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Tomorrow is my 17th birthday. I honestly don't know how to feel its my first birthday with out my dad. I heard a knock on my already open door. I turned around to see Grayson standing there with a bouquet of Sun flowers. Happy Birthday Beautiful. He said. Grayson my birthday isn't until tomorrow. I said hugging him. Well we have plans tomorrow.  He said. What are they? I asked. He handed me an envelope. It had four plane tickets to Los Angles California. You didn't! I yelled. I did. He said smiling. Babe. I said bringing him into a hug. Better start packing because our plane leaves at 4 this afternoon. He kissed my forehead i'll be in the basement with Ethan. He said. Jess came into my room. Hey will you help me pack? I asked. Yeah but I have to tell you something. She said. Okay shoot. I said. I know you were against it but I had an abortion done yesterday Me and Ethan decided it was the best thing for us right now. She said. Please don't be mad. Jess I'm not mad I support you in everything you do. I love you. I said. So were staying In LA for a week help me pack. I said. Jess handed me my Blue denim shorts with Lace on the sides she also handed me my Black and red ones. I packed the rest and even threw in some crop tops. I packed everything else I needed. I Took my bag to the living room. Jess Where are you? I yelled. My room. She chimed back. I walked to her room. Are you excited for L.A? She asked. Yes of course you know I've never been! I said. She hugged me. Im so glad your here. She said. I hugged her back. Thank you Jess. You know I know exactly how you feel right? She asked. Yes Jess I know and you know Uncle Merl was special to me. I said. Yeah my dad sure was something. She said. He was. I said smiling. She carried her bags to the living room. There was a knock at the door. I Answered it. It was the boys. Grayson Grabbed my bags and kissed my forehead. Cameron is driving us to the air port. He said. The boys put our bags in the bed of the truck and we pilled in the back. We arrived at the air port. The boys said goodbye to their sister. I waved at her along with Jess. We went through Security along with our bags. Some fans recognized the boys and Ran up to them. I loved seeing Grayson around his fans. A few girls came over to me and Jess. Your Jess and Bec Robbins right? They asked. Yes we are. I answered. OMG I love y'all Im so happy for you and the twins. They said. Awe thank you. Jess said. Can we get a picture? The girls asked. We all posed and took the picture. After all the fans left Grayson came and sat back down. Sorry about that. He said. Babe no need to apologize. I love your fans around you. I said. Thanks babe. He said kissing my cheek. First class for light 1682 to Los Angles is now boarding. Come on. Gray said. I didn't know we were flying first class. I said. Its your birthday you deserve the best. He said. We boarded the plane Ethan and Jess sat across from us. The flight is a little over 4 hours. He said. The flight attendant came around asking us if we wanted drinks. Grayson got me a Dr.Pepper and a Mountain Dew for himself. -Skip the rest of flight- We landed in sunny LA It was close to 5. Ethan called an Uber and we went to our condo. It was beautiful. There was two Bedrooms a big kitchen and persona chef a huge living room and a hot tub on the balcony. It was beautiful. Grayson this is beautiful you must have spent a ton of money on this. I said. It was nothing. There is more to come. He said smiling. Grayson I can't believe you. I said smiling. We took our bags to the room Grayson and Ethan argued over which one of us got the bigger room. Me and Jess just stood there. Are you guys done? We asked. They turned and looked at us. Please one of you give in or I'm sleeping in the hammock and Im sleeping on the couch. We said. Fine Ethan you can have it. Grayson said. Me and Grayson walked to the other room. Look this room is barley smaller. I said.  wanted the big one. He said. Stop pouting its gonna be okay all were gonna do is sleep and maybe other things in here. I said with a smirk. Like what? Grayson said Smirking back and placing his hands on my hips. I looked at him. Well were gonna be here for a week so your just gonna have to wait and find out. I said. I turned around and started to walk away. You tease. Grayson said before grabbing me and pulling me onto the bed.  Grayson. I laughed. Think you could get away from me that easy? He asked. I guess not. I said laughing. He kissed my cheek. I love you. He said. I love you too. I said. He just told me he loved me. I thought. I got back up and walked into Jess and Ethan's room. Jess lets go do something . I said. Like what. She said. I don't know lets go get our nails done. I said. Okay lets do it. She said. I  grabbed my purse and told Grayson where we were going before we left. We decided to walk. Do you have any idea what Grayson has planned for me tomorrow? I asked her. Yes I do but I can't tell you. She said. Ugh Secrets don't make friends. I sang in her ear. We walked into a nail salon and sat down. I was getting black acrylic nails with sun flowers on them. Jess got teal and silver sparkled nails. After that we walked back to the condo. Ethan was laying out in the hammock on the front porch. Jess stayed and talked to him.  I walked into mine and Grayson's room there was a note on the bed. Im in the hot tub come join. - Gray. I put on my bikini and walked out there. I swear you get hotter every time I see you. He said smirking. I got in and sat down next to him. I tied my hair up in a bun onto of my head. I laid back relaxing. The sun was starting to set. I looked out at the sunset. Beautiful. He said. I turned and looked at him. It is isn't it? I said. Well I was talking about you but yes it is. He said smiling. I landed closer to him and pressed our lips together. Thank you for this. I said. Your welcome. You deserve it. He said. We got out of the hot tub and went to our room. Grayson Grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom. I grabbed one of his shirts. I put on some boy shorts and his shirt. He came back in the room. Wow you look way better in my shirt. He said. I laughed. Come here. I said. He came over and sat next to me. I kissed his lips roughly. I love you Grayson Bailey Dolan. I said. Ugh I hate that name. He said. Its cute. I said. I crawled under the covers Grayson did the same. We laid in the spooning position. I fell asleep.

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