Chapter 16

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Liz woke up extra early. How do I know this? I heard her bouncing around the room at five o'clock. I groaned as I pulled the covers over my face, while letting out a slight whine.

"Lizzz, go back to sleep!" I heard a soft giggle from the other side of the room.

"Sorry Megan!" She said quietly. She turned the light back off and slid back underneath her covers. I laughed a bit before rolling over to my side to face her.

"Same old Liz." I smiled. She looked at me and smiled back. I took a deep breath in before picking my phone up and scrolling through my photos album.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah! I just really miss Ryan," I said quietly. Liz got up off of her bed and sat down next to me. She looked at the photos as I scrolled through them and smiled.

"You really like him, dont you?"

"More than anyone I've liked before.." I answered.

"I'm sorry for hurting him.." I looked at her and smiled. I nudged her shoulder gently and giggled.

"He's going to get to know the real you now!" I said with a huge smile. Liz's smile grew as she pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back before letting go and getting up off of my bed. I walked over to the window and took a deep breath in. I opened the curtains then pushed the window open and sat back down.

After talking senselessly for about five hours, Liz and I finally got up and got dressed. We decided we should probably get up and go down to Denny's to get some breakfast. I brought my notebook with me in hopes Liz could help me with Ryan's song. We got led to a booth and both took a seat on either side of the table.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" The waitor asked.

"Water." Liz and I said in unison. The waitor nodded before walking away. I looked around the place and laughed at some of the people. One women had a huge hat on, like no lie. It was blue with big huge feathers on it. She also was wearing a bright orange outfit dazzled with gems and jewels. It was a very out of the blue, and very out there out fit. I also saw an older couple cuddling in the seats. It made me smile to know that love lasts long if you put the work into it. I looked back at Liz and took a deep breath in.

"Can you help me with something?" I asked.

She looked back at me and nodded. "Sure!"

I pulled the notebook out of my bag and flipped through the pages until I found the song then handed the notebook over to her.

"Help me write this. I've been working on it for weeks now and I honestly have nothing!" I frowned slightly and rested my head on my hand and watched her read it over. I pursed my lips a bit then looked down at the table and waited for her to say something.

"I really like this so far!" She smiled. I smiled a bit then looked at her.


"But, it kind of needs work."

"I know! That's why I'm asking you!" I giggled. Liz smiled before nodding and taking a pen out of her purse, and writing. I casually leaned forward to see what she was writing, but she quickly hid it and kept writing. I pouted, leaning back in my seat and crossing my arms. She's always so secretive when it comes to writing. I really hated it sometimes. I let out a small huff before brushing some hair out of my eyes.

"How about instead of saying, 'when you're feeling like youre nothing, I will save you from disaster,' you say, 'when you're broken, and you're shattered love will save you from disaster'?"

My mouth dropped open a bit after she said. "You. Are. A. Genius!" I laughed. She smiled hugely as she wrote that down and handed the notebook back at me.

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