Chapter 5

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After the phone call with Liz, I really didnt know what to do. I wanted to go home, believe me I did. But I have never honestly felt more safe here. The weather was a bit chilly, but seeing as though its Feburary, it wasnt bad. It wasnt even.. Snowing. It was just like the weather here was more Swinter than Winter. Which is completely nice. I took a deep breath in before I reluctantly pulled the folded piece of paper out of my pocket. I opened it up. I gripped my phone in my hand so tightly I could've swarn it was going to break. I took a deep breath in. My stomach started to growl and it wasnt one of those subtle growls either. It was more.. Ehh.. Beast like. I swallowed back the urge to fight away the hunger and raised my phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" A women answered. Her voice was soft yet sweet and calming.

"Hi uhm... Is Keith there?" I asked shyly.

"Oh! Yeah. May I ask who's calling?"

"Megan, we met at the airport, he uh... Said to call if I needed him.." I felt awkward talking to a woman I didnt even know. This could've been his wife, and she could've wanted to kill me. I winced a bit at the thought and took a deep breath.

"Oh! He said you'd be calling. Do you need a ride over here?" The women asked. I pursed my lips together. Did I want a ride? Of course I did! I'm starving.. I'm cold.. Oh, lets be honest. I'm kind of lonely as well. I didnt really know what to tell her, 'no, i wanted to talk to him about something.' or 'yes, i would love a ride.' either way, I'm talking to strangers. I inhaled again before my vocie finally found it's courage.

"Yes." I said. The women on the phone asked where I was and told me someone would be there to get me soon. So, I just sat there and waited until a car pulled over. The window rolled down and a man with a black cap was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Are you Megan?" He asked kindly. I nodded a bit.

"I was here to pick you up! Get in."

I picked all my stuff up and swiftly got into the back, closing the door behind me. The man started to drive slowly. I watched as all the buildings went by, people in weird costumes went by as well. I couldnt help but to laugh a bit at them. I wasnt use to seeing stuff like this. The only time we really dressed weird was at Halloween, but even then not everyone dressed up.

"So, what brings you to Tennessee?" He said to break the silence.

"Oh!" I said half startled. "Well, I.. Uhm.. Music? My love for music." I said with a smile. The man nodded once.

"You gonna try and make it big time?" He asked again.

"Uhm.. I'll try.. but I dont think I will." I said shyly

"Dont put yourself down. Most companies want girls with pretty faces, a good attitude, and a good voice. If you have that, you're golden."

"I'm most definetly not pretty," I said with a smirk.

"You may think that, but to other people, you'r probably the most gorgeous person in their life."

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldnt really find the words. I just shook my head and giggled.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"No problem."

We were driving down a street with not many cars on it. The sun was just starting to set, the light was beating through the trees and shone down onto the road. It was so pretty. I rolled my window down and held my hand out of the window. The wind was soft against my skin which made me smile to myself. I took a deep breath in and unbuckled my seatbelt and crawled out of the window, but not far. Just enough to be able to sit on the top of the window thing. Kind of the racecar drivers do when they win. I held on to the railing on top of the car and kept my legs inside the car. The sun felt nice against my skin. It felt like a wave of happiness was just rushing through me. The driver slowed down a bit so that I wouldnt fall out and he was even smiling. He rolled down his window and started calling out to me.

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