Premiere -15

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Grayson had just finished the movie he was casted in and the premier was tonight. What are you going to wear? He asked. Im not sure. I don't really have anything fancy enough. I said. Take my card and go Buy something. He said. Okay babe thank you. I said kissing him. I called his sister Cameron. Hey Cam are you free by any chance? I asked. Yeah Bec what do you need? She asked. I was wondering if you could help me buy a dress. I said. A dress for what? She asked. For Grayson Movie premier. I said. Yeah sure I'll meet you at the house in 15. She said. I had no Idea what I wanted to wear. Or even what style. I went back downstairs to Grayson. Wheres Jess and Ethan? I asked. Pool. He said. Okay thanks babe. I said. I went to the back yard. Hey Jess what color looks best on me? I asked. I don't know. Maybe blue shades. She said. Grayson Texted me in the group chat with Ethan and Jess. You and Jess have a hair and make up appointment at 3 me and Ethan have to leave here in a few to go meet with the rest of the crew. He said. Jess decided she wanted to go with Me and Cameron to go get a dress. Cameron pulled up. Lets go buy some dresses. She said. We both got in the car and drove off. We pulled up to this amazing store. We walked in and looked at some dresses. I tried on a black one first. Am I the only one who thinks my chest looks like a busted can of biscuits. I joked. Jess tried on a pink one, Then a white one. I tried on a red one then a white one then a blue shade(one pictured). Bec that looks really good on you. Jess said. Really you think so? I asked. Yeah Gray would love it. Cameron said. I ended up getting it. Jess got The white one. Cameron took us to our make up and Hair appointment. I went with a classic red lip and smokey eye. Jess did a nude lip and nude eyes. We let the hair stylist do whatever she wanted with our hair. Before we knew it there was a limo waiting for us. Grayson walked out first. He was in a tux and he looked so good. He walked up to me. Wow you look great. He said hugging me. You don't look bad yourself. I smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the limo. We pulled up to the premier. As we walked everyone was screaming for Grayson and Ethan. I just smiled and stayed attached to Grayson's Arm. We got to the end of the line and people asked me question. What does it feel like to be dating a star? They asked. Its great he hasn't changed a bit he's the same old Grayson. I said. Grayson Smiled. Will we see you on the big screen anytime soon? Someone asked me. Acting really isn't my thing. I said. You should hear her sing she's amazing. Grayson said. I looked up at Grayson. Give us a little something. The interviewer said. Sing them the one you were singing this morning. Gray said. Okay. I said. "You can't pretty lie, and say its okay, you can't pretty smile and just walk away, pretty much make your way through anything but you cant cry pretty" I sang. Your right we won't see you in the big screen but we may hear you in the radio. The interviewer said. Once we got to the end we took pictures together, then got back into the limo. That was awesome. Grayson said. It was really fun. I added. Once we got hime it was pretty late, We all changed into comfy clothes and hung out in the basement, Gray was working out while me, Jess and Ethan played pool. Me and Jess went against Ethan like always. My phone Rang. Hey I gotta take this. I said. I walked to the basement Bathroom. Me- Hello? Caller- Yes is this Bec Robbins? They asked. Me- Yes it is who is this? I asked. Caller- This a Jason Aldean I own broken bow records. I would like to fly you out to Nashville to meet with you in person to talk about a record deal. He said. Me- Seriously Me? I asked. Jason- Yes you. You have an amazing voice for such a young women. He said. Me- Absolutely sure when would you like to see me? I asked. Jason- Sometime next week. I wanna jump on this real soon. He said. Me- Thank you so much. I said. Jason- I will keep in touch bye. He hung up. I walked out of the bathroom. Omg Omg omg omg omg. I yelled. What whats wrong? Jess yelled.  Jason Aldean called. I said. Wait why? Ethan asked. Like the Jason Aldean? Grayson asked. Yes they Jason Aldean. He wants to fly me out to Nashville to meet with him to talk about an record deal. I squealed. Jess hugged me. This is what you've wanted since you were a kid. She said. I know. I smiled. Grayson hugged me. See if I hadn't of said anything tonight no one would know about your voice. He said. I couldn't believe what was happening. 

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