Chapter 1

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"Megan Mckinley! You better have that room packed and finished by the end of this day." My step-mother called up the  stairs.

"Yes mom." I called back. I looked around my halfpacked room and sighed before finally pulling myself off of my bed and picking some stuff up. I tore down all my posters, picked up some useless things and threw them all in the trash. I pursed my lips and placed my hands on my hips then walked over to my door and closed it.

"Now," I said to myself. I picked up my iPod and plugged it into the dock, and pressed play. I was shocked when I heard how loud it was. I laughed and started dancing around while picking some stuff up. I threw my clothes into a big box not even bothering to fold or do anything to them. I giggled and plopped back down on my bed and sang along to the music.

If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?

Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles..

If I could just see you tonight.

I giggled a bit then picked up my phone as I always do, just to see if I had any messages. And I didnt. It wasnt anything new. I heard a knock on my door.

"It's open!" I called out. Liz opened the door a few minutes later, looking a posh as ever. I rolled my eyes a bit then bit my lip.

"Hi Liz." I said quietly.

"Hi." She replied dryly. "Did you take my mascara again?"


She rolled her eyes then crossed her arms. "If you did, I swear Megan, I will kill you." She walked back out, slamming my door shut. I sighed quietly and looked down at my hands. I hated being in this family sometimes. I really did.  My own twin hates me. Liz isn't bad all the time, just most of the time.. She started acting like this when Susan came into her life. My mother up and dissapeared and my dad's in jail, leaving me with my step mom and Liz. Not exactly a Cinderella story, but somewhat. My friend Chris likes to joke around and tell me I'll be famous one day. I smirked at the thought of actually being famous. It's everyone's dream but only few make it. I sighed then rubbed my face and frowned when the song changed to Bleed. I dont know why I was frowning. I'm utterly in love with this band. To be specific, the lead singer; Ryan. I sighed dreamily and smiled to myself feeling the butterflies in my stomach go nuts. I didnt even know him, so why do I act like this? It may be because of the fact he's the closest thing to happiness I have in my life. Him and my guitar, which is named Nash, who is the lead guitarist of the band.

"MEGAN!" I heard. I walked out of my room and looked over the railing to downstairs.

"Yes?" I asked quietly.

"Get down here." My stepmom growled. I swallowed walked downstairs and over to her. She looked at me with a vindictive look then smirked and held up my guitar... Which was broken into two seperate pieces. I swallowed and looked at her.

"What happened to my guitar?"

"It got into a little accident." She shrugged and handed it over to me. I looked at it and frowned. My guitar.. Broken.. My life is not shattered. I pursed my lips and looked at my stepmom.

"It doesnt just get into an accident!" I nearly half yelled. "You broke it!"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at me. "I broke it?" She repeated. She took a few steps towards me. Her green eyes narrowed and started shooting daggers at me.

"Well, it doesnt just break.." I murmered.

I was her blood boil in her eyes as she raised her hand up and slapped me straight across my face. I fetl a shock of pain go through my entire face as I hit the ground with a thud.

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