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We were all super tired and no one wanted to cook so we decided to order Pizza. We got 1 pineapple pizza, 1 sausage and 1 pepperoni. We all lounged around the living room for a while. Hey baby Im gonna take a nap. Please wake me up when the food gets here. Grayson said as he kissed my forehead. I grabbed my phone and Earbuds and went to lay in the hammock on the back deck. The song dance with my Daughter came on. Great. I thought. This was the song I wanted to dance with my dad to at my Wedding. 


Your so Beautiful Rebbecca. Any guy would be lucky to have you. My dad said. Yeah whatever Dad. Mine and Dads favorite song came on. We were sining like crazy. Next thing I knew everything went black. Im so sorry Rebbecca. Your dad didn't make it. The doctors said. 

Babe. Grayson Yelled as he tapped my shoulder. I took out my headphones. Sorry Day dreaming I said. I ran you a hot bath. Grayson said. Thanks Babe. Thats exactly what I needed. I said. I kissed his cheek. I Went Into the bathroom undressed and slid into the warm bubble bath. He's so sweet to me. I called him. Yes? He answered. Im bored come talk to me. I said. Okay. He laughed. Bring me a Dr.Pepper. I said Alright. He said. Grayson came in the bathroom and shut the door. I made sure I was covered up because I wasn't ready for him to see that part of me yet. He handed me my drink. Thanks love. What do you  want to talk about then? He asked. Oh I don't know where do you see yourself in 5 years? I asked. Hopefully Very successful. Maybe Married. He said. What about you? He asked. In 5 years I wanna be living on my own in my own place with the person I love. I said. Do you want kids? He asked. Yes I do I want 3. Two girls and one boy. I said. I want kids two but I don't know how many I want. He said. We talked for a while. About our hopes and dreams. He left the bathroom to let me finish my bath. I walked into mine and Grayson room. I stole some of his basketball shorts. I but on one of my shirts and fuzzy socks. I walked into the living room. Wow I've never seen my Basketball shorts look so good. Grayson said. Grayson pulled me close and squeezed my but. I let out a little sequel and hit his shoulder. Grayson Bailey. I said. I can't help it. He joked. Guess what I bought? Jess said. What is it? Grayson asked. Bean Boozle! Jess yelled. Oh my god I haven't played that in forever. I said. Me and Bec used to play this when we were young. Jess said. The four of us sat down on the floor and played. Ethan chose to spin first he landed on Stinky socks or tuti fruity. He put the jelly bean in his mouth. We all waited. Its great he said. Awe dang. I said. Jess went and she got Moldy cheese or Carmel corn. She ate it. Carmel corn. She laughed. Watch i'm gonna be the one to get the bad one on my birthday. I spun and landed on Tooth paste and berry blue. I put the jelly bean in my mouth and waited to taste the nasty flavor. But I didn't the fruity bean tasted good. Yay. I said. Ive never gotten a bad one of these. Gray said. He landed on Spoiled milk or coconut. He stuck the bean in his mouth with confidence. Then his face went blank. He ran to the trash can. That was so gross. He said. Awe Im sorry baby. I said Hugging him. His warm bare chest made me feel all tingly. We played for just a little longer then decided to go to bed. Grayson crawled into bed then I got under the blankets and turned over to look at him. Thank You for today baby. I said. Your Welcome. He said. He kissed my forehead. It was funny watching you eat that nasty Jelly Bean. I laughed. Oh whatever. He joked. We drifted off to sleep. 

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