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We woke up at 7am to drive the boys to the airport. I was still aggravated about last night.  We all got in the car. Grayson's phone rang. He answered it. I listened in. It was a female voice. Hey.. yeah...I.. cant really talk right now...yeah bye. He said. I got pissed. Jess could tell. Bec breathe. She said. Who was that? I asked. Madison. He said. Why The hell is she calling you at 7 am? I asked. Bec calm down. Jess said. No I wanna know why she's calling him. Isn't it like 5 there? I asked. Look I don't know. Grayson said. We pulled into the air port and walked to the security check. Jess kissed Ethan. Bye babe I love you. Grayson said. I love you too. I said. We kissed. Im serious about this girl Grayson. I know babe. I don't want her. He said. Good luck on the audition. I said. Thank you. Me and Jess got in the car. I fucking swear I will flip my shit over this girl. I said. Calm down Becca. Jess said. I need to get away for a while. I said. Where do you wanna go? She asked. Away. I said again. Alright lets go. She said. We went to the house and packed bags. I wrote a Note to Aunt Penney. I needed to get away for a while its been stressful. Jess went with me. We will be back in a few days or weeks. -Bec. We got in the car. One rule. No texting the boys. I said. Alright fine. She said. I cranked up the music. It was rock Music. I jammed out and drove. I wanted to go back home. So we are going to Arkansas. I said. Really? She asked. Yes I need to get back to my roots. I said. We will stay at Adams. I said. I haven't Seen Adam in forever. 

-Next morning- We had 1 hour until we reach Booneville. It was 7pm. Jess wake up we are in Arkansas. I said. She looked up. Its prettier than I remembered. She said. Here call Adam and telling her we are crashing on his couch. I said handing her my phone. She called him. Were going to the Grove. I said. Wow I haven't been there since I was 6. She said. We drove through the tiny community. I pointed to a house. Thats where Grandpa Jackie lived. I said. She smiled. I remember. She said. I drove down the dirt road. Ive walked down this road many times. Jess's phone lit up. I looked at her. She had a bad look on her face. What? I asked. Nothing. She said. Your lying show me. I said. No Im not. Jessica Ann show me the damn phone. It was a picture of Grayson with Maddison at a fro yo place. I got so mad I wanted to cry. I pulled up to the cemetery where my dad lays. I opened the gate. I walked all the way down the row, I passed my Grandma, uncle the got to my dad. I sat down next to his head stone and leaned against it. I wish you were here. This is hard. I don't know what to do, I feel lost like Im doing everything wrong. I wish you were here to help. I said. I got up and walked out. We drove to Adams house. When we walked in he was excited to see us. How are you guys? Im good Bec is having some problems thats why were here she needed to get back to her roots. Jess said. But we need to crash were worn out. I said. Take the second room. He said. We went to the room and fell asleep. 

-Next morning- Hey Adam remember that stuff I told you to keep for me? I asked. Yeah here it is. He said. I put on the shorts, boots and shirt that was in the bag. I put on my dads hat too. Jess lets go. We got in the jeep and drove my old house. I unlocked it. It looks just like Dad left it. I walked through the hals and Grabbed 2 sets of Keys. I handed one to Jess. Is this what I think it is? She asked. Keys to the four wheelers lets go. I said. We walked to the shed. I opened the doors and hopped on my dad's four wheeler. It felt so good to be here. Jess went on my four wheeler. I started it up and took off. While I was driving I turned my dads hat around. And kept driving. Then I got to muddy hollow. Me and Jess stopped the four wheelers. Look at that. Beautiful. I said. Yeah. Jess said.  I Started it back up and Dashed through the Mud hole. Mud was flying everywhere all over me. I loved it. I felt at home. I went through the whole mud field. It felt so great and calming. I stopped at the end of the road and took a deep breath. I felt my phone buzzing in my bra. I looked and it was Grayson. I decided to answer it. Hello? I said. Rebbecca why haven't you answered me why are you ignoring me? He asked. Because your busy with Madison. I said. We met up for old times sake Ethan was there too. He said. He wasn't in the picture. I said. Well I decided to come back home because I wasn't happy here in La. But your not here. Where are you? He asked. Im somewhere. I said. Bec where are you. Im getting back to my roots Grayson. Im fine. I said. Bec no your not. He said. I'll be home soon Gray. I said and hung up. Yes pulled up next to me. Have you told Gray yet? Jess asked. About Dad? No I said. Look Bec you really need to tell him. Jess said. I know I do. I said. I wanna sleep at Dads tonight. I said. Okay we can. She said. We drove back to the house. Poppy was there. Hey Poppy. I said. Hey girls. I came to bring food and turn on the electric just in case y'all wanted to stay. Well were gonna stay tonight. I said. He drove off. I walked back inside. 

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