Chapter 3

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Ryan's POV

April 22nd, 8:00 AM. Secret Location

The crowd was huge, it was bigger than ever. We were standing upstairs in building in downtpwn Nashville. Today was the day we started to record a new song. Almost everyone in the room was frozen with excitement, I on the other, couldnt shut up.

"So, when do you think he'll get here?" I asked Nash who looked as if he was going to kill me.

"Soon, I hope." He groaned. I leaned back into my chair and looked around the studio. The walls were plastered with different artists that recorded there. Big artists.. Like artists who have won big awards .. No big deal or anythng. I smiled to myself then turned my attention to Ian who was texting away on his phone. I started to open my mouth right before he held a hand up to stop me.

"If you ask me a question relating to this recording studio, I will not be liable for what will happened to you."

I slowly closed my mouth while a smirk ran across his face. Although Ian was more of a pessimist, he did mean what he said. He'd get Nash or Jamie to hurt me. Jamie, seeing as though he's my younger brother, would have absolutely no problem with hurting me at all.

"So," I said. "I think we should make more of a popish album this time around. I kind of wanna try and hit the teenager audience's as well as older one's, you know?"

"Yeah," Jamie said. "We can like.. Be all.. Rapperish."

"Rapperish?" Nash asked?

"Yeah! You know.. Like... Erm.." Jamie's face turned into a puzzled look. He pursed his lips into a thin line before shaking his head. "Yeah, I got nothing. I'm leaving the song writing to you three." He nodded towards Nash, Ian and I.

"You get a gold star for trying, Jamie." I laughed.

"Hey, I'm just a pro-baller drummer." He said nodding. We all laughed. Jamie loved to brag about his basketball skills, but take away his drum sticks, and he has nothing. He cant even play a six string or anything with strings for that matter.

"Hello boys!" said our manager John as he walked in. "We have some good news! Your record is going to be relased at the end of November, so that gives you more than enough to write at least 100 songs, and pick 11. Ballads, songs about exe's.. Go nuts. Make it popish, more of today's music. Yes? Great! Tonight Tonight is a hit, bring me more of those!" He left the room after talking leaving us all in completely silence. 100 songs.. How the hell are we supposed to write one hundred songs in 5months? That is impossible. I took a deep breath in before looking around at everyone.

"Well," Nash said. "Its a good thing we already have songs written, huh?" He laughed and we all joined in with a nod. I looked at the schedule for today and let out a huge groan.

9:30- Photoshoot (For what? It's not like we have anything to pose for!)

10:45- Hair Appointment; Lord knows you all need one - Cameron ;)

11:30- Board Plane for New York; eat lunch before

2:00-4:30 - Do nothing but write, write, write. Find some callaborations!

5:00- Eat Dinner

6:00- Board Plane for North Carolina. Switch Flights and Get on Place for Nashville, TN!

I'm going to be so jetlagged by the end of this day. I got up from table and headed towards the door to walk out. I went to open the door, but I had a warm, hard welcome of glass to the face.

"Ow!" I yelped before grabbing my nose and stepping back. Nash and Jamie were on the floor dying of laughter. I groaned again and whined.

"This isn't funny!"

"Yes, yes it is!" Jamie gasped

"No!" I prostested.

Ian walked over to me and opened the door effortlessly.

"Ryan," He said with a chuckle. "It helps if you push a door that says push, not pull it towards you."

Nash and Jamie laughed even harder. By the time those two calmed down their faces were covered in tears and both were about as red as a tomatoe. I walked out of the door feeling flushed and laughed.

"Oh my gosh, Ryan." Nash said. "Read."

"I dont read!" I whined loudly.

"Oh, we know." Nash chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked onto the tour bus. Cameron was asleep on the bunk above mine. Although, it's very quiet when he's asleep, that was Nash's bunk. And let me tell ya, Nash hates it when people sleep in his bunk. The last time that happened it was two years ago. We had just started Hot Chelle Rae, and I fell asleep in his bed. I woke up the next morning with a very inappropriate picture on my forehead. I got him back the next day by destringing his guitar which wasnt my smartest move either.. I learned that the hard way.

"Hey Ryan?"

"Yeah?" I turned to the person who spoke, which was Jamie. "What's up babybro?"

"Morgan called again." He frowned. He took a seat on the couch and looked down at his phone. "Ever since you two broke up, she wont stop calling me.. And texting me, and leaving me really mean voicemails."

I took a seat next to him. My eyebrows creased then my lips pursed into a straight line.

"Jamie," I said. "Next time she calls, give the phone to me." I must've been a psychic because at that exact moment, his phone went off. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID.


Jamie looked at me then at his phone then back at me with a panicked look. I slid the green bar across the screen, placing the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I breathed before a frown overcame my face.

Here we go again..

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