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 Week Time-lapse. 

-Bec's p.o.v- I had been at the field house for hours with the team getting ready for todays game. We walked out on the field. Look at you looking like a badass. Amber said smiling. Haha thanks. Want some black eye? I asked. Yeah sure. She said. We put on our face paint. What are you gonna do with your hair? She asked. Im not even sure. I said. You should do those braids you did for the first practice. She said. I can't. I said. Why not? She asked. Because I didn't do those Grayson did. I laughed. She laughed. Wow. I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail. Hey will you put my bow in my hair? I asked Yeah sure. She fixed my bow. We took the field for drills. I went to second.  I noticed Aunt Penney, Jess, Ethan, Grayson and their parents in the stands. Grayson stood up when he seen me. He pointed to his shirt. It said BOYFRIEND of 27 on it. I blew him a kiss. He caught it and acted silly. I smiled at him. Coach called the drill for 1st to crash so I had to run and cover 1st. Amber was at 3rd and threw it speedy at me. I caught it and threw it back to home. It was time fr the actual game. We were batting first. Of course Kenzie was batting first. She hit a double. Amber was up. Come on Amber. I yelled. She hit a single. It was my turn.  Kenzie was yelling from third. Take me home. My first ball I missed. Come on Robbins. She yelled I hit my Second ball deep into right. I hit a triple. The next girl was up. She got out a first. I was already halfway to home so I had to keep going. 

-Grayson's p.o.v- Bec dove to home plate. The catcher caught the ball and turned to Bec. But the catcher lost the ball when she turned to Bec. The catcher glove smashed into Bec's helmet with so much force it knocked it off. I stood up. SAFE! The umpire yelled. Jess and Penney cheered. Bec stood up and dusted her self off she looked at me. She had blood pouring out of her nose and I'm pretty sure her teeth were messed up too. She acted like she was fine. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Thats when I seen her tooth missing. The coach told her to take 5 and she came over to me. She went to kiss me. Babe have you seen your face? I asked. No whats wrong? She asked. I took a picture to show her. OMG thats my face she said running to the bathroom. I followed her along with Jess. Jess helped her clean up her nose. I wiped off her lips and chin. I gotta go get back out there. She said. Bec you can't. I said. Watch me. She said back. I smiled at Jess. Seen that coming. She said. We walked out back into the stands. We watched the remainder of the game. Bec made some really good plays. After the game was over I met back up wither her. Ethan followed. Good game, and thats the tooth. He said making a joke. She gained and punched his shoulder. It was only 3 in the afternoon at this time. I've called Jess's dentist he's gonna fit you in today at 5. Penney said. Okay. Bec said. Let me take a picture of you. I said. She stood back and gave the camera 2 thumbs up and a smile. I'll cherish this forever. I laughed. She tried to kiss me again. Babe your still all bloody. I said. Ugh whatever. She said. 

-Bec's p.o.v- I went home to change into some comfy clothes because I had to go to the dentist. Grayson, Ethan and Jess were gonna take me. I pulled my hair into a bun and put on some of Grayson's sweat pants and a muscle shirt. My mouth was already killing me. I knew I was gonna be bitchy. Come on baby. Grayson said. He kissed my forehead. Im sorry if i'm being bitchy i'm in a lot of pain. I said. Its fine babe but we do need to go. I got in the back of the truck with Gray. He had a pillow and blanket for me. I placed the pillow on his lap and covered up. He played with my hair on the ride. I gotta give it to you Bec your a true champ. Ethan said. You should've seen her in the 5th grade when we were both on the basketball team she twisted her knee and ended up tearing her meniscus and kept playing. Jess said. Wow. Ethan said. We pulled into the Dentist office. My whole mouth was throbbing at this point. Grayson walked up to the desk and checked me in. Rebbecca Robbins. The lady called out. Grayson kissed my cheek before I walked back. I sat down in the chair and explained what had happened to the dentist. Were gonna get ya fixed up alright? He asked. I gave a thumbs up.

-Jess's p.o.v- I wonder if she's gonna be loopy. I said. I hope so. Ethan said. Why? Grayson asked. Blackmail. Ethan chuckled. I laughed. After about 2 hours she was done. Show me your tooth Grayson said. She smiled and showed him. Now your back to normal. Ethan said. She flipped him off. Oh this is gonna be great. Ethan said as he pulled the camera out. Why does he even have to be here. I not even like him. Bec said with horrible grammar. Come on baby lets go. Grayson said. Im not no baby. Im a strong independent women. She said. I died laughing. I took the camera as we got in the car. She was still bleeding a little bit. Hey Ethan guess what? She asked. Whats up. He said. My blood is in your floor. She said laughing. She's dead Grayson. He said. It will wash out. Dumb nut . I said. We pulled up to the house. Let me go talk to mom. I said. I walked in. Can you girls stay with the boys tonight? She asked. Sure mom. I said. Sorry honey working late tonight. She said. I walked back out and got in the truck. Looks like y'all are stuck with is for the night. I said smiling. 

-Graysons p.o.v- Come on baby lets get you inside. I said. I picked her up and carried her bridal style upstairs to my room. Her loopy-ness was wearing off. I put her in my bed and covered her up. Soup. She said. What? I asked. Tomato soup and grilled cheese. She said. Anything for you my love. I said. I made her some soup and the grilled cheese and got her a glass of sprite. I walked back upstairs and gave her the food and drink. Thanks babe. I would kiss you but I can't feel half of my face. She said. I laughed and kissed her forehead. Its the thought that counts. I said.

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