Chapter 15

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After a day of sitting, sleeping and eating on a train, basically not being able to  do anything, you can probably imagine how glad I was when I heard that Michigan's train station was only ten minutes away. I quickly grabbed my stuff and put it back into my carry on. The train had come to a stop a few minutes later. I got up and  grabbed my stuff and slowly walked off of it. The train station was huge, and I mean huge. I spun around a bit before taking my phone out. I typed in my passcode and went into my messages and opened mine and Ryan's.

Me: Hey! I'm in Michigan(:

I hit send and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I followed the crowed out of the place and looked around. Home sweet not. I frowned a bit slightly before walking across the street and into the park. I really didnt know where to go. I didnt want to go home, but I couldn't stay outdoors. I'd get sick. I took a deep breath in before whining. I kicked a rock before walking back to my old neighborhood. I looked at all of the houses before coming up to my own. Lucy's car was in the driveway. I didn't know if Liz was here or not but I sucked my breath in and walked up to the front porch and knocked on the door. It flung open instantly and before me stood a irate, mad and probably drunk Lucy.

"Megan!" She said dizzily. She grabbed my wrist slightly then dragged me inside. "You look good!" She nodded then giggled.

"Hi, Lucy." I said quietly. I winced a bit as she stumbled over to the couch.

"Liz," She yelled. "Megan's here!"

I hugged my arms as Liz walked downstairs and smirked. "Hey, Megan."

I forced a tiny smile as I walked up the stairs and went passed her and headed off to my old room. I quickly shut the door. I pressed my palm to my forehead and exhaled. The feelings of being hated and unwanted came rushing back to me. I ran over to the bed and plopped down on it, instantly erupting into tears. I hugged the pillow closely then reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out. I had a text from Ryan which caused me to smile a bit. I opened the text and read it.

Ryan: YAY!(: how are things going?

Me: Bahhumbug.

I instantly got a text back which made me smile.

Ryan: ....not good? :(

Me: No, I havent even been here for ten minutes and I'm already crying like a baby.

Ryan: ): dont let them get to you. Just relax, and breathe!(:

I sighed quietly and frowned when another text came in. I left mine and Ryan's conversation and clicked on the new text.

UNKNOWN: Is this Megan Mace?

Me: uhhh.. May I ask who this is? 

The phone started vibrating and the unknown number popped up. I slid the car across the screen and answered it. 


"Hey," A girl's voice broke through the other line. She sounded older than me, more mature and a more snobbish. "Is this Megan?"

"May I ask who this is?" I said again. I raised my eyebrows a bit before walking over to my window.

"Not important. I'm just calling to let you know that if you keep talking to Ryan, you'll regret it. Ryan is mine, not yours. So please do me a favor and back off."

"Uhm.. What?" I asked a bit a bit confused. The girl on the other end let out a tired, annoyed sigh before clearing her throat.

"Leave. Ryan. Alone."



I pulled my phone away from my ear and rolled my eyes. I threw it over to the bed and sat down in my window seat. I closed my eyes slightly, letting out a long, bored sigh, reopened my eyes and looked out the window. I saw the neighbor's kids running around in the backyard. I smiled a bit. Kids are absolutely the best in everyone. Carefree, creative and just so able to live life without any fear at all. I sighed before climbing out of the window and into my bed. Luckily, I locked the door so hopefully I could sleep peacefully tonight. I sent Ryan a good bye text then placed my phone onto the drawer beside me.

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