Chapter 8

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I pursed my lips together as Jamie held out an outfit towards me.

"I'm not wearing that." I said sternly.

"Megan!" He laughed as his brown hair swished to the right and he pushed the outfit closer towards me.

"No!" I yelled back. I took a step back and narrowed my eyes. "I will fight you."

"A toothpick? Fighting me? Hahahaaha! You make me laugh!"

I raised my eyebrows a bit dangerously and giggled when I saw Nash's figure walk into the room. "You're right, Jamie. I could never, ever touch or beat you."

"That's right! Hah, I win."

"Buuuttt..." I said bobbling my head a bit, then nodding nonchalantly to Nash.

"I can!" Nash yelled happily as he pounced onto Jamie's body. I bursted out into laugher watching Nash and Jamie wrestle. It wasnt even wrestling.. It was more like watching a tall man beat up on the shorter guy but the shorter guy was winning. It was quiet entertaining.

It's been about a week since I've been here and the cuts on my arm have pretty much healed and turned into little scabs. Jamie's pretty much become like my older brother and Nash and Ian have like become my dad's. It's so surreal to know that I am best friends with them. It really is. Ryan, on the other, hand keeps popping in and out of places. One day he's here and the next day he's gone again. The Three Musketeers and I have been worried about him lately.

But he's here today, which is a good thing cause I may need him. Today was the day that the boys were taking me to an interview to watch. I stepped over Jamie and Nash and walked downstairs to where Ian and Ryan were. They were talking quietly at the table about some girl named Morgan, which seeing as though I pretttty much know everything about him, was never a good thing. Morgan's his ex girlfrend, crazy? Not really. Mean? Yeah, most definitely.

I held my breath as they both turned to look at me.

"Hey Megster!" Ryan smiled.

"Hey Ry," I smiled back.

"You're still not ready?" He let out a slight chuckle. I couldnt help but to blush and nod.

"Jamie wants me to wear a dress!!" I whined.

Ryan raised his eyebrows a bit then pursed his lips. He looked up at me and with a grin, nodded his head.

"You'd look good in a dress."

I raised my eyebrows at him and giggled a bit before a smile spread across my lips. I looked over at Ian who had a goofy smile across his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing!" He got up and with a smile, took my write and led me back up to my room. Ryan followed behind, giving me a shove up the stairs. "We have an hour before we have to be there!"

"Ryan, this is a hectic schedule for me!" I protested but followed Ian anyways. Nash and Jamie were still pig piled on the floor, but not wrestling.

"Hi guys," Ryan said. "Everything okay?"

Nash whispered something into Jamie's ear and with a nod, Jamie ran out. Nash smiled a bit too innocently before following Jamie out.

"How is it I'm always left with two of you, and not the whole band?" I asked with a giggle. Ian and Ryan laughed before grabbing the dress that was on the floor and handing it to me. I whined before grabbibg the dress.

"March!" Ian said. "Dont give me any hassle young lady!"

"Yes, father." I said playfully before turning on my heels and walking into the bathroom.

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