Chapter 14

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Just wanted to say a quick thank you so much for all of the support on this book! I'd make a dedication but there's only one slot, but so many people. So, I'm just going to name some here.

Thanks to everyone but mostly these people. Every time I get online I always see a notification or inbox (or get a text if you know me personally) from these people; KattyKatty, NYCLovers, ClickClackShimmer, Parmoreforever, BYEhaley0469 (sorry if I got the numbers wrong, I suck with remembering them! Haha!), TemiiDee, Rockyewrworld, Macingeveryday, MusicLuvah uhm.. There's just so many of you! I just wanted to let you know that ily all and you're beautiful inside and out. :)



I read the note once more to make sure my eyes weren't playing games with me, pinched my arm about two dozen times, and squealed to myself silently. I put the card back down and looked around once more. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out.

Ryan: I'm on my way, sorry! Jamie got his hair stuck in a blow dryer.

I laughed at the text then sat down at the table. I wanted to wait for Ryan before I started to eat. Knowing me, if I didnt wait, I'd eat everything on this table, leaving him with just the napkin. I heard the door open a few moments later and a very out of breath Ryan sat down in front of me.

"Hey!" He said with a smile. He exhaled heavily before taking a sip of his water. "Sorry, Jamie was blow drying his hair and it somehow got stuck in it."

I laughed again then nodded. "It's okay. What's all of this for?" I asked, pointing around.

"Oh! Well, since it is your last day here, might as well make it memorable, eh?"

I smiled at him then blushed. "It means a lot, Ryan. It really does. Thank you."

"Oh, and you're not taking a plane anymore." He said cooly.

"What?" I asked.

"You're taking a train! It's much safer, slower yes, but safer. Plus, it's only Saturday so you'll be there by late Sunday evening."

"You and your paranoia of planes, Ry." I giggled. He just smiled and shrugged slowly.

I took a bite of the food and began to eat. Ryan followed suit. We sat and ate quietly, and blissfully. It wasn't because it was my last day, and no one knew what to say. No. It was because it was my last day, and neither one of us wanted to ruin the moment. We finished eating about twenty minutes later. I picked up the roses and the card as he led me back out to his ear, opening the passenger door for me.

"Everyone else will meet us there!" He said as he hopped into the car. We started rolling down the street and eventually onto the highway. I rolled my window down and stuck my hand out of it, making wave like motions in the wind. I giggled a bit before realizing how short the ride was, and how quickly we got to the train station. I frowned slightly as the car parked. I stepped out out of the car. Ryan went inside and brought out a trolly and helped put all of my bags on it. I wrapped an arm around his waist as his arm wrapped around my shoulders and we walked inside. We tried pushing the trolly, but instantly found it hard. The cart was heavy and hard to handle with one arm on each person.

"No! It's turning!" I yelled laughing. Ryan laughed and almost tipped the thing over.

"No!" He shouted with a laugh. I laughed even harder then let go of his waist and steadied the car. We laughed until we got a hang of it. I already rhad my ticket, so we just had to go to the platform. I grabbed my bags and headed over to where the boys and Maggie were. Nash was the first one up, grabbing me in a tight yet gently hug. I hugged back and smiled.

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