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I woke up around 9am Grayson was cleaning up the room, he was putting our stuff in our bags. I forgot we have to leave today. I said. Yeah kinda sucks but i'm ready to go home. Grayson said. I got up and put some leggings, a nike shirt and some vans. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail. Thanks babe. I said and Kissed Grayson's cheek. He grabbed our bags. We met Ethan and Jess at the front door. Ethan called a cab and we went to the airport. After we got through security fans swarmed the guys. Me and Jess stood back as normal. I loved seeing Grayson with a huge smile on his face. After the fans left we got on our plane. We got settled on. I put my ear buds in and nuzzled into Grayson shoulder. The flight felt like it took forever. When the lady came by with drinks I got a Sprite and Grayson got a Water. I got a text from my softball coach. Be ready Practice starts Monday at 9am it ends at 12. Cant wait to see what you have in store. - Coach Hart. Great. I thought. Just what I wanted to do all summer. We finally landed home around 5 pm. We parted ways at our houses to unpack. I basically threw my bag on the floor and flopped on my bed. Bella came running to me. Hi baby. I said. Then I got a call from Grayson. Hey sweetie did you Get unpacked? He asked. Yeah I did. You? I asked. Yeah. He said. So I have softball Practice tomorrow. I said. I have lacrosse tomorrow too. He said. What time? I asked. 9 to 12. He said. Me to. Will you drive me? He asked. Sure. I said. Okay cuz Ethan is taking the car to work. He said. Alright babe. I said. Mom made spaghetti wanna come eat. That sounds great. I'll be over in about 10. I said. Alright Baby. He said. Bye Babe. We hung up. I walked to Jess's room. Hey are you going to the twins house? I asked. Yeah. She said. Lets go over there together. I said. Okay. We grabbed our phones and walked over there. Lisa answered the door. Girls so good to see you! She said embracing us in a big hug. Good to see you too Lisa. I said Smiling. Honey just call me mom. She said. Okay. We smiled. They're in the basement. She said. We walked to the basement. They were playing pool. Hey guys. Jess said. We sat on the couch and talked while the guys played pool. You ready for Softball? Jess asked. Yeah I am. Watch out for Kenzie Sample. She said. Why? I asked. Because she's the star player and your super good your gonna be a threat to her. Jess said. Alright good to know I said. Dinner is done. Lisa yelled from upstairs. The guys rushed upstairs and we followed behind. We made our plates and sat down. Me and Jess sat in the middles with the boys on each side of us. Lisa got us Drinks. Thanks for coming over girls. Sean said. Thanks for inviting us. Jess said. We all ate our food. Of course the twins finished first. They looked around at us all still eating. Did I really eat that fast? Grayson said. Lisa laughed. Of course you did honey. You always do. She said. I laughed and Grayson hit my thigh. After we finished eating Me and Jess helped Lisa with the dished. She handed me the dishes to put in the dishwasher. Im happy Grayson has found such a great girl. She said. Awe thank you. I said. He hasn't had much luck with Girls. She said. Were happy your becoming family. I mean Jess has been around so long she's already family. She smiled. We both went back down stairs. Are you ready for practice tomorrow? Grayson asked. Yeah I'll be fine. Has Jess told you about Kenzie- I stopped him. Kenzie Sample. Yeah yeah I know. I said. Okay good. Im so worn out. Grayson said. I bet babe its about time for us to get some sleep. I said. I'll walk you home. Grayson said. We walked down the road hand in hand. Are you gonna come to my games? I asked. Only if you come to mine. Grayson joked. Of course I will babe. He said. You know its a traveling team. I said. Yes babe I know. Grayson said.We got to the door. I'll be over here around 8. Grayson said. Alright. I said. I might be in the shower so come in the garage. I said. Okay babe. We kissed. His lips moving along with mine. We parted. Bec can I say something. What is it Gray? I asked. I love you. He said looking down. Grayson. I said. I love you too. I smiled. Good because that would've been really embarrassing if you didn't say it back. He laughed. Good night dork. I said. We kissed once more then I walked inside. Aunt Penney was sitting on the couch. He sweetie. She said. Hey. I said plopping down on the couch. You ready for practice tomorrow? She asked. Yeah I am. I've missed playing. I said. I bet. She said. Bella is eating so leave your door open. She said. Alright. I said. I walked into my room and changed into a baggy shirt and some shorts. I crawled into bed and turned the tv on. I watched forensic files and drifted off to sleep. 

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