have a week so thats not that bad. Grayson said. Yeah Jess is suspended too so. I said. After the school day finished I met Grayson at my car. What an eventful day. I said. Yeah I know. Grayson said. Jess called me. Jess- Hey do you and Grayson wanna meet me at Ethan For froyo? I looked at Grayson and he nodded. Me- Yeah sure I'll see y'all there. Jess- Great. I don't know where its at. I said. I do here let me drive. Grayson said. This car is my baby. I said. Come on please. He said. Fine. I said. We switched seats. He drove to the place. Grayson got out and Handed me the keys. We ordered and sat with Jess and Ethan. Bec did you let Grayson drive the jeep? She asked. Yes I did. I said. Wow. She said back. Thanks for Backing up Jess today. She thinks she can fight. Ethan said. Your welcome I'm used to it. Jess got in a lot of fights when we were younger. I said. Grayson was wiping his hands off on his pants when his hand brushed up against my leg. My face turned red. We finished. Bec you ready to go? Jess asked. If you are. I said back. We all walked out to the cars. Ethan and Jess hugged and had a mini make out session. Gross. Grayson said to me. I know right. I said. Back. Thanks for today. He said. Oh No problem. I said. Can I have a hug? He asked. Yeah sure. I said. We hugged. His sent went into my nose. He smelled so good. See ya later. He said. Right back at ya. I said. Me and Jess got into my car and headed home. You like him don't you? She said. I barley know him. I said. But you like him I can tell. She said. He's cute. I said. Would you smash. She asked. Jess! I yelled. Would you! She yelled back. Fine yes I would.

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