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Today Ethan was taking Jess to a doctors apt for the baby. So me and Grayson we hanging out at his house. He was taking me on a tour of his house. SO this is the kitchen Living room, then we go upstairs heres Ethan's room, The bathroom then My room. He motioned me in. I walked in. He shut the door and started kissing me. His soft lips hit mine. "Jump" He said In the middle of a kiss. I did as asked. He pushed me up against the door. He licked my bottom lip for entrance. I denied teasing him. Then we heard a big bang on the door scaring us causing is to head butt and fall down. The door opened and there stood Ethan and Jess. Whoa am Interrupting? He said. You were! And you made us head butt and fall down. Bec you okay? He asked. Um Im fine. I said standing up. I gave Ethan a look. She's fine one time she took  softball to the forehead while she was pitching. Jess said. Ethan laughed. You think thats funny? The next time the girl got up to bad I hit her in the shin. I said. Ethan face went blank.  We walked down stairs. Are you okay Bec? Ethan asked. Yeah Im fine just have a headache. I said Grayson handed me some ibuprofen. So how was the doctors? I asked. Well I'm defiantly pregnant and they said they seen some irregular heart beats but nothing to worry about. Jess said. Thats good I guess. Bec your birthday is in 3 weeks right? Ethan said. Yeah it is. I said. What do you have planned? He asked. Oh nothing probably. I said back. My Aunt is out of Town for another month she won't be back until July 1st. I said. Maybe we can all Do something. Ethan said. Yeah. I mumbled. I stared off into space for a while. BEC!!! Ethan yelled. I snapped out. What. I yelled back. I was talking to you. He said. Oh sorry I was just thinking. I said. Me and Bec have plans tonight. Grayson said. We do? I asked shocked. Yes we are going to the movies to see IT. Grayson said. Are you serious I've been wanting to see that movie! I yelled. Then go home and get dressed I'll be over in a little bit. He said. I kissed his cheek. Then me and Jess walked home. Bec I have to tell you something. She said. What Is it? I asked. Im thinking of having an abortion. I don't agree with doing it but I'm just not ready for this. Jess said. Jess you don't need to do that. Think about adoption. I said. Okay maybe I will. She said. Jess went straight to the fridge and I went to my room. I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail. I put on some light make up. I put on some black shorts, sandals and a pink top. I was singing along to a song the reminds me of my dad. "Been daddy's little girl since my first cry. you told me I'm gonna take the world by storm, you think I'm strong you think I'm fearless even when I'm at my weakest" Wow that was beautiful. Grayson husky voice said. I turned around in shock. How long have you been standing there? I asked. About a minute. He said. You have an amazing voice. He added. Thanks. I said Blushing. I grabbed my phone and wallet. You won't need you wallet. He said. Oh okay. I said. I handed him my keys. You get to drive. I said. Yes! He said with a smirk. We arrived at the movies. Gray bought our tickets and we got popcorn. I put extra butter on it. We chose seats in top row in the middle. We interlocked our hands and waited on the movie to start. I love horror movies. "We all float down here" Then the clown jumped out of no where. I jumped a little. Grayson squeezed my hand. After the movie was over we walked back to the car. That Movie was awesome. I said. My favorite part was when he came out of the fridge. Grayson said. Grayson that was creepy. I said. I thought It was funny. He said. We pulled into my drive way. He pushed me against the car. He pressed his soft lips to mine. Be mine. He said after pulling away. I'll be yours if you stay with me tonight. I said laying my head against his chest. Deal. He said. We walked in. There was a note from Jess. Me and Ethan went to McDonalds be back soon. Kisses - Jess. They're not here. I said. Grayson picked me up and sat me on the counter. He smashed his lips against mine. Kissing me roughly. His hands trailed up my body. My hands went through his hair. He took his shirt off along with mine. He kissed my chest and my neck. Leaving a hickey on my chest. I felt things getting too heated. Gray.. I said. Yeah. He said. Can we stop here? I asked. Im not ready. I said. Bec thats fine. He said. Im sorry. I said again. Don't be sorry Im glad you said your not ready I don't want you to feel like you have to do something you don't want to.  He said. He kissed my forehead. Thank you for understanding. I said. Always baby girl. He said. He handed me my shirt. I put it back on he went to put his on. No keep it off. I said. He smirked. We started kissing again. Then Ethan and Jess walked in. Ethan covered his eyes. You goof were dressed. I yelled. Good. He said walking towards us. So what is this hmm? He said questioning us. Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend in my own house? I asked joking. BOYFRIEND! Jess yelled. Yes boyfriend I asked her after the movies. Grayson said. Yay Perfect. She said. Me and Grayson laughed. It was close to 11. I ate a bowl of ice cream while Ethan and Grayson Played Call Of Duty. Jess took a shower. After I put my bowl Up I sat next to Grayson on the couch. Babe Im sleepy. He said. Well then lets go to  bed. Jess walked into the room. Ethan come on. She said. Thats my cue gotta go. Ethan said. Good night. Me and Grayson said. Night Guys. Me and Gray got up and walked to my room. Bella was laying in her dog bed sleeping. Grayson took his pants off and sat on the bed. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a sports bra. I went to the bathroom to change. I walked back in to find Grayson looking at the pictures on my wall. I walked up and stood next to him. Is that your dad? He asked. Yeah it is. I said. You look just like him. He said. Ive been told that a time or two. I said.  I crawled into bed. Grayson turned off the light and laid next to me. I buried my head in his chest. Good night Gray. I said. He kissed my forehead. Night Princess. We fell asleep in each other arms.

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